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Prince Harry Thinks The Royal Family Is Nothing More Than A ‘Snakepit Of Egos’

Prince Harry believes that the royal family is nothing more than a “snakepit of egos” and that’s why he wants nothing to do with them. At least, that’s what one royal expert seems to believe. Keep reading below for everything you need to know.

Prince Harry Thinks The Royal Family Is Nothing More Than A ‘Snakepit of Egos’

Daniela Elser, who often has something or another to say about the British royal family, thinks that when it comes to the royal family, Prince Harry has definitely moved on.

He apparently wants nothing to do with his father King Charles and all of the royal drama that he left behind now that he’s settled into his new life with Meghan Markle in California.

Prince Harry

What’s more, Elser also believes that Harry just doesn’t like the “snakepit of egos” that he’s had to deal with in the past when it comes to his royal family members.

Elser put it this way, It’s coming up on a year since the Duchess of Sussex last stepped foot in the United Kingdom, a 12 months in which she and Harry put out a six-part TV series that accused Prince William of leaving Harry ‘terrified’ after he ‘screamed and shouted’ at his younger brother, of the royal family suffering from ‘a huge level of unconscious bias’, and that Buckingham Palace conducted ‘a real kind of war against Meghan.'”

The Duke Of Sussex Wants To Keep His Distance From All Things Royal

She continued, “The biggest puzzler of all is the idea that the duke and duchess might in any way be ‘continuing to honor their duty to the Monarch. In what screwy universe does going on the telly to cast royal life as a living hell of sorts, the Palace as something of a snakepit of egos and the King as a bit of a useless father who failed to help his son and daughter-in-law translate to ‘honoring their duty to the Monarch?'”

So far Prince Harry himself has not made any comments about the criticism although at this point it’s doubtful that he will.

Tell us, what do you think of this story? Drop us a line in our comments section below with your thoughts.

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  1. Dee says

    Rubbish. Prince Harry did not make these comments. Trashy untruthful article.

  2. Ananda says

    What a load of crap. This is some kind of anti Monarchywoman’s opinion not based in fact whatsoever. If he wanted nothing to do with the RF why are they still using those titles?

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