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Queen Camilla Forbidding King Charles From Allowing Prince Harry Back Into The Firm

If there’s one person who is supposedly stopping Prince Harry from re-entering the firm, you better believe that it’s Queen Camilla.

There’s a new report that suggests it’s Camilla Parker Bowles who is discouraging her husband King Charles from repairing his longstanding feud with his son, Prince Harry.

That’s because she still can’t get over everything that Harry had said about her in his book, Spare. Here’s what you need to know.

Queen Camilla – Forbidding King Charles From Allowing Prince Harry Back Into The Firm

According to the Daily Beast, King Charles and his son Prince Harry are not communicating with one another, and Queen Camilla might have something to do with it.

Queen Camilla Forbidding King Charles From Allowing Prince Harry Back Into The Firm

Apparently, she’s the one who is standing in the way of a reconciliation between father and son and she has a good reason for it.

In his tell-all book, Spare, Prince Harry told the world that before King Charles had married Camilla Parker Bowles, he was genuinely worried that she would become his evil stepmother.

While that might not have happened, he also said that Camilla was the king of person who would leave dead bodies on the street while she was climbing her way to the top of the royal family.

Camilla certainly didn’t appreciate her stepson telling the world about this supposed behavior and that’s why she’s doing everything she can to keep him at arm’s bay.

Royal Family News – Queen Camilla Has The Upper Hand

For King Charles, he obviously feels stuck in the middle. He hates it that he feels like he must choose between his wife and his son, but that’s the situation he’s been put in. As much as he doesn’t want to upset his wife, he also wants to repair things between himself and his son.

So far Kensington Palace has not made any comments about the matter, although at this point it’s doubtful anything will be said. Watch this space as we have a feeling there is so much more to come.

Tell us, what do you think of this story? Let us know in the comments section below. Be sure to catch up on everything happening with the royal family. Come back here often for royal family news and updates.

Editorial credit: brackish_nz /

  1. Robin C says

    The sort of man chooses his mistress/wife over his own son does not deserve respect or to be king!!!

    1. Kaykay says

      You are so right she is the reason his mother is not queen and broken up a happy home the evil stepmother she is

  2. John Lingenfelter says

    She needs to BACK OFF.
    Charles is the King. Not her!
    Also, a father has a full right to reconcile with a son when there has been a disruption in his family. It is Charles and Harry’s right.
    Charles is reconciling with Andrew.
    He needs to let Camilla he is a father first, King to his people, and she is a non ruling Queen!

    1. Matilda Flippo says

      So true. She needs to back off and let the King reconcile with his son.

    2. Nancy Jenkins says

      I so totally AGREE! Camilla has run King Charles life for many, many years. He is spineless in dealing with Camilla in regard to his family. If King Charles brings “his” son back into the fold, as it should be”, what is Camilla going to do, leave him? She wants her children smack in the middle of things. Harry is BLOOD, not married in.
      Charles is just “pussy whipped” and won’t put his foot down and make his own decisions. Camilla shouldn’t even be where she is.

  3. Marge gentry says

    Kick HER ass out. No one comes between you and your child.

    1. Jeannie Cass says

      This just proves that “the boys” were right about her.

  4. Cindy says

    He is the king. Who does she think she is? He needs to stop being a wimp and tell her off.

  5. Cynthia Herbst says

    I agree with the 3 above, Charles has every right to repair his relationship with his son. I don’t technically believe Camilla is queen. I believe Elizabeth was not thinking correctly and that she would never have wanted Camilla to be queen.
    I hope Charles makes up with Harry and that Charles stays strong.

  6. Sharon Luis says

    I cannot believe what Camilla is doing to this family now!! Hasn’t she done enough damage. Absolutely no one should come between father and child. King Charles needs to stand up for himself and tell Camilla that he is the ruler and head of the family and wants Harry back in the family fold.

  7. Sandra says

    She is evil. So. Married the same kind of woman
    Harry is in the same situation as his father! They have women that are social climbers! Megan is jealous of the princess Catherine Just like Camel was jealouu of Diane!

  8. Deanna says

    If anyone’s to blame for all the crap that’s been going on between the royal family it’s Queen consort Camellia she started destroying that family many many years ago back when she should have left the future king of England alone after she went with somebody else and he was married. She should have no say in anything when it comes to his Royal Highness Prince Harry and his wife her Royal Highness Megan. She has been pulling Charles and the monarchy down for probably a half a century. And as far as the brothers are concerned his Royal Highness Prince William and his wife her Royal Highness Kate needs to realize and remember they are brothers and that should come above and beyond anything else in the relationship area anyway nothing should come between them especially as much as you all let it come between you the last several years. And if you all would have paid attention to Prince Harry and princess Megan when they tried to talk to you and I guarantee you they did especially Prince Harry from when he was little boy and done something about some of the stuff he wouldn’t have aired a dirty laundry you caused this they want important enough to be worried about because as the book says he was the spare and you never saw him as an important part of your lives or else you wouldn’t have let it all get this far I’ve seen enough hurt enough from both sides to realize this yeah maybe he shouldn’t have lit up the dirty laundry but somebody needed to The Queen knew that when Charles became king which he is King Charles now there was going to be a lot of problems why do you think she stayed on the throne until the day she died to minimize the time so that the damage would be lessened

  9. Christina says

    No woman no matter who they think they are should never and I mean NEVER come between a father and their son or children EVER. Kick this bitch out and grow some alls King Charles you and Harry deserve so much better than this witch!

