Attorney Alex Little Slams Judge For Personal Attack On Savannah Chrisley
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Alex Little is the attorney who represented Julie Chrisley during the appeal process, and now that she had her original sentence upheld, he slammed the judge for personal attacks on Savannah Chrisley. Chrisley Knows Best fans are divided over it, but the attorney claimed that the judge doesn’t “pass the smell test.”
Savannah Chrisley Damaged Her Mom’s Chances?
Chrisley Knows Best fans repeatedly discussed on social media that Julie Chrisley’s daughter would hurt her parents if she continued her attacks against the judicial and prison services. Well, it seems to have done exactly that. But, her attorney is convinced that should never have been allowed.
Alex Little believes that the judge might have been swayed by what she saw on social media. And notably, her attacks on Savannah Chrisley had no basis in the records of the actual trial case against Julie Chrisley. What Savannah said on social media should not count against her mom whose sentence was vacated by the appeals court of the 11th circuit.
Alex Little Slams The Judge
After the court hearing that sent Julie Chrisley back to prison with not even a single day credited in her favor, Savannah and Alex Little addressed the media. ET Online reported on it, they also posted the press meeting on YouTube. While Julie Chrisley’s daughter was clearly furious, Aex Little was more measured and meaningful in his take on it.

It was Savannah Chrisley who blurted out that she intended to appeal the finding by the judge. But, she was seething from a personal attack where the judge reportedly talked about her inaccurate social media podcasting and the way she raises her siblings, Grayson and Chloe. And, Alex Little was also extremely disappointed so he slammed the judge.
Judge Doesn’t ‘PassThe Smell Test’
Alex Little said:
I think we have a judicial system where Ms. Chrisley wins an appeal, her guidelines are substantially reduced and the court doesn’t give her a day of credit. I think when you just talk about public confidence in the courts, it’s a concerning result. I think we’re also incredibly disappointed by the personal attacks on family members, that’s just uncalled for.
He also discussed the attack on Savannah Chrisley in more detail, saying:
The attacks on Savannah [about] the daughter Chloe not being treated well and… being lied to — those were direct attacks on family members and I’ve never seen a judge attack family members in the courtroom like that…Obviously, the judge is not in the living room of the Chrisley’s house. It’s not unreasonable to tell the children that ‘mom’s gonna be home sooner,” [given] the $12 million dollars reduction loss amount. Because the court said the government can’t prove it. They can’t.
On the judge referring to information presumably gleaned from podcasts, he said, “That doesn’t pass the smell test.”
Chrisley Knows Best Fans React
While many reality TV fans are glad that Julie Chrisley never got a reduction in her sentence, others think the judge was out of line as well. Here are some comments from YouTube:
- Cant the Chrisleys request a new judge and use all this as a conflict of interest based on how this judge is (imo) ruling on her hearsay of the social media? Or perhaps her dislike of the family…maybe?
- So sorry for this outcome there sentencing (sic) seems incredibly harsh and more about using your parents to send a message which is not good.
- I think the bigger problem here, is that the punishment does not fit the crime. Individuals who are first time offenders, and commit non-violent white-collar crimes, should not be imposed such severe punishment!
- Evidently the judge came in looking for bear, and pointed her musket at Savannah. What does that have to do with the ordered RE-sentencing of Julie Chrisley[?] What the judge committed was “egregious error.” I am wondering if she will be a judge much longer. I choose to believe there will soon be a re-ordered resentencing, and if necessary, after that, a retrial… I agree with Alex Little on a lot of his language…
What are your thoughts on the judge personally attacking Savannah Chrisley in court when it came to resentencing Julie Chrisley? Do you agree with Alex Little that the judge “doesn’t “pass the smell test”? Sound off in the comments below, and come abck here often for all your Chrisley Knows Best news and updates.
SOURCE: Entertainment Tonight.
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I was completely shocked by the outcome of the resentencing of Julie. It appears that the judge has a personal problem and it making decisions based upon how she feels about the case and obviously the Chrisley’s and she BETTER be reprimanded for her unprofessional behavior and bullshit remarks. I’m bias because I love the Chrisleys and I have been upset since they were convicted and honestly they got caught and it made me sad because I love the tv shows and I love the family. However I understand that laws were broken and that brings repercussions. The fact that Julie’s sentence was vacated Based on no evidence and a resentencing was mandated by lower court and nothing was changed its absurd. Julie was or is a model inmate and had worked her ass off to prove herself and had time to reflect and show remorse was perfectly done. The judge was in the wrong 1000% and if she doesn’t get reprimanded then that shows EXACTLY how broken the system really is. I know from personal experience that it is corrupt from county jail clearly up to the Feds. It’s sickening and I hope Savannah keeps shouting from the rooftops and I stand by her 1000%. I pray the mercy of God prevail in this entire situation.
