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Royal Family Fans Fed Up With Prince Harry

British royal family news reveals that royal fans are plain unhappy about Prince Harry’s ongoing disses of the monarchy. According to one royal watcher royal fans and experts alike are not having his bizarre, disjointed rants about his family and his ongoing preachy diatribes about everything he dislikes about the world at large.

Daily Mirror royal editor Russell Myers recently talked about Harry’s behavior on the Pod Save the Queen podcast. Keep reading to discover what he had to say about how Harry is being perceived after a string of inflammatory interviews.

Why Is Prince Harry So Angry?

Myers said this about Harry’s loose lips: “It’s undoubtedly made [relations] worse. The family will be very nervous about him talking, and I think that’s been widely said.”

Harry has not shied away from revealing his innermost thoughts, including how he is the example of bad parenting. The irony of him using himself as an example of inferior child-rearing is priceless, yet Harry seems not to be in on the joke.

He has whined most ungraciously about his dad Prince Charles and grandmother Queen Elizabeth not knowing how to parent, and claims his dad passed onto him, “genetic pain and suffering.” Quote, unquote.

Royal Family News – Prince Harry Is A Loose Cannon?

With tales like this, it is understandable that his family is concerned about what he says next. Harry seems not to have a filter nor a sense of loyalty when it comes to his family and his life. Does he not see how words affect others, especially when they are lobbed in anger in a very public display of petulance?

According to Myers, “My understanding is if he keeps speaking about the issues with his family and feeling trapped, I think they find it all very, very unfair.”

What Will Come Next Out Of Prince Harry’s Open Mouth?

Harry has not let it go at talking about his own miserable life, he has dragged his family into his mud as well. At one point he bleated to Oprah Winfrey that his brother Prince William and father Prince Charles are “trapped” in the monarchy, making them sound like clueless sheep.

About comments like this Myers notes, “How much more can he do it? Will there be an appetite for him to keep on criticizing his family in that way – certainly when he’s got to face them?”

Only Hollywood Harry knows the answer to that.

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  1. Mary Malone says

    Harry needs to quit whining. Don't blame it on bad parenting from your dad, well you are talking about your mother also, she raised you until her passing.If the Queen doesn't take away his title and don't let him have a royal life when he wants it. Meghan is coaching him how to talk and he's gone overboard. Everyone knows Harry is not a baby so stop the rants. Your mother would be so hurt if she saw you being so disrespectal. Meghan threw her family away and now she's brainwashing him to leave his family. I hope he doesn't attend the memorial. Why is Harry so cocky because he has his money hungry wife. People you invited to your weffing said they didn't know who Harry and just wanted to go to a beautiful wedding. It won't be long before everyone drops them. Harry was wild and you can't blame the parent, he didn't make you drink, naked, wearing Nazi clothes. You are crying your daddy cut you off. How old are you? You had a job and you left. We hope you don't come back and ruin the family occasion. You know Meghan is going to stay at home and use the babies as an excuse. She knows she would not be welcomed Both of you go and get help and then talk about if you want but you don't need to lie. Please for America go back to Africa like you wanted to, Canada doesn't want you. Harry, I need money could you please help me? That's what he said, they cut me off. Please take the Duke and Duchess' title. They are not worthy. How many times do you have to do whatever you want. It's sad.

  2. Jezz says

    Again Harry with his contradictions or one of his personalities talking, which the other won't remember. We have seen now Angry Harry, Parental Abused Harry, Harry The Media Dictator, Harry The Mental Health Advisor, Harry Eco Dictator/Advisor, Harry The Authority On UK Racism, and Harry The Ruthless, who has no concern for the elderly dying grandfather or his grieving grandmother and finally we have Harry I'm A Good Guy, this is the one we see less frequently, the one who hands out free sandwiches and names the kid after the grandmother he has just spent months discrediting and abusing. Oh, forgot one, Harry The Raging Hypocrite, that's the one this article relates to because Harry, despite his claims has used his own child for media attention and permitted his wife to use himself and child to peddle her book. I fail to see how a couple both incapable of achieving a reasonable cordial relationship with either sides of their family can criticize their parents because I don't see them setting any good, healthy family relationships examples for their own children when they are not self controlled or adult enough to behave in a reasonable and rational fashion. Harry changes his his personalities more than he changes his clothes. It's like he's just throwing each one out there to see what sticks, which of his personalities he can get everyone to follow and obviously he wants us all to follow one which will harm his family and it's reputation.

  3. Guest says

    I think all his talk just shows he has already cracked

  4. M. Payton says

    From the way he keeps ranting and not knowing one thing after another makes me wonder if he is still on drugs maybe behind Meghan's back for druggies have very secret ways of hiding this stash. How do I know this, from a *former* member of my family who was dished a ton of tough love. Eventually it will come out as it always does with those that do drugs.

  5. M. Payton says

    That is a very insightful comment and gives pause to think that maybe Harry has a personality disorder which is a mental health issue. He could be saying things in one person and not telling the other person …double personalities.

  6. Guest says

    Disown him. He has nothing good to say about his family. Give him and Meghan what they ask for their freedom. Let them make their own way. Tough love that is how a lot of us had to grow up and make something of ourselves.

  7. Jezz says

    It certainly feels like it to me with all these contradictions. He slams his family about parenting. He put a vicious interview before the concern of his dying grandfather and distraught grandmother and in the next breath acts like he did nothing wrong and uses the grandfather's pet name for his grandmother for his child, talk about adding insult to injury! I can only think it's a split personality because his actions don't make sense. I feel sorry for his family especially Charles and William because he definitely resents both of them and would love to destroy their future.

  8. M. Payton says

    The thing is that no one on this earth has a choice when born who their parents are going to be or anything else for that matter. Harry is showing how much he hates the family he was born into so it would be best for all of them including Harry is he just went about his business and let them alone. Yet he needs that connection of being a royal prince to make the media and money he needs to live like a billionaire. He is so 2 faced it is sad for the royal family. I feel so sorry for HM and Charles and William and the entire royal family that he has tried to tear down….the royal family will survive and this will be a tiny blimp in the scheme of things and they will go on yet Harry and Meghan will be forgotten in time and even if mentioned they will not come out of this as respected and loyal members of the BRF. Yes the name they used is a deliberate insult to HM . To think that Harry to get attention and money had to bad mouth his grandmother of 90 while she is griefing the loss of her husband, his grandfather….Oh Karma needs to bit him big time and soon..

  9. Jezz says

    He is acting like such a victim, with no acknowledgment that he might also have played his part, let's face it he's not going to win son, grandson or brother of the year award. I can understand his family want to keep the door open for a family member but the public don't need to have to endure him. He should be treated the same as Andrew, kept out of anything to do with the royal families service to it's people.

  10. Guest says

    Harry has turned into a moocher since marrying the little twit, so Harry go home!

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