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The Young and the Restless Day Ahead Spoilers Thursday, October 25: Jack Confesses To Shredding, Abbott Family At War

The Young and the Restless (Y&R) begins today with Abby (Melissa Ordway) tell her mom, Ashley (Eileen Davidson) that her mother, Dina (Marla Adams) really did love her; but Ashley has doubts and they bicker whether it is true or not.

Traci Reveals Shredded Document

Traci (Beth Maitland) produces the shredded document as Jack (Peter Bergman) admits Dina loved her. Traci says the documents were made while she was an adult, and this was the only way she knew how to make amends and the document tells its own story; Ashley feels horrible for the things she said to her the last time she saw her.

At home, Cane (Daniel Goddard) talks to Michael (Christian LeBlanc) demanding his help to see Lily (Christel Khalil). Neil (Kristoff St. John) promises, together with Nate (Brooks Darnell), they will fix this today.

Sharon (Sharon Case) asks Victoria (Amelia Heinle) if Nikki (Melody Thomas Scott) was contacted from the blackmailer. Sharon hopes it is over, but Victoria feels they will always be waiting for the other show to drop.

Jack Confesses

Billy (Jason Thompson) and Abby want to know why the document is shredded, forcing Kyle to reveal the entire story. He explains about the wall safe and how Dina knew exactly where it was; Jack pipes up that he shredded the document with Kyle, disappointing Ashley.

Nick (Joshua Morrow) meets Arturo (Jason Canela) at the GCAC for Dark Horse business. Arturo mentions his sister, Lola (Sasha Calle) who is great in business, but the topic quickly becomes about Rey (Jordi Vilasuso). Arturo says Rey means well but “extreme” is an understatement when it comes to his older brother.

Meanwhile, Rey arrives at Crimson, where Sharon asks him if he is available to hang out later, Victoria seem intrigued with their interaction. Rey tells her that Nick is the reason he doesn’t want to get between the two of them. Sharon tells him this wasn’t a date, she was only asking as a friend and storms off.

Abbott Family Way Heats Up

Jack and Kyle feel the brunt of Abby’s anger, while they defend their actions as a precautionary measure. Ashley feels this is his first instinct to always take something from her. He says he did this to keep the company from more upheaval and drama. Traci tries to stop Ashley from saying she isn’t important to neither Jack nor Kyle. She grabs the papers and shoves them in Jack’s face, saying he treated them like garbage just like he feels about Ashley.

Kyle tries to defend Jack and Billy tells him to shut up. Billy says the documents does open up the flood gates for employee claims. Ashley says Jack shredded Daddy’s last gift to her, but she has it now and he can suck it up!

Neil says Lily is just like her mother, protecting a woman from a gang of inmates. Neil thinks they should just go up the food chain until they get to see Lily.

Billy feels they need to have lawyers look over the paperwork as Kyle suggests they take it to the press, who would love to hear about how Ashley made her sick mother call her own son, illegitimate. Jack says they need to protect John’s legacy; Ashley waves the document saying that is Dad’s legacy. Traci wants them to focus on what they are supposed to be as Ashley says she is going to put her faith in the document, saying she is going to speak to her attorney and discuss her options.

Jack yells at Traci for giving Ashley the document as it would never give peace to the family. Traci says what Jack and Kyle did was disgusting and an insult to John and they have no right to blame her for forcing the family to see the truth. Abby yells at Kyle that Ashley doesn’t own him anything. Billy is “out” and only cares about Jabot and its employees.

Abby Defends Ashley

Abby agrees that Ashley did something horrible, but she has lost enough and won’t be here for any more. Kyle asks Traci if there are any other copies since Ashley took the copy she had. Jack says if Ashley owns those patents, they are in danger, they are looking at Jabot’s death spiral – in real time!