Chrisley azz licker, plain and simple.
What is sickening is people going on TV and pretending to have this fabulous life in the name of God only to be stealing and lying. They get exactly what they deserve. The courts should make an example out of them both. I have not one ounce of pitty for anyone that goes out and takes what is not theirs and then claims to be Godly. White collar crime or not, it’s a lesson that they clearly still need because they still have not admitted what they have done when we all know they did it! What’s sad is that her daughter still has a platform to spread the lies and narrative that they want to continue to spread. I say good job to the judicial system for standing up for what is right and understanding that these people have no remorse for what they have done and their daughter is still profitting off of their lies and probably spending the money they stole. Leave her to serve her sentence!!! Shame on all that still feel they should not serve time for their crimes!
I feel badly that the eldest daughter has to raise her siblings because she is going to miss out on her own life. On the other hand, the couple is guilty and has to take their punishment like the rest of us.
What I find incredible is that this Family has gotten away with this for so long. They had their own reality show. I hope the Dad doesn’t drop the soap. Todd is it?
The punishment is very much deserved since they want to be “the Trumps of the South” so bad they can be in prison like him too
“ TRUMP” is a very good comparison because his case was passed the statute of limitations and because of bias and personal opinion his case proceeded. His case is riddled with corruption and no one should have to be subjected to a justice that changes its ruling because of political affiliation or jaded opinion of their fame.
I believe out whole system is a broken joke if a judge can’t leave their feelings at home and come in without an opinion than they shouldn’t be a judge. They all have skeletons in the closet like everyone else.
So disappointed in all this. This Judge has a personal issue with this family. This resentencing is so wrong. This kind of judge scares me, because she did not do her job. The whole reason about resentencing is because she wasn’t found guilty and had no proof on some of the allegations against her. And you keep the time to serve, the same??? Judge needs to be Replaced.
Unhappy American. So many flaws in our system.
You can’t break the law unknowingly , thinking you don’t deserve consequences , jail time , fines, parole. These people are felons. It’s not an emotional decision . Judges are in their rights to keep these creeps their
The Judge is a Leftist Obama Judge who has been ordered to unleash harsh punishment because this Family supports TRUMP and Savannah calling out the Prison System. It’s plain and simple. How much money did this pos so-called Judge get in kickbacks for this ? This is happening all over the Country while true violent offenders (not even American Citizens ) are allowed back on streets over and over. It’s the RADICAL LEFT OBAMA PAID OFF Court Sytem’s Agenda to DESTROY THIS COUNTRY and imprisonment for true Consersative Americans.
The judge is committing theft from tax payers bringing her back to court without resentencing her ! And comments to the family are wrong & have nothing to do with her. She shouldn’t be punished for what her kids say or do ! That’s wrong & the judge is supposed to set an example! The judge should be charged for not upholding her position & being professional,!
Listen look at our world now days! We have a president election coming up where one is a convicted felon who’s been indicted 30 something if not more times then I can even can remember and second a female who’s running ( which I have none to say about that one) and we have yet had a female run. So why be on about two criminals who are famous already? The judge might of had it out for the daughter but at the end of the day fuck it….our world’s goin to shit already they will be out sooner or later with the way they are letting everyone out early ..shit felons and murders and even convicted child molesters are getting an early kick….we got bigger things to think about then 2 celebrities who thought that were the shit getting away with fraud…well they been busted on there own act….Soo they gotta suffer just like everyone else who would of been caught in the situation……
I agree with the Judges decision. Julie got what was coming to her. Why should she get away with anything. Do the crime which she did now it’s time to do all the time. Julie is No one special . The Chrisleys flaunted everything they had they think they are better than everyone else they are not. As far as Savannah to bad. Due choose to take care of Grayson and Chloe she needs to stop her whining and deal with it. Stop with this poor me. No one made her take care of these kids. Julie does not deserve any special treatment being in prison. What makes her think she could wear regular clothes to the hearing. The other prisoners had to Julie is no different she’s a prisoner like the rest of the people going on the bus. Why should she be able to do her court date virtually? The other prisoners couldn’t. Julie needs to do all her time behind bars. The judge did an excellent job. Congratulations Judge. Keep up the good work. That’s why you made the big bucks.
Yet, an admitted murderer on Dateline last night only got 3 years??? That’s fucked up.
