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Below Deck Sailing Yacht Facing Cancellation After Controversy?

Below Deck Sailing Yacht Cancelled After Controversy?Below Deck Sailing Yacht could get canceled if producers don’t shake up the cast. While Bravo fans miss watching the show, they’re also aware of the controversy associated with Gary King. He remained on the show in Season 4. Fans watched the tension conclusion in July of last year.

Season 5 went into production last summer and Gary was part of the cast. But there’s no premiere date. Bravo is dancing around the show in the Below Deck franchise.

Below Deck Sailing Yacht’s – Future Revealed

Currently, the future of Below Deck Sailing Yacht is up in the air. Bravo aired Season 11 of Below Deck with Captain Kerry Titheradge at the helm. He replaced Captain Lee Rosbach, who’s been part of the show since the first season.

Bravo fans are currently watching the drama unfold on Season 8 of Below Deck Mediterranean with Captain Sandy Yawn. Bravo typically premieres Below Deck Sailing Yacht around this time of the year.

Gary King was promoted from bosun to first officer in Season 2. He became the face of the series, especially since he’s good friends with Captain Glenn Shephard. Gary drew the attention of the ladies, who would fall over him.

There was a story about Gary allegedly harassing a member of the production. She claimed that he lured her to his hotel room before attacking her. She also claimed that he was drunk at the time of the incident. Gary called the story a power play.

He feels that someone was trying to get him “canceled.” Ironically, Bravo fans fear Below Deck Sailing Yacht could get canceled if it doesn’t address the elephant in the room. Rumors swirled that production swept Season 5 under the rug.

Should Bravo Address Gary King Allegations?

Bravo is already dealing with numerous lawsuits from its former cast members. The network also had to push back its BravoCon to 2025 until these legal situations were settled. Bravo is also responsible for not addressing the allegations involving Gary King.

Bravo fans demanded him to take full responsibility for his actions and the show’s cancellation. Gary was invited back for Season 5 before the allegations came out. But that season was put on hold. Viewers on Reddit feel Bravo “can’t air it as Gary is front and center.”

Many have wondered whether Below Deck Sailing Yacht will return at all. Some believe Gary should take responsibility for the demise of the series. It’s also possible that producers are trying to edit the existing season to feature Gary as minimally as possible. It could be why it’s taking so long for this season to premiere.

What are your thoughts? Do you think Below Deck Sailing Yacht could face cancellation? Do you think Gary King should take responsibility for what happened? Sound off below in the comment section.

Check back for more Below Deck Sailing Yacht Season 5 spoilers, news, and updates.

  1. Catdad says

    Why cancel the show bc of one piece of crap cast member. Just fire him, take a break for one year and do a do over with season 5 with a new bosun. I don’t understand why Bravo jumps the gun all the time cancelling an entire show bc of one bad cast member. They did it with Real housewives of Dallas, RHONY, and something else I can’t remember. Why punish the rest of the crew and cast for the actions of one idiot? I feel like something else is going on with Bravo bc the lineups for new seasons of shows have been very dry. We typically have 2-3 franchises of a housewives season playing during the same times of year with either Southern Charm or VPR, at least one Below Deck franchise, Married to Medicine, and more. Lately it’s been very slim pickings and there’s not much on during the week and it’s been like this for a while. I’m thinking all of Andy Cohen’s skeletons are being exposed and Bravo is working around the clock to do damage control and rebranding everything.

    But back to sailing yacht. I hope they don’t cancel it. Some of these fans need to get over themselves. Just hate him and say what you want about him bc he deserves it, but don’t call to have the whole show canceled bc that’s not fair to everyone else.

    1. L says

      I agree with you. So much he said she said …. Shouldn’t be allowed to ruin a career or a franchise. If you know the person is “a supposed womanizer” then take precautions don’t go to hotel room then call foul!!

      I say play the already filmed season.

    2. K.Hillary says

      Your thoughts on it i couldn’t have said better myself.


  2. Cheryl says

    I think whoever watches the show will realize that Gary is just not built that way he is a pussy cat & would never do what she’s saying I love him & there’s obviously an ulterior motive for this I hope he comes back cause this is a load of crap!

    1. Kim says

      Gary is scum and a predator!! He’s disgusting!!

  3. Vicki says

    Is he guilty? Did he do this? There’s nit one single thing in this article that says he did this! I’m a woman. NOONE can “lure” you back to a hotel room! Your feet walk there all by themselves! I’m tired of women with an agenda making all of us women look bad!

    1. Kimberley Guerne says

      Agreed. Everyone wants to hang Gary out to dry. I am not a fan of Gary’s personality. But everyone deserves to be innocent UNTIL PROVEN GUILTY. The guy is a jack wagon. He does however, have the right to due process.

  4. Cheryl says

    Please just put the sailing yacht back on!!! Everyone is waiting to watch. The drama is already rolling!

  5. Boodahhh says

    I refuse to support a show that allows. En to treat women that way. I have not watched season 4 if below deck and now thai I know Gary is on season 5 I will not watch.

  6. Kimberley Guerne says

    The world has become a place of guilty until proven innocent. The opposite of what the judicial system is supposed to be based on. Gary and the accuser are the ones that know what really happened. He needs his rights to be upheld. Even if only in the court of public opinion.

  7. Alison says

    Gary has been a dirty dog from the 1st time on the show. I thought he should have been gone long before this story broke. He treats women like they are just supposed to jump for him. He needs help and learn that women are not hoes

  8. Lynette says

    I am a South African lady and love watching Sailing Yacht… I proud of my fellow South African Gary King……NO!! His behavior with the young ladies on the yacht is absolutely appalling, disrespectful and unacceptable. However, the producers of the show has had more than enough opportunities to nip his behavior in the butt. The ladies on the yacht allow this to happen to them, so therefore his behavior is condoned and probably brings the ratings up. I think Gary has learnt a lesson here and will probably not behave like an idiot and disrespect woman again. Why punish the rest of the cast and crew for one idiot. Let Season 5 go ahead, keep a tight reign on Gary or replace him. He is not the “SHOW”. I personally hate watching him and his disgusting antics, he makes my skin crawl but it takes two to tango. As I said previously, he was allowed to get away with it, and he went from bad to worse. I would hate it if the show was to be cancelled because of Gary, the production team should also take some responsibility. Please bring us Season 5, with or without Gary!!

  9. Tracy Holt says

    Please bring Sailing Yaght back for Season 5. I love Captain Glenn. Look forward to this show. As far as Gary goes…He is a big flirt for sure but I don’t believe he would attack any woman and please bring back the show. The whole show should not have to suffer because of what is going on.

  10. K.Hillary says

    Thank You Cheryl. I agree with you!! Well said, Your comments. Bravo! ( hahaha)

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