Kyle finds Billy at the Jabot CEO office, admitting he is a cynic who learned it the hard way. Kyle is simply a punk who is trying to find an easy way to the top and nobody is impressed nor will anyone step aside so he can climb to the top. Abby meets Arturo, expressing how selfish and vindictive her family is. Jack, meanwhile, sends a file out and then apologizes to Traci. She tells him this is not about Jabot, as Ashley is their sister and if they take this beyond the point of no return, none of this is going to matter and she won’t accept that it’s too late. She wants him to just let Ashley to have this and accept it as reality. She just wishes this paper came out years ago and this fight would have been a nonissue.

Jack and Traci talk about when their mother left them as kids. She says its one of those things that was never talked about. She admits that it always stung that John always referred to Ashley as “my beauty”; Jack reassures her that John loved her just as much. They go back in time to when Traci made a beautiful drawing for their mother and while Traci looks for a stamp; Jack and Ashley fight over it, saying their mother will never see it. They accidentally break something and John demands to know who broke it, Jack immediately points his finger at Ashley.

Victoria And Billy Bond

Victoria bumps into Billy at Crimson, who reveals he did have revenge sex on Phyllis (Gina Tognoni); she is surprised it wasn’t with her, but Billy says that would defeat the purpose because with her…. They both smile. Victoria is glad they are done, as they were too combustible and he needs a stable normal life to focus on recovery. He wants to set ground rules, talking about Halloween, saying he will outshine her in costumes; she tells him to, “Bring it!”

Cane and Neil are back in the visitors’ room at the prison, after Michael made all the calls he could. Neil talks Cane down, telling him he needs to keep it calk. Lily finally arrives and Cane rushes to hold her. Lily is shaky, but she is fine. Lily tells them both to stop, as the prison is her life now. She says this is how things work and she is safe in solitary.

After Abby is done venting about her family, Arturo tells her that Nick is pretty curious about Rey. She is just asking about Rey when he suddenly appears. She turns her questions on him, but when she asks about his wife, he says his marriage is not up for discussion and walks back out of the restaurant. Sharon, in turn, storms into Dark Horse and orders Nick to stay out of her life as they are no longer together. Nick says his feelings for her are not going to change and he still loves her.

Sharon feels it was a mistake seeing him and he can’t dump his regrets on her. He admits overstepping but he is very protective of her and the kids. He promises to do better and brings up Halloween and how excited Christian is, asking if they can go Trick or Treating together; she agrees as long as he acknowledges that it is not as a family.

John tells the kids it’s okay, worried as long as they are not hurt. He needs to go out for the evening, but they will have a big breakfast together. Traci wants silver dollar pancakes and together with John, they go ask Mami if she can make them. Ashley confronts Jack for saying it was her, but agrees they need to look out for each other. He says Dad told him to grow up and look out for everyone and that is what he is going to do.

Lawyers Get Involved In Jabot Mess

Back to current day, the legal team confirms the contract is binding and anyone who opposes will lose. If they take off all the products Ashley is responsible for, Jabot has virtually nothing left; so they need to sit with Ashley and somehow come to terms. Traci thinks they can come to some sort of compromise. Jack feels Jabot needs to be the sole owner; just then Ashley returns, knowing they have spoken to their attorneys, saying she wishes she could patent the look on their faces.

Lily informs Cane and Neil that the plan is to move Lily to a new prison and it is for the best; far better than solitary. Cane agrees, but Neil wants to know which prison since the others are hundreds of miles away. Lily says they are moving her tomorrow.

Young Jack sees his dad upset in the living room, where he hands him the divorce papers filed by Dina.

Ashley Demands To Be Reinstated As CEO

Ashley knows that everyone found out the contract is airtight. Jack hopes they can come up with an agreement as Traci feels they can come up with a compromise. Ashley doesn’t want money, she wants the respect she deserves. She wants to be reinstated as CEO at Jabot!

The Young and the Restless airs weekdays on the CBS network. Check your local listings for times. In the meantime, drop us a line with your thoughts in our comments section below. And as always, don’t forget to check back with Celebrating the Soaps for all the latest news, updates and spoilers on The Young and the Restless and all of your favorite daytime television shows right here!

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