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Royal Family News: Prince Harry And Meghan Oprah Interview Part Of Larger Plan To Conquer The World?

 Prince Harry And Meghan, OprahBritish royal family news divulges that Prince Harry, Duke Of Sussex and Meghan Markle were caught out this weekend grossly polluting the environment that Harry professes to love, just days after his carefree jaunt around LA with James Corden and days before they and Oprah make history.

Why so sad, though? The pair looked anything but delighted as they drove the huge gas guzzler around Santa Barbara; maybe the Prius is in the shop?

Meghan Thee Duchess’ mother Doria was along for the ride, too. For the record, Harry was driving so he must have gotten lessons on which side of the road Americans drive on. He’s certainly gotten lessons on how to be a celeb and wave your swagger all over town.

Royal Family News – Oprah And The Markle’s Are Set To Make History got the snaps while the fam was out for a Sunday drive. Next Sunday they will splash themselves all over the airwaves with their benefactor Oprah Winfrey. Initially a 90 minute interview, the blockbuster has been extended to two hours. Why the bloat?

According to PR guru Mark Borkowski, the CBS interview stands to help boost the career and fortunes of both parties. In particular it could help the couple take America by storm and rejuvenate Oprah’s career outside the US.

He thinks that this one-off interview could even be part of a larger plan to conquer the world.

Royal Family News – Oprah Needs Rejuvenation?

Mark told MailOnline, “If they could build a partnership with Oprah this could be a huge step in boosting their profile in the US. Oprah is one of the biggest stars in the US but her profile is not what it was in the UK and Europe ten years ago.”

But it’s dicey for Oprah because as he says, “she can’t give the couple a ‘free ride’ or risk her reputation as an interviewer taking a battering.”

About the 30 minute extension to the show he said, “They’ve either got something big or are milking it.”

That sounds about right. Harry and Meghan, and Oprah for that matter, have never been shy about squeezing the turnip for one last drop of blood.

And there is evidence to support Borkowski’s claim of a mutually beneficial, long-term arrangement between the Markle’s and Oprah.

In December Oprah promoted Meghan Markle’s new vegan coffee line to her nearly 20 million Instagram followers and experts claimed her pitch netted Me-Again at least $1million plus invaluable free publicity.

Of course there’s no guarantee the public will lap up the Markle’s like they lapped up the lattes.

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  1. Guest says

    For someone who wants to raise her child in privacy and have a home life that is secluded, she surely makes sure that she is in the news! She is as fake as a three dollar bill!

  2. Guest says

    Trying on. My nerves!

  3. Guest says

    They are grifters and complain about Privacy, but do everything Megan plans behind the scenes to draw in tons of attention to herself.
    This whole scenario is, set it up, draw attention, get attention, then complain to anyone who will listen!

  4. Guest says

    Spoiled brats and he is so stupid for letting her ruin his life.

  5. Guest says

    iTs all about herself and no one else.

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