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Prince Harry Was Snubbed By Entire Family, Given Taste of His Own Medicine

Prince Harry Was Snubbed By Entire Family, Given Taste of His Own MedicineBritish royal family news reveals that today Prince Harry is learning the meaning of the phrase ‘actions have consequences.’

He is in London for the 10th anniversary of the Invictus Games and he is all by his lonesome. His wife Meghan Markle didn’t bother to accompany him, and the family he’s tortured for four years want nothing to do with him.

The Daily Mail reported that Harry expected to see King Charles, who is undergoing cancer treatment, but that didn’t pan out. Make no mistake, royalists are placing the blame for the estrangement fully on Harry.

One commentator posted “His betrayal to family, friends, crown and country aside…one cannot deny that he looks absolutely delighted without his missus superglued to his side. If we didn’t know better, you’d think he was genuinely happy. The difference when he is with her and then without her is night and day.”

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Instead of being welcomed by his family, Harry will have to make do with spending time with “city financier Guy Monson.”

Royal pundit Richard Fitzwilliams noted “This, whatever the logistics, will be widely perceived as a snub. This is one of the most public rifts in the world. If it was handled in private without so much press speculation, it would have a better chance of being resolved.”

Royal expert Michael Cole doubled down on this sentiment saying “It is quite a snub. For the King to not see his younger son, Prince Harry, although the two men will be only two miles apart tomorrow afternoon, gives an indication of the depth of the divide.”

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He added that Harry “is not welcome … In royal terms, this is big medicine … There can be no mistake: this is a royal flea in the ear for the fifth in line to the throne.”

Monson was present when Harry and Prince William unveiled a statue of their late mother Diana in 2021 at Kensington Palace. That was the last time that Harry and William had a joint engagement together.

After this engagement Harry and Meghan will tour Nigeria at the government’s invitation.
Be sure to catch up on everything happening with the royal family. Come back here often for royal family news and updates.

Editorial credit: ACHPF /

1 Comment
  1. Debby says

    They trash the RF. Then try to act like royals on a tour. You can’t have both ways. Phoney’s & Grifters

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