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Prince Harry Told To Leave Meghan Markle In America

Clearly, she is not wanting back under any circumstances. There’s a new report that says Prince Harry has been warned to leave his wife Meghan Markle in America should he decide to move back to the UK.

While it would certainly be hard to leave your wife and the woman that you love in another country, Brits clearly don’t want her to come back at all. Keep reading below for everything you need to know.

Royal Family News – Prince Harry Told To Leave Meghan Markle In America

According to a new report, Prince Harry has been warmed against bringing Meghan Markle back to UK soil. It’s a grave warning that the Duke of Sussex has been told to take rather seriously.

Prince Harry Told To Leave Meghan Markle In America

At least, that’s what royal commentator Richard Fitzwilliams writes in his new column for the Daily Mail. While Harry would perhaps be welcomed back with open arms, the same can’t be said about Meghan.

Fitzwilliams put it this way, Harry’s visit wasn’t insincere in terms of wanting to see his family, but it’s absolutely out of the question they could resume royal duties while members of the royal family don’t trust them because of the way they have behaved.”

Royal Family News – What’s Next For The Sussexes?

The royal expert continued, “Just hypothetically, assume the situation was such that the royal family felt they could do with a bit of help if Harry, by one reason or another, did undertake duties: it would become a strange circus because the world’s media would be covering it.

“Harry’s visit wasn’t insincere in terms of wanting to see his family, but it’s absolutely out of the question they could resume royal duties while members of the royal family don’t trust them because of the way they have behaved.”

He then added, “Harry will come back, I’m sure, to see his father. That’s different. Whether he comes with Meghan, it might be best not to.”

So far Prince Harry has made no comments about his future plans and whether or not he will return to the UK full-time.

Tell us, what do you think of this story? Drop us a line in our comments section below with your thoughts. 

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  1. Michele DeHaan says

    I hope Harry goes back with his children to see his father. He will be sorry if something happens to King Charles and he didn’t take his children to see him. I’m certain Harry is capable of taking his children to see their Grandfather.

    1. Louise says

      I think he should go and take his kids as the King requested that he would like to see them. He should divorce Meghan.

  2. SAM2 says

    A reality check is seriously needed for Harry/Meg. Need money? Cut your expenses, especially housing and designer clothes. Using a title comes with responsibility. Their children need to be UK based for their heritage.
    The Susexxes have it all backwards. Meg isn’t very likeable…U.S. or U.K. Time to mature.

  3. Mercy B Walters says

    I believe that it’s a universal opinion that Markle be not allowed to go back to the UK.It has been proven that she intimidated Prince Harry to go against Royal protocol. These protocols have been religiously observed and followed for centuries. For example, she mocked doing curtsy to the Queen ( Elizabeth). That protocol is a no brainier.
    More serious, the trust is gone. They can’t be trusted period.
    All evidence indicates that allowing Markle back in the UK is not in the best interest of the Royal family and the country.. she should be banned forever.

  4. Terry says

    First, Prince Epstein Andrew needs to be kicked out, hidden behind the Royal Curtain, ASAP. It is ridiculous and disgusting this Firm keeps Ripping Harry to Shreds when his older brother is allowed out to walk to church.
    The. How Evil is The King? Attempting to keep Harry and his Babies from visiting his Dad? And William turned into his Father, Having an affair with his wife’s best Friend? Another man who has no ethics for the Throne or his Wife. Karma has arrived on their doorsteps. They all need to ask Harry for forgiveness ASAP. He is the only one who may be able to save their pathetic Royalty. They complain 24/ hours a day about Megan; what about Kate’s Mother changing her university to align with William? Shane on all of them. Restore Harry’s security ASAP. Have William split his money from the papers. The Royals are an embarrassment, complete of evil, and themselves.

    1. Susan says

      This petty bickering is ridiculous. They all should be able to act like adults instead of little children bickering with each other. That is really uncalled for. Grow up all of you and start acting like you’re married to the person you married. Blah blah blah it needs to stop. Everyone around the world sees all of this bickering and it’s plain stupid. Everyone around the world. She’s your stupidness bickering with each other. You got married to a person you’re married to it’s supposed to be life isn’t that what Marriage is supposed to be.

  5. Thurston says

    A long distance relationship can work especially since the adults are so busy with unrelated activities. Harry needs to help his father. Charles has a serious type of cancer with a short term life span.

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