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Royal Family Blames Meghan Markle For Prince Harry Rift

Royal family news shows that some viewed Meghan Markle as causing the rift between Prince Harry and his royal relatives. And senior palace officials reportedly agreed. For instance, a royal expert claims that royal aides joked that Harry had become a hostage of Meghan.

Find out what the author of a new book revealed about Prince Harry, Meghan Markle, and the royal family. And learn why Meghan got blamed for the rift. Get all the details below.

Prince Harry Is Meghan Markle’s ‘Hostage,’ Say Palace Aides

Both the royal family and the aides in the palace blame Meghan Markle for Prince Harry’s rift, according to a new book. And the royal expert who authored that book, Robert Jobson, shared that senior palace aides even joked about how Meghan took charge of Harry. From his views to his actions, Harry therefore seemed like Meghan’s hostage, revealed Jobson via the Daily Beast.

In an extract from Jobson’s new book “Our King,” the royal expert reveals that palace insiders also joked that Harry became a “victim of Stockholm syndrome.” And Jobson shared that those insiders feel Meghan should take full responsibility for Harry’s “fallout” with the royal family. However, the royal family reportedly feels that Harry has increasingly “turned his back on everything he has known.”

Royal Family Blames Meghan Markle For Prince Harry Rift

And one senior palace aide shared that the royal family has divided on whether Harry still deserves his title. For instance, some believe that the Duke of Sussex should receive a title change to “Mr. Mountbatten-Windsor of Montecito.” But others reportedly focus on blaming Meghan. And the senior aide described the divide in the family.

“Some blame Meghan Markle for the fallout,” said the palace aide. But the royal employee believes that those who do so ignore “the fact that Harry seems to be the driving force in everything that happened. There was a point when officials joked Harry was the victim of Stockholm syndrome,” added the aide. “And he was Meghan’s hostage, but now most just feel Harry has turned his back on everything he has known.”

King Charles Feels Sad About ‘Widening Gulf’ With Prince Harry

However, amid the shade for Meghan and Harry, King Charles possesses “enduring love for his son,” shared Jobson. And the King also wants to let Harry hold onto his title. But Charles struggles with the rift. 

Jobson described how Charles longs to see more of his grandchildren. Meghan and Harry have two kids, Archie and Lilibet. And King Charles rarely sees the youngsters. However, Charles also reportedly “infuriated” Harry when Charles said he could not give Meghan funds.

Meanwhile, Jobson also offered a look back at Harry’s relationship with Queen Elizabeth before and after her death. For instance, Harry wanted Meghan to go with him to Scotland the day of Queen Elizabeth’s death. But that request “did not go down well with the family,” said senior palace sources. And the royal family felt “shocked by his behavior.”

Jobson also offered some other tidbits in the book. For instance, the royal expert described Kate Middleton as troubled at needing to do the Windsor walkabout after the queen’s death with Harry and Meghan. And before her death, Queen Elizabeth reportedly viewed Harry and Meghan as “quite mad.” However, the queen tried to give Markle advice, telling her to become friends with Prince Edward’s wife Sophie. But Markle reacted with three words. “I’ve got Harry,” said Meghan.

Tell us what you think. Do you believe that Meghan Markle should take responsibility for Prince Harry’s rift with the royal family? And after you share your views, check back on our site for more royal family news.


  1. Tracy says

    I am wondering, was Kate by Prince Williams side after the Queen died? I would think that’s the proper place for a wife. Maybe that’s why Megan wanted to be by Harry’s side. For emotional support.

  2. Dolly Mac says

    Absolutely. She went after Harry like a dig after a bone. There were earlier stories that she had her bedroom decorated like a princess. She studied up on Princess Diana and who she was and what she represented. It was a script for her and she learned it well. She mimicked Diana when she was so depressed and having difficulties and then all of a sudden she was suicidal. She is a very dangerous woman in my opinion. She will do, say anything and she is crafty and saves tidbits, changes it to her benefit and then uses. Harry is a lost cause. The sooner King Charles realizes it, the better it will be for him.

  3. Leticia parker says

    I think that Harry is a grown man and he has found his own happiness in Megan and their beautiful family they’ve started. People are busybodies and full of themselves thinking that what they say about someone else’s life even matters. Maybe if they concentrated on their own lives they wouldn’t be so bitter.

  4. noellastober says

    Unfortunately for Meghan I do not even have to read the article She is the blame for causing the chaos and ugliness between the royals. She went into this relationship with a chip on her shoulder that she knew it all. She was totally wrong and expected everything she wanted she would get. From the Queen on down, she did not and would have had to earn her way to anything. She is jealous of the royals , who have learned and earned everything they had and have. Now she wants to be accepted right back into the fold as if nothing ever happened. She is a dreamer and now a broke dreamer because it all turns out there is nothing for either of them. She screwed up royally and oh well, the world does not feel sorry for her

  5. Lilea says

    Maybe because she made him see how stupid the whole Royal thing really is. Bow and curtsy to them, WHAT? Is this year 1700? millions of dollars to support them and their castles and servants. Then the tabloids will say how hard they work. Doing what exactly? Showing up at places to get pics of them talking to the ‘ordinary’ people, acting like they care about them. It’s all so outdated and ridiculous!

  6. Terri says

    Meghan is responsible for the rift. Look at her own family dynamics.
    She says she is an advocate for women, yet she is constantly whining and crumpled on the floor crying about one thing or another. A strong man takes a bull by the horns and carries on.
    We all have issues with our in-laws. However, I would NEVER advertise private issues to the world. That is the behavior of a spoiled child. She and Henrietta both need counseling.

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