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Royal Family News: Camilla Parkr Bowles’ Bond With Kate Middleton Puts Meghan Markle to Shame

Royal Family News: Camilla Collaborated With Kate Middleton The Way She Never Did With Meghan MarkleCamilla, Duchess of Cornwall recently collaborated with Kate Middleton in a way that she never has with Meghan Markle.

This brings to mind the difference between the relationship the future Queen Consort has with her stepdaughter and the one she currently has with Meghan. Continue reading and we’ll fill you in on the details.

Royal Family News – Are Charles, Camilla, Kate, And William The New ‘Fab Four?’

It was discovered on Tuesday that Camilla and her stepdaughter took part in a chummy photography session at the duchess’ country retreat ahead of her 75th birthday, per Newsweek. Kate stood behind the camera for the session to capture an official portrait of Camilla.

This comes as royal watchers have remarked on the closeness of Kate, Prince William, Charles, and Camilla. Some are saying that this closeness seems to suggest that Prince Charles and his wife have replaced the Sussexes to form a new “fab four” clique.

Royal Family News – Will Meghan and Camilla Ever Be Close Again?

Royal author and commentator Katie Nichol reportedly told GB News of Kate and Camilla, “They are very close. We were sitting here talking about the ‘fab four’ last time and of course, that was Harry and Meghan and William and Kate, now I think we talk about a very different ‘fab four’ and we’re talking about Charles and Camilla and William and Kate.”

It’s notable that Kate and Meghan didn’t appear to have any interaction during the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee celebrations in June. It was Meghan’s first public appearance in the UK since the Sussexes stepped down as working royals in 2020 and subsequently gave their explosive Oprah interview. Speculation now grows, according to Newsweek, that the pair might never come back together.

Royal Family News – Signs of Strong Bond Between Kate and Camilla

Camilla and Kate have developed a strong relationship over a number of years. When William and Kate got married in 2011, Camilla gave Kate a touching gold link bracelet with a single gold charm. One side displayed a ‘C’ crowned with a coronet belonging to Kate and, on the other side, another ‘C’ with a coronet belonging to Camilla.

It’s worth noting that Kate has frequently worn this bracelet in public suggesting a fondness or, at the very least, great respect for her mother-in-law. Though Camilla and Kate have rarely commented on each other publicly they have often been seen to greet each other warmly and Kate even undertook a solo engagement with the Duke and Duchess of Cornwall in February 2022. Be sure to stay up to date on all things royal and return here often for more news and updates.

Editorial credit: ComposedPix /

1 Comment
  1. Linda says

    Really? Camilla and Kate are soooo close now Golly gee I wonder why? Let’s keep picking on Meghan because it takes the hate off Camilla. Meghan didn’t break up a marriage, didn’t sleep with someone elses husband, I’m sure that will be the next Big headlines for Meghan. Meghan did not cause Diana’s death..Camilla and Charles did. And you’re all falling into the trap of “hey look over here” wise up and report the truth if you feel compelled to keep kicking an old junky story around.
    Why are so many “reporters” falling into the rifraf trap? Because it is being fed to you by The Firm.
    You should be smarter than that…Stop It Already.!!!

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