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5 Things To Know About The Crown Season 5 New Princess Diana, Elizabeth Debicki

The Crown Season 5: Elizabeth DebickiNetflix The Crown spoilers and updates reveal all eyes are going to be on Elizabeth Debicki for the upcoming seasons 5 and 6 of The Crown, and for a good reason, too. That’s because the 29-year-old actress will be playing Princess Diana in the highly-acclaimed Netflix series. Here are five things to know about this up-and-coming actress.

#1 Aussie Girl At Heart

Elizabeth Debicki was born August 24, 1990, in Paris to a Polish father and an Australian mother of Irish descent. Her parents were both ballet dancers. When she was just a toddler, her family moved to Glen Waverly in Melbourne, Australia. She also has a younger sister and a younger brother.

#2 Her First Big Film was The Great Gatsby

Elizabeth’s breakout role in Hollywood was fellow Aussie Baz Luhrmann’s The Great Gatsby. The director flew her into Los Angeles for her auditions. In 2011, it was announced that she was cast as Jordan Baker in the 2013 film, which also starred Leonardo di Caprio and Tobey Maguire.

#3 She’s Tall – Very Tall

A lot of fans have already said that it will be interesting to see who The Crown will cast as their next Prince Charles, as Elizabeth will most likely tower whatever actor that will be. That’s because the statuesque actress stands at 6 for 3 inches. Princess Diana was 5 foot 11 inches.

#4 She’s Not On Social Media

Even though she is about to get a lot of attention for her role as Princess Diana, it looks like she has something very much in common with the late Princess of Wales: she doesn’t like unnecessary media attention. That might be one of the reasons why she’s not on social media. Elizabeth doesn’t have any active Instagram, Facebook, or Twitter accounts.

#5 She Loves Working With Olivia Colman

Who doesn’t love The Queen, right? Elizabeth recently went on the record to say that she absolutely adores (if not also idolizes) actress Olivia Colman, who plays Queen Elizabeth in The Crown. She told The Guardian in an interview, “It sounds so vague, but it’s just this magic that Olivia does. She’ll be like chat, chat, chat, chat, chat, and then turn around and bang, just smash out this amazing thing.”

Be sure to catch up on everything happening with Nexflix The Crown right now. Come back here often for all the latest The Crown spoilers, news, and updates.

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