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Royal Divorce: Camilla Parker Bowles Giving King Charles Ultimatum

Camilla Parker Bowles is putting her foot down. There’s a new report that suggests the Queen of England is giving her husband, King Charles, a divorce ultimatum.

She is tired of all of the back and forth nonsense between King Charles and the Sussexes along with some other things that have been going on behind closed palace doors. Keep reading below for everything you need to know.

Royal Divorce – Camilla Parker Bowles Giving King Charles Ultimatum

Is Camilla Parker Bowles looking to pull the plug on her royal marriage to King Charles? Maybe.

According to the National Enquirer, Camilla is demanding that her husband ban Prince Harry and Meghan Markle once and for all. In fact, she even calls them an ‘ingrate couple.’ What’s more, she’s supposedly called him a ‘gutless wonder.’

Royal Divorce: Camilla Parker Bowles Giving King Charles Ultimatum

However, as upset as King Charles may be over all of this, he is refusing to cave. He’s waited his entire life to be the King of England and there’s no way that he’s going to allow a royal divorce to happen. At least, not on his watch.

He knows that his legacy would be absolutely tarnished if Queen Camilla decided to pull the plug on their marriage and that’s why he’s doing everything he can to stop it from happening, even if he has to give in to some of his wife’s demands.

Camilla Parker Bowles – Thinks King Charles Needs To Change

So far Buckingham Palace has not made any comments about the matter, but it’s doubtful that anything will be said at this point. As unhappy as Camilla may be, she also knows that she’s waited her entire life to be Queen of England.

She didn’t go through everything that she did in the past just to throw it all away. Yet, her ultimatum stays. Both Charles and Camilla know that changes have to be made, for better or for worse. Watch this space.

Tell us, what do you think of this story? Drop us a line in our comments section below with your thoughts.

Also, don’t forget to come back right here for all the latest news and gossip about all of your favorite British royals, We’ve got you covered.

Editorial credit: Pete Hancock /

  1. noellastober says

    the M & H team have created so many problems for the royals unfortunately and they should just stay away from all of the H & M problems began with Meghan and still exist She gets more press for being a dirty player than anyone in a very long time. She makes this a soap opera and it is extremely annoying Daily there is another problem with them They left the royals and should stay out for good Harry too, that is as he followed his wife with the ring in his nose and still creates problems as the world is fed up with him too Stay away and leave the royals to run their country the way they seem fit and you H & M run your lives the way you do GO AWAY H & M and life the life you wanted from the get go Meghan you are a flop at everything so just go away

    1. Victoria. says

      I disagree. This Royal mess started with Camilla. She could have married Prince Charles. But I’ll say she played hard to get. He moved on to Diana’s sister and she could be discreet. But Camilla, rather than let Dianna and Charles alone, she was always in their bed She didn’t have scruples enough to tell him no and mean it. . She always interfered in this family. She is lucky the boys Harry and William even respect her because of the damage done to their family. I speak from experience. I was once in a similar relationship. He married a “more suitable” partner. But he kept coming back to me. I always turned him away. Thirty years later I’m a widow, had a stroke and had to sell my home. The Christian thing for me to do is not see him. I love him so much my bones ache. But he’s still married. Camilla want to be queen more than she cared about the Dianna and Charles family. So she’s gotten her dream. Deal with it. She will not get a divorce.

    2. Marilyn Regan says

      Exactly. Go away Meghan. I do feel sorry for Harry in a way but he needs to wake up

  2. Patricia says

    Divorce her Charles, like Diana said, she looks like a Rottweiler and her morals are low. Find a nice British woman and marry her.

    1. A gibbs says

      I agree 100%! Camilla is not respected & never will be. Charles isn’t either actually. I think he’s tolerated because he is the king. That debacle they had going on when Diana was his wife will never be forgotten. I say Bye Camilla!!!

    2. Anna says

      I agree !

  3. Carol says

    Charles, dump the Rottweiler, stay single until you can pass the throne to William and Kate. The UK could use a thorough house cleaning. You and your friend with benefits are your country’s biggest embarrassment in history.

    1. Sally says

      Sell said Carol. Tell Camila to dig a hole and fall in.Megan can go in the whole too!! Harry and then children need to come back to them UK an be done with all of his drama!!!

  4. Leslie says

    First of all she has NO right to tell you what to do. How dare she to give you a ultimatum
    You have no right to tell him that they are not allowed to come there. It’s a shame that he is so weak. I guess you wear the pants in that place.

  5. Cathy says

    Must agree with Camilla. Charles needs to kick Sussexes to the curb. Comes a time when you need to let them go. DNA test…titles could be removed.

