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Royal Family News: The Queen’s Granddaughter Lady Louise Gets Stunning News

Royal Family News: The Queen's Granddaughter Lady Louise Gets Stunning News, Off To This College In FallBritish royal family news divulges good news for Queen Elizabeth’s granddaughter Lady Louise Windsor, the daughter of her youngest son Edward and his wife Sophie.

Buckingham Palace confirmed that the teen has earned a place at St. Andrews University after receiving her A-level results today. It was not reported what subjects she took at A-level or what grades she earned.

The 18-year-old is set to study English at the Scottish university.

Royal Family News – Lady Louise Is Going to St. Andrews

Lady Louise studied AS level English, History, Politics and Drama in high school. By going to St. Andrew’s, she will carry on the tradition of William and Kate the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge; Kate studied history of art, and William studied geography. The couple famously met and fell in love while undergrads.

Louise was one of thousands of students affected when the AS-level exams were cancelled in 2021. Now, “Tens of thousands of Britain’s students were today battling for a university place through Clearing – after the A-level grades they received were down on the past two years, but remained higher than pre-pandemic levels.”

According to the Daily Mail, over 20,000 UK students found out today that they were unplaced. They are now eligible for Clearing, based on their exam results. “This total was up by 46 per cent on the 2021 figure of 13,930 – when students were assessed by teachers – but down on the last pre-pandemic figure of 24,260 in 2019.”

Royal Family News – Lady Louise Is Fortunate

Unlike some 20,000 pupils, Lady Louise secured her place and start at St. Andrews in fall.

Just as she goes off to college, the talented teen was taking on an increasingly public role within the Royal Family. She was on the balcony for this year’s rendition of Trooping the Colour which occurred during the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee in June.

And, Lady Louise recently joined her parents and her younger brother James, Viscount Severn, at the Commonwealth Games in Birmingham.

Royal Family News – Lady Louise Is A Keen Equestrian

While at St. Andrew’s, William and Kate both lived in the St. Salvator dorm. The couple went public with their relationship just before they graduated and this year they celebrated their 11 year wedding anniversary.

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1 Comment
  1. Prf.isle.R says

    I really think Lady Louise is one to watch. She appears to be a bright, level-headed young lady. I greatly admire her mother the Countess of Wessex and think she sets a fine example for her daughter. I think it’s admirable that Edward and Sophie are raising their children with the knowledge that they will be expected to work for a living. Her mother was a professional when she met Edward and even Edward himself has had more real world work experience than any of his siblings. I am not implying that working for The Firm is not a real job as I think the Queen and Prince Philip set excellent examples of the responsibilities of the job. It’s just practical and obvious that Prince Charles idea of a streamlined, trimmed down monarchy is a smart move and is in the fairly near future of the monarchy.
    Just a side note, I’d like to point out that there was never even a hint of a complaint about their children’s titles not being that of Prince and Princess. That of course is in contrast to Mr. and Mrs. Markle’s whinging about Archie not being a Prince. Which when researched, has nothing to do with the level of security as the Markle’s would like us to believe. That is just their way of making the taxpayers buy into their greed. They are now basically VERY wealthy American celebrities and just like all the other wealthy American celebrities they can and should pay for their own security regardless of what side of the pond they are on. As an ordinary person I’d like to explain to them that they have two lovely, healthy children and more than enough money to take care of their family’s needs. What’s really important in life is that. All the money in the world can’t guarantee you even one healthy child, much less two. The added bonus of being (ridiculously) well-off enough to care for them is a blessing. It is so much more than so many others around the world have. They need to gain some perspective, humility and learn to be grateful for their enormous blessings.

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