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The Bold And The Beautiful POLL: How Will Sally’s Lie Be Exposed?

The Bold and the Beautiful; Sally Spectra (Courtney Hope)Sally Spectra (Courtney Hope) doesn’t have her plan fully thought out on ‘The Bold and the Beautiful’. Instead, it’s changing based on developing circumstances.

Her original intent was to fake an illness. But Katie Logan’s (Heather Tom) unexpected presence led to Sally changing this expanding lie on the fly. Seeing the intensely compassionate reaction Katie offered, Sally decided right then and there to improvise. Rather than simply pretending to be sick, the storyline would be that she was dying.

Now, with the deadline for her supposed death having already passed in real-time and apparently nearing the end of a soapy timeline, another alteration of this fluid plan will have to happen. Assuming Sally’s lie will be exposed is one consideration. But how that happens is another.

The Bold And The Beautiful Spoilers – Wyatt Spencer In Closest Proximity

Wyatt isn’t the object of Sally’s love, as appeared to be true during the two editions of ‘Wally’ that existed. He’s her obsession, as Dr. Penny Escobar (Monica Ruiz) has come to know.

Penny’s agreement, to trade her faux, terminal diagnosis for access to a career in the world of fashion has enabled Sally to be living with Wyatt Spencer (Darin Brooks). It’s logical to believe that he’s the one who will see her slip up as part of a revealing climax.

The darkly humorous use of pancake makeup and a walker represent initial uses of props to further Sally’s physical fade. Increased acts must be employed to keep this game going until a remission, or cure is claimed. In the meantime, or even as a result, Wally could realize what’s happening.

B&B Spoilers – Flo Fulton’s Concern Is Genuine

Flo Fulton (Katrina Bowden) is sacrificing as much as Wyatt, in adapting the relationship they just rebooted. She, like Brooks’ character, is concerned about Sally’s health.

Wanting to speak to Dr. Escobar telegraphs a precarious dance that’s begun. Ruiz’s character told Sally that going along with this ruse is affecting every part of her life. The issue is constantly on her mind, her appetite is lost, and she can’t sleep at night.

Penny isn’t nearly as motivated, or prepared, as Sally to indefinitely extend matters. Flo is sure to at least think that something’s off and then to keep asking questions about why Sally isn’t pursuing any course of treatment or other medical opinions. So, Penny could admit what she’s done, or Flo could force the curtain to be dropped.

The Bold And The Beautiful Spoilers – Sally Spectra Isn’t Perfect

Sally is a creative person. She’s developed her God-given gift into a prominent position in the fashion world. But Sally is misusing her talent in this instance, as she conceived and is employing a diabolical plan that’s meant to lure Wyatt into a revived relationship that will last.

B&B fans watched as Sally talked with Penny about actually shaking, which confirmed that wasn’t part of an act. Her doctor friend said that response was caused by stress, which may tip viewers off to what will happen.

If Sally isn’t caught by Wyatt, Flo, or someone else, she could inadvertently reveal the scheme herself. Then again, she might already have a real illness or actually collapse by stressing herself out.

Fans of ‘The Bold and the Beautiful’ rightfully express their opinions on a regular basis. So, how will Sally’s lie be exposed? Please vote in our poll!

This site is a leading source for everything linked to ‘The Bold and the Beautiful’.

How do you think the truth will come out?

  1. Guest says

    No, Sally shouldn’t have to lie to with Wyatt. He should not have dumped Sally for Flo. That doesn’t make sense, running from one woman to the next, good grief can’t you be satisfied with the one you asked to marry you in the first place. How many times do he get to dump Sally for Flo. Come on now lets get real here, Sally will always be a much better person than Flo even though she did donate Katie one of her kidney. That still don’t make up for what she done. Wyatt needs to stay with Sally and leave Flo alone and stop letting Sally think that he has dumped her. Gee, how many lie’s can one man tell, in this case woman, to get what they want. Sally I would say was well within her rights after what that Wyatt did to her. No, Sally’s secret is Sally’s secret and should be left alone because she may still fall ill. Then what?

  2. Guest says

    Flo has no business going to see Dr. Escobar concerning Sally. She needs to see her way out the situation because that dies not concern her. She is too much of busy body always in other people’s business and man like her mother and Quinn. She’s the one who told Wyatt to go to Sally. Sally didn’t ask for him to come back to her. This is the same trick that her mother pulled on Brooke. The situation is different but with the same out come and the men are different but still men, one married and the other not only her boyfriend. I want justified that with and answer because we all know who I’m talking about. Writers get your victims right, Sally or Flo? Brooke or Shauna? Who? Men are not victims only women. So lets get it right. Sally looks like a ghost with all those powders on. So does Flo without them.

  3. Guest says

    No, once again bold and the beautiful writers are taking a character that we like and trashing them for a low life logon, Wyatt is no different than his dad or Liam bounce from one woman to another. I am tried of Flo thinking that she is above everyone when she is a baby stealing lying thief and how hey can paint her to be good hearted person is bullshit , she knew that what she did was wrong. She lied to Steffy, Hope, Liam ,Wyatt and Sally plus she took the $ 50,000. And bought herself a new car. That to me shows just how selfish low life Flo is, but yet they are throwing Sally under the bus for her. Writers on bold and beautiful are clueless to what we viewers want nor do they even care.

  4. Guest says

    Ridge Ridge was the day we go back to work and then go back and then work to do something fun with you then you go to work and then go back to work and then go back to work and then you can always do something to make you do you old ok

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