    1. Debra says

      I agree with Camilla also. Harry trashes his entire family also the very people that has supported him for years, all for a dollar! Meghan makes fun of the royals at every turn, she makes up lies to appear the victim. It’s a trust issue and King Charles should be very leery of them also. They only want back in because Harry has to come up with 2 more books!

  6. Brenda says

    Divorce her King Charles she had torn up your family for years.

  7. D says

    Who does she thinks she is?
    A whinning baby?
    If king charles gives in to her then he is a sad example of a father
    No matter what your children should not be excilled or exculed as family
    What a mess the whole monarchy of englands king and queen was my favorite things to watch but now its a embarrassment

  8. Marita Gower says

    Camilla needs to just shut up, she thinks she has so much power she is NOT a real queen. Either that or go sit down a do you business and leave the King to mind his own kids you have no says so over them.

    1. A Gibbs says


    2. Carol yeatman says

      Camilla isn’t anyone’s queen.she broke up Harry’s family for having affair with his Daddy.she needs to leave his family aalone.
      To the good people of England put ur for down.Harry belongs back into the uk where all his family are his family not camillas.oh n leave Megan not here but in Mexico or somewhere haha
      Love to u guys in England
      Carol Yeatman from usa

    3. Brenda Donellan says

      Damn straight. Leave him alone.

  9. Michelle says

    I think Camilla is wrong for demanding this from King Charles, regardless Prince Harry is his son, boundaries need to be set but excommunicating yourself from your children is not the answer. It was not Megan who wrote that book, it was Harry, he must of had his reasons, even if those do not agree, an olive branch needs to extend out on both sides, Camilla needs to be supported of this instead of creating mayhem with it .

  10. Marie Williams says

    Charles needs to divorce her, he doesn’t tell her she can’t see her children or grandkids, both of them have done wrong, who is she to judge anybody, that is his son, no matter what he has done, he needs to speak up to her.

  11. Teri Lee says

    I say can the shrew! There is nothing radiating from her but rotten tomatoes and wicked witch of the Land.

  12. Judy says

    Divorce her! Your son should be more important than her. Bring Harry back and let Megan stay , she’s a holdover just like Camilla. Kate is also a pain, she is boss and everyone can see it. She controls everything.

  13. Marie callaghan says

    Divorce her! She nothing but trouble for your family . She’s mean and jealous of all your family and she makes a terrible Queen .

  14. Judy Castro says

    I am sick of this Royal Family, Harry is Charles’s son. How dare he let that old witch dictate to him about his children. I am sick of Harry’s brother also, Harry is part of this family, act accordingly people! Stop acting like you are better then everyone else. We all know that is not true.

  15. A Gibbs says

    I’m afraid I am Team Harry all the way. Charles, Camilla, William & Kate treated Harry shabbily. He should not be given ultimatums where his choice of a wife is concerned. King Charles should be the absolute last one to throw shade on ANYONE’s marriage. All 3 of them married commoners who don’t understand the rules of the royals. The ultimatums that these women are giving are wrong. Also nobody has the right to come between Harry & his father. Megan also had no right to take Harry away from his heritage, his birth rite. William treated his brother badly & who cares if Kate likes Megan or not. Perhaps if they had not made Harry feel like a “spare” he would not have aired their dirty laundry. I say they all need to start acting like a family FIRST instead of concentrating so much on being a “Royal”.

  16. GLynell Logan says

    Never. Kick your children to the curb, nor your grandchildren. They are blood….
    Charles should realize that his need for CAMILLA AND YOUR LUST FOR HIMSELF, is not fault of any M and H,
    Nor the children. He must admit his past chosen SINS and repent.
    Just because you are king, does not make you their judge.
    Camilla is wrong to try to rule over your children, she has caused the family to be thinking any separation
    Amongst each other. love covers a multitude of SIN…FORGIVENESS COVERS A MULTITUDE OF SIN…
    Word of God says much about this matters.

  17. Julie says

    King Charles, you need your Son more then that Wife of yours. Get Reid of her. She’s not good for you.
    Prince Harry wants to come Home. Give them there place back the was givin to him By his Grandmother.

  18. Wilma Dear says

    Divorce her. You can’t allow her to tell you

    What to do. She messed up the whole family f
    For years,she is not a queen. You allowed her
    To ruin your life with Diana and the boys once
    Don’t let it happen again. Think about your
    Your son’s and grandkids

  19. T. Jaegel says

    Charles had a true queen in Diana. Intelligent, beautiful, kind. Camilla couldn’t hold a candle to her. Diana loved him & gave him 2 amazing sons. Charles has earned the life he now has with the cheating witch. If she REALLY loved Charles she would have never married another man when Charles was in service. All she’s interested in is being Queen even if she had to use or hurt others to attain it.