Shameful and unbelievable! The judge is clearly prejudiced by social media and in her job she is required to be impartial. It’s time for her to vacate this job.What a disgrace she is to our justice system. She needs to be disbarred. This is not the end of this story.
If she’d shut her mouth maby things ud went different! Her Moms a Thief n what u do in the Dark comes to the light. Don’t blame the Judge! Savanah couldn’t keep her darn mouth shut! N the judge didn’t force ur Mama 2 be a Thief!!!!¡
Sounds about right using our justice system to go against people they don’t like all while child predators and drug dealers get cheap bonds and multiple chances to get new charges and hurt more innocent people, I really hope Trump pardons them next year
I agree Savannah needs to shut her mouth. She finagled her way to the RNC no less. Just shut up. On the other hand, for Julie, just release her under house arrest for a year or two and make her do community service or something. Half of that mess was Todd:s doing. Julie probably got swept away with it all.
Savannah shut up. Just shut up. Julie come home to house arrest for a few years and do community service. Todd stays in jail.
Birds of a feather..stick together!! Trump -convicted felon. Todd and Julie Chrisley- convicted felons!! They don’t deserve ANY special treatment; if the food is not good, oh well. They are not in a 5 star restaurant. It’s prison!!!!! You know the place were convicted felons live!! Savanna is looking like a poor little rich girl stomping her foot because her Momma had to ride on a plane with all men, but yet you support Trump? Shut up!!!!
Just more rich people trying to get away with breaking the law.they need to serve everyday of there sentence. As far as there spoiled brats and there daughter having to raise her siblings there parents should have thought about that before they comiteded there crimes.
I think both prison sentences are harsh. First time offenders shouldn’t have gotten this much time from the beginning. We have murders who don’t recieve this much time! I think this judge should be investigated. What a waste of time for everyone!!
And Furthermore all ugly commenters if you do a little research beyond our corrupt media outlets. The Chrisleys went to trial at the “State” level and won found “Not Guilty” The case is riddled with wrongful search and seizure not to mention the State corrected the taxes and found that not enough evidence to find them guilty. So when it went on to Federal court the evidence that was thrown out as inadmissible or wrongfully obtained was allowed and it clearly was not legal bu it was political and corrupt. Unfortunately our justice system failed this family !! God is the Victory and he knows their heart and these corrupt judges and politicians will one day have to stand before him. I pray for the Christleys that their justice comes on this earth not the next life
The resentencing should be redone with another impartial judge. Suvannas comments on her personal podcast is a freedom of speech issue, and judge should never have considered it or comment on her parenting abilities, after all she didn’t ask to become a parent of a teenager or preteen at her age and time in her life. Her grandmother or brother Chase could have taken them. Julie deserves a new trail and reduced sentence or even probation.
I love the Chrisleys and don’t care about the negative remarks, the had judge was very unfair to Julie she have issues with what Savanah was saying and she probably have her issues she is unhappy, it is just evil what she did and doesn’t make sense, Julie needs a new trial and a new Judge period and Savanah needs to be quiet and just pray.
I believe both parents deserve harsher punishments than they received! Fraudently borrowing millions and millions from banks to live a fraudulent life as rich real estate showoff! And the crybaby daughter always complaining of how her parents are being treated in prison!! Who the f*** cares!! You broke the law and swindled banks, tax evasion, I hope you both rot in jail!!
Well Ms. NANCY,
I think they should have given her half of what she was originally given. It seems like the judge was biased and maybe fame envious.
I had a taste of the federal system, not personally but close enough! I have always said this system is corrupt and the judges play a huge part.. this system needs to be reevaluated.. the sentences are always what the judge” feels”.. there is no guidelines. It’s all about feelings in the feds . It’s sickening.. and for all you people to congratulate the judge, has obviously never had any contact with the system. Yes julie did a crime , and don’t tell me one of you have never cheated on life! Odds are good none of you live in a glass house. But 7 years? That’s a harsh statement. She should of gotten out with a few years of house arrest and or her supervised release. It shouldn’t of mattered what Savannah said or didn’t say! Don’t we have a right to free speech without being retaliated against? That judge should of checked her “feelings” at the door.. and walked in that court room as a judge! The feds are scary enough, and knowing the judges can literally hand down any sentence they want! Is frightening.. fire that judge!
I don’t think a judge can take her time already served.. But that’s Georgia. I wouldn’t live in a place like that..
I don’t think I she knew everything old slick was doing. Where’s his ma ma lol in all this
Run Harry run. That’s why she brought him here. To divorced him on America’s land. Duh
I’ve been watching this since the Lo Vegas meeting with her. When the queen ordered Harry home for his own good