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Harrison Ford Stops Conan O’Brien Mid-Sentence To Roast Him For Not Knowing Who Han Solo Is

Whoever does not know the legendary Han Solo from “Star Wars” is a newbie in the film franchise. Either that or the person has been living under a rock.

And if you’ve seen the movie “Indiana Jones” and still don’t know that Harrison Ford is Han Solo in “Star Wars” then something is wrong somewhere.

Recently, Conan O’Brien, the former host of “Late Night Show” proved not to be familiar with the iconic star’s character in “Star Wars.”

Harrison Ford — Ford And O’Brien Bicker About Ford’s Ancestry

In a recent appearance on “Conan O’Brien Needs A Friend,” Harrison Ford who came to promote his recent Indiana Jones movie, “Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny,” got into a light, albeit funny argument with O’Brien after the host reads out Ford’s ancestry from a piece of paper.

Harrison Ford Stops Conan O'Brien Mid-Sentence To Roast Him For Not Knowing Who Han Solo Is

O’Brien started with, “I refer you to this piece of paper right here that says, ‘Born and raised in Chicago to an Irish/German father—’ but he was cut short by the Hollywood star who peered into the paper and discovered that O’Brien had the word ‘Han Solo’ scribbled on the paper.

Pointing to the paper Ford said, “Well if that’s a quality of your research, and I imagine it is because right there it says ‘Harrison Ford’ and then you had to write ‘Han Solo.’ You can’t f—ing remember that?”

The comment from Ford had O’Brien’s crew erupt with laughter. But then, O’Brien didn’t back down as he has an explanation ready. He said, “No I can’t. I can’t remember Han Solo. I wrote it down because I heard that you were in some of the Star Wars films and this was news to me because I’ve seen those films and I don’t exactly think that you ‘pop.'”

O’Brien also added, “I’m sorry. But I mean, I remember Chewbacca, I remember the bad guy with the black helmet and then… there’s some people.”

After O’Brien’s response, Ford couldn’t help but ask, “How come you’re not still on television?”

Harrison Ford — Ford Is Used To Bantering Words With O’Brien

The way Ford playfully picked on O’Brien took the podcast host down memory lane, back to when he was a host at “Late Night Show,” and the times he had Ford as a guest on the show.

Reminiscing on those moments, O’Brien said, “You came on my show many many times, on the Late Night show. And over the years people would say, ‘Who’s one of your favorite guests?’ And I would say, ‘Harrison Ford, because he’s so goddamn funny.'”

Continuing, he said, “You are so hilariously funny and you tossed me around like a ragdoll, verbally, on these shows and they’re some of my favorite segments of all time. You are a hilarious man and I’ve always loved being around you.”

Hearing the sincere praises from O’Brien, Ford cheerfully said, “You guys wrote some great stuff, I don’t remember any of it.”

Be sure to catch up on everything happening with Harrison Ford right now. Come back here often for all the Harrison Ford’s spoilers, news, and updates.

Editorial credit: Silvia Elizabeth Pangaro /

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