  20. Pat Ritchey says

    King Charles III ,
    You are servicing the UK and your fellow men and woman.
    Do want your heart tells you to do. And what would your mother Queen Elizabeth do and
    want done?
    To give M&H children titles has drawn more
    attention to M&H.
    Meghan desire media attention. The more she gets the more she want.To much said says draw negative responses . Leaves broken hearts for you and your family .I wish you peace and happiness.

  21. Sharon says

    Camilla is a gold-digger. How do you try to tear up a family. The King is trying to help his son. He should be there for his sin. That witch is over-stepping her boundaries and just care about herself. Wake up King Charles she does not have your back or providing support to the King to get his family back the way it should be. We welcome the divorce. It’s a new day for royals. They are human too just like we are and will experience the same issues unfortunately. I definitely want Prince Harry back into the family where he should be. All can be forgiven if you love your family.

  22. Pat newmans says

    You see I told you back awhile ago that she was a snake in the Palace she is still trying her best to get rid of King Charles family so She an and her family can take over.

    1. Liz says

      Yes your right he needs to write her off

  23. Alex says

    Those are Charles and Diana’s blood children. He should have the day so but must remember while he (Charles) was out having his affair damaging his Family. Therefore in reality who raised his children The Queen that is why Prince Harry was her favorite. We as parents can not pick and choose our children’s lives and becareful what you demonstrate as a parent because it will come back to haunt you. Therefore, I don’t feel The King should not kick out anyone because no one kicked him out when he was having his affair with Camila. These are not Camilla’s blood Sons. She needs to stay out of family affairs.

  24. Johnnie g. says

    Charles has to man up.She destroyed his marriage with Diana.Now she’s going after the kids Dump her Charles she’s nothing be evil.Be happy with your kid’s and grandchildren

  25. Sonja says

    I’m sorry but let’s just look at it from a parent’s perspective…….is all this worth turning your back on your child?? Absolutely not!! And lord knows who, of all people is she to cast stones and ultimatoms?

  26. Marie says

    As for who or what I may think ,Camilla needs to go back to where she came from! She has no right to be called queen. And she has no RIGHTS to demand King Charles ban his son or his grandchildren. He will set Harry straight on what will done or denied to him and Meghan. Camilla doesn’t have to say a word or be involved with Charles parenting process. She has done enough damage to the royal family already and if she did not want to get involved with Harry and his family and missteps in life ,SHE SHOULD HAVE STAYED AT HOME WITH HER FIRST HUSBAND AND SHUT UP!

  27. Liz says

    Dump that old hag. And let William and Katherine take the throne they deserve it.

  28. Cookie Haas says

    Put her out of the palace. She has been a thorn since she broke up you and Princess Diana. Diana should be the Queen. Camilla is there to get your .money. ship her out. Just imagine what the palace would be like if Diana was there. She is polished and wouldn’t tell you what to do with you family. Also she is racist which is why she doesn’t want Megan there.

  29. Carol says

    So sad life is so short for all the hate in this family do what your law says for you to do I fell sorry for the babies who ever they belong to you never see them not like the rest of the royal children so sad for the UK there world has changed big time not good your world is falling apart

  30. Terri says

    It’s funny a woman who he no shame to sleep
    With a married man. Camilla did you ever think of anyone but yourself? Now you feel you’re in such a position to give demands on the king. You need to stay in your place and leave his children alone. Don’t you see the damage, you helped cause. The blame goes to both You and the king, but you knew he was married and you, yourself was married. Stop blaming Prince Harry and Megan for all the wrong in that family. Don’t anyone see, that Prince Harry was hurt, by what happened to his mother. Maybe if you where not in the picture, Princess Diana would be alive today.

  31. Beryl Lee Sweeney says

    Who does she think she is to meddle in the family. They need to sort their problems out themselves. She has already done harm to the family. She thinks she is the main royal and he is too weak to stand up and be a man. Sick of the lot of them

  32. Patricia Jones says

    I will be praying for the entire Family they need much prayer and forgiveness.God Bless

  33. Kaiema says

    The world See’s and knows whose talking about who. Megan and Prince Harry are enduring all kinds of hurtful innuendo’s from the Royal Families, who are certainly not behaving very Royal. The world love England’s Royals. But we want them to act like nice and stop sling ing mud.

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