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4 Cringe Meghan Markle Disasters That Led To Minus Popularity Rating In The US

British royal family news reveals a new low for Meghan Markle: her popularity in America is lower than her husband Prince Harry’s a buffoon who thinks we don’t deserve a First Amendment right to free speech.

Poor Meghan is seen as worse than this anti-American, with a net approval rating of minus 2 in a Newsweek poll.

The low rating is astonishing considering that the same poll found she had a +23 rating in December 2022. What happened?

Here are four key reasons Meghan blew her good will with the American public. In no particular order. Because everything is bad.

4 Cringe Meghan Markle Disasters That Led To Minus Popularity Rating In The US

Royal Family News: Meghan and Harry’s Privacy

South Park’s Worldwide Privacy Tour lampooned fame hogs Harry and Meghan’s hypocritical demand for privacy. Enough said.

Royal Family News: Netflix’s Bomb ‘Harry and Meghan’

Harry and Meghan’s Netflix series titled, what else, ‘Harry and Meghan’ was an hours long demonstration of how much they love each other and hate everyone else.

Royal pundit Nile Gardiner told Daily Express that after this trastastic self-centered tv event “their standing has absolutely plummeted.

They are probably two of the most unpopular figures in the US today. On both sides of the Atlantic, they are increasingly hated celebrities.”

Later ‘Real Housewives of New York City’ alum Bethenny Frankel criticized the show: “It felt like this entire documentary was about how famous we are … it’s relentless … If you add gasoline to a fire, the fire blows up even bigger. It feels like they – and Meghan in particular – just keep wanting to tell us more.”

Royal Family News: The Near Catastrophic Car Chase

The Markles’ penchant for exaggeration came back to bite them when, on May 17, 2023, they claimed that they “were involved in a near catastrophic car chase at the hands of a ring of highly aggressive paparazzi” in NYC.

The actual mayor called bunk on their claim, and plenty of others denied their fable, like a photographer on scene who said the pursuit was not “near catastrophic … Nobody got a ticket or arrested…I don’t see how it was near catastrophic other than crazy hyperbole.”

Royal Family News: The Oprah Winfrey Interview

Last, but not least is the blowtastic event that kicked off the Markle fall from grace, the hilariously whiney interview with Oprah Winfrey in 2021.

Meghan’s outrageous claims against the royal family were debunked one by one and earned her the nickname Princess Pinocchio from Piers Morgan.

Tell us royal fans, have we missed anything with this list?

Be sure to catch up on everything happening with the royal family. Come back here often for royal family news and updates.

Editorial credit: Sarnia /

  1. Martha says

    What about the moonbumps and the fake children? People are not going to forget about the lies of the non-children! Such a disgrace!!! And I will never forgive Markle for the rude, on-air, curtsey she did concerning Queen ElizabethII. Markle is finished…

    1. Dani says

      You must be drunk

  2. Dani says

    Poor Tanya trying hard to be heard and be somebody writing this ridiculous article. The Sussexes are unpopular? Then why write about them ? Or tell your colleagues in the Tabloid Media to stop plastering their pictures and stories in their tabloids papers. UNPOPULAR maybe too exaggerating.

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