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5 Things ‘The Bold And The Beautiful’ Wyatt Might Have Seen After Flo Was Knocked Out

The Bold And The Beautiful: Darin Brooks (Wyatt Spencer)CBS The Bold and the Beautiful spoilers and updates have everyone asking this same question: what was it that Wyatt Spencer (Darin Brooks) saw when he opened the door to his beach house during that last episode that B&B aired back in April? That’s what fans want to know. Here are five possibilities.

#1 A Very Nervous Penny Escobar

Penny Escobar (Monica Ruiz) might be a good doctor, but she certainly isn’t an ethical one or a very good liar for that matter, too. When Wyatt opened the door to his beach house, he might have been surprised to see Sally Spectra (Courtney Hope) with Penny sitting in his living room together. That, or he might have been shocked to see Sally pretending that she was knocked out cold with Penny tending to her. When it comes to these two women, anything is really possible.

#2 Flo Fulton Knocked Out Cold

Let’s face it: there wasn’t much time between Flo getting knocked out, Sally and Penny freaking out about what to do and Wyatt only seconds away from opening up the door to his beach house to see what was going on inside. The expression of shock on his face might have been because he saw Flo knocked out cold and on the floor of his living room. Yikes!

#3 Sally Spectra Pretending Like Nothing Is Going On

If there’s one thing that we have learned about Sally Spectra over the years, it’s that she’s just as good of an actress as she is a fashion designer. She’s led everyone to believe that she was dying of a rare but also mysterious disease while secretly plotting to get Wyatt Spencer back in her arms again. With that said, we have a feeling that Wyatt might walk in on Sally pretending like there’s much ado about nothing.

#4 Complete And Utter Destruction

You can’t just get rid of a body without leaving complete and utter destruction behind, especially if you are stressed and nervous to no end like Sally and Penny were after Flo Fulton (Katrina Bowden) was knocked out cold. There’s a strong possibility that the fashion designer and the rather unethical doctor might have knocked down a few pieces and accidentally moved around furniture while they were trying to hide Flo’s body.

#5 A Piece Of Flo Fulton Left Behind

Let’s face it, both Sally and Penny didn’t plan for this to happen and they certainly didn’t have a lot of time to help hide the evidence. When they heard Wyatt looking for his keys outside of his beach house, they knew that they had to act fast. But with Flo knocked out cold, there’s a strong possibility that they might have left some evidence of what happened behind, like a shoe or a piece of jewelry.

Needless to say, The Bold and the Beautiful fans will simply have to tune in mid-July when new B&B episodes will air to find out what happens next! Watch this space as we have a feeling that there is so much more to come.

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1 Comment
  1. ole man spirit says

    I’m wondering: What is Wyatt thinking? What would he say? How would he act? What’s going through everyone’s mind? What would Wyatt do?

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