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Survivor Sparks Backlash Over ‘Savage’ Helicopter Flyover: Clever Or Cruel?

Survivor just sparked a backlash over what many fans saw as producers’ unkind decision to rub salt in the wounds of the losers. But now Survivor host Jeff Probst has defended the shocking scene.

Find out what the latest episode featured that upset some viewers as well as several contestants. And keep reading to learn what Probst said in response to the backlash.

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Jeff Probst has developed a reputation as a beloved and talented Survivor host who also produces the show. And after 45 seasons, fans assumed that they know how Jeff thinks.

But Probst just shocked both viewers and several contestants with what seemed like a cruel decision to rub salt in the wounds of the losers. However, Jeff denied that accusation via EW.

Survivor Sparks Backlash Over 'Savage' Helicopter Flyover: Clever Or Cruel?

And Probst shared the reason for the show’s helicopter flyover above loser island. “It’s not to rub salt in the wounds,” the Survivor host insisted. “Although I know it sounds like, ‘Oh, come on’.”

However, Drew Basile might disagree with Jeff. The most recent episode of Survivor showed Drew thinking that he scored the perfect blindsiding of Julie Alley. But his scheme fell apart when Austin Li Coon told Dee Valladares, who spilled to Julie. And the game also had taken its toll on Drew. He longed for more food and sleep, but instead became the reward loser babysitter. 

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But Drew also felt upset that his buddy Austin chose Dee and Katurah Topps to join him for a picnic getaway. And then came the cruel scene. Producers arranged for the winners to travel to the getaway in a helicopter that first performed a flyover above those stuck behind.

As a result, multiple players as well as viewers thought that seemed like a “savage” action. And Drew felt even worse at seeing the sight. But Probst denied that producers planned the flyover to make Drew and losers feel bad.

And Probst shared that although producers did plan that moment, logistics called for the flyover. “I mean, it is fun and almost mandatory,” he said. “Because they’re in a helicopter and we’re in a small part of Fiji. They’re going to see it anyway,” Jeff added. “So we might as well just fly right over and blow up some sand in your face.”

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And the Survivor host also shared that producers planned it to highlight the differences between winners and losers. “The bigger reason is it reveals story. How will each group react? You have two threesomes,” pointed out Probst.

First, Julie feels “unconcerned. Because she is in on the game, she’s not worried,” added the Survivor host. “You have Jake, who’s kind of amused because he’s still a bit on the outside. And then you have Drew, who is annoyed because ‘That should be me’.”

However, the scenes in the helicopter showed the contrast. “And then on the helicopter, you have Austin and Dee drunk with power. I mean, Austin says something like, ‘Look at Drew just standing there.’ And we cut to Drew saying, ‘Damn, life sure is unfair.’ And then there’s Katurah observing it all — pure strategy. ‘Yeah, just keep your head in that Lovers Lane. That’s exactly where I want you.’ So I think that’s the bigger reason, is we learned a lot from that one flyover.”

Tell us what you think. Do you feel that the helicopter flyover seemed cruel or clever? And after you share your views, check back on our site for more reality TV news.

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