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Royal Family News: Queen Elizabeth Being Pressured To Get COVID Vaccine To Show It’s Safe To Do?

Queen Elizabeth British royal family news reveals that United Kingdom’s Queen Elizabeth has always set a good example for the nation, so will she do so once again by being among the first to take the coronavirus vaccine? Her Majesty is being urged to get a shot in order to let Britons, “know it’s safe,” to do so.

Coronavirus has invaded the lives of her loved ones this year with her two successors being infected in spring. Both Prince Charles and Prince William are reported to have been ill with COVID and thus far both Queen Elizabeth, 94-years old, and her husband Prince Philip, 99-years old, are in a high risk age group to contract the virus.

They are also both on the priority list to be given the approved Pfizer/BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine, behind older residents in care homes and their carers. Now Royal Rota hosts Chris Ship and Lizzie Robinson are speculating on the queen and the vaccine.

If The Queen Takes The Vaccine Will She Make It Public Knowledge?

Ship said, “One wonders what will happen to the Queen and the Duke of Edinburgh. We don’t know, but they’re in the age group where they would be in the second tier of people who get the vaccine.”

“But many people are saying in order for people to have a vaccine it might be very helpful if it were to be known the Queen herself had taken one to let everybody know it’s safe, for example.”

To this Robinson replied, “Normally we don’t get to hear about private medical things to do with the Royal Family but you never know.”

Ship then said, “It’s under consideration at the palace whether to make that kind of thing public but really it’s down to the Queen to decide whether she wants to share that very personal information.”

Will The Queen Want To Tell The World She Has Taken The COVID Vaccine?

It has even been speculated that Prime Minister Boris Johnson might take a COVID-19 vaccination on television. Johnson himself was infected with the virus this spring and had serious symptoms unlike Princes Charles and William.

Johnson was in intensive care and has hailed the UK’s approval of Pfizer’s vaccine.

Still, the UK’s leaders tread a thin line as they cannot be perceived to jumping ahead of others in line for the shot. When asked if the prime minister would take the shot live on television, his press secretary said, “I don’t think it would be something he would rule out.”

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1 Comment
  1. dustycat says

    No ,its not been tested long enough ,we dont know what the long term is ,could take years ,so know .

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