  10. Diana says

    No women on God’s green earth should ever put a father against his son she is worthy of being a queen she has no morals

  11. Renae says

    She has always been a problem. I can’t believe that she was given the title of queen. She broke up Charles’s marriage and now she wants to separate him from his son. King Charles has NO backbone. Queen Elizabeth should have made William King!

  12. Connie says

    She has his gonads in her purse. He needs to man up and remember he is blood.

  13. Patsy says

    Camilla is ruining the SHOW.. SURPRISED ??
    She just HAD to be a QUEEN…and ruiñ his marriage.didnt she !!!

    Charles has always been…WEAK..and such a disappointment to the Queen..She tried to make him into a man…Nope, he’s not a man !!
    Neither Charles nor Camilla have any respect for family and what being a family stands for..
    CAMILLA showed no respect for Diana’s marriage or her children..!!
    It was all about her and how she could
    manipulate..Charles..from day one to be his QUEEN….ughhh
    ( She thinks we love her so much.. because she finally won Charles )… NOT..
    It just proves they are both selfish..and have no regard for others and have no scruples..

    Wonder Charles feels about Camilla getting all that attention….NOW… ??
    If you remember Charles was jealous of Diana and the attention.. she took from him !!
    The Boys were Diana’s pride and joy. not so much their daddy’s !
    Poor Harry and even William..their father chose Camilla over his boys..
    How could a true father not see their kids needed some counseling..?
    As a mom it infuriates me..
    Diana disfuse the problems..she really did..!


  14. Stella says

    Like whore camilla hasn’t come between him and Dianna to get what she wants. That is his child, she’s just the whore queen, who did any and everything to tear that family apart, but i bet she has her children and grandchildren set up for life. Ugh!

    1. Sherry says

      His CHILD *BETRAYED* him, his entire family and country ………..Harry is a TRAITOR to his country and the monarchy just like Edward and Wallis were, so is Harry and Meghan.

  15. MeMa says

    If Charles was a real king, a real man, a real father with a spine, he’d stand up to not int only his evil wife, but his son William and Kate. If he’s so concerned about a relationship with Harry, Meghan, and his grandchildren he would make more of a effort. He could cross the pond. If Charles can’t show compassion for his son Harry, how can he show it for his country?

  16. Teri says

    King Charles realizes all eyes are on him as Camilla seems to rule the chair. The Drama, betrayal committed by Harry and Rachel Meghan Markle is perhaps her way of getting back through jealousy. King Charles loves his son however, Megan is not done with destruction and monetary gain. Harry loves is dad but his children weigh more then reconciliation.

  17. CC says

    Isn’t she proving Harry correctly by standing in the way of any reconciliation?

  18. Cathy says

    My son’s wife has turned him against me.. hasn’t bothered with me for 7 yrs now…but nothing you can do but love your kidsm but you don’t have to be their punching bag either. I’m not a Camilla fan, I feel if he lets Harry back it’ll start all over again and the sponges will continue to hang the family. Harry just wants free royal money…. I wouldn’t let him back. Plus if you want to reunite with family you don’t give ultimatums.

  19. Anna C says

    I think that if people would read about the Duke and Duchess of Windsor it would clear up a lot about MM and Harry. It’s almost a blue print for what they’ve done. The Queen Mother, and Queen Elizabeth were so worried that this exact thing would happen to one of the children or grandchildren and voila` here we are. I understand that it is hard for Charles to understand what Harry did. This is not a little thing, how could he say such horrible things about almost all of his family. There are obviously some mental heath issues with him. MM could see this and used it to get what she wanted, but you have to understand the media prints a lot of untrue things to stir people up. You need to get both sides of the story. I am not a Camilla fan, but to be fair we don’t know exactly what is going on. I do agree that Harry is Charles’ son and she should keep out of it.

  20. Betty says

    I m sure KC loves his son but he has proven he cannot be trusted. His wife is in the same class as Camille. Their both Wh***,and,all about themselves. If,Harry was allowed back in, he would gather information and take,it back and sell it to the highest,bidder. Don t you think they have done enough damage to both families. I do.

  21. Dawn says

    Camilass planned everything so she could become a Queen thank god I don’t live in England. Charles is a spinless and bal less person. Harry should go too England and demand too talk to his spinless dad. Camilass needs to stay out of it she isn’t Harry’s mum. Hell people maybe Camilass is the one who had Diana killed. I do believe she was killed.

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