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5 Epic Snubs Doled Out to Archie and Lilibet By The Royal Family

5 Epic Snubs Doled Out to Archie and Lilibet By The Royal FamilyBritish royal family news reveals that Prince Harry and Meghan Markle fled the royal family in 2020 in order to make a fast buck. How did that turn out? If you consider giving away free jam to be a lucrative enterprise, then the Markles are batting a thousand.

In the end the couple’s selfish desire to be US millionaires has cost their kids some legitimacy. Here are the most glaring snubs to come Archie and Lilibet’s way after their wayward parents decided to make the royals the bad guys with atrocious rants against the hands that fed, clothed, and protected them.

The Royals Ignored Prince Archie’s Birthday

This year Prince Archie turned 5 and didn’t receive a public birthday tribute from the royal family. Royal expert Danielle Stacey told Hello! that “the palace doesn’t typically share messages on the likes of Princess Beatrice, Princess Eugenie and Zara Tindall’s birthdays nor their children’s special days” thus it was not a snub to ignore Archie. Sure.

Royal News – Prince Archie and Princess Lilibet Not At Coronation

Prince Archie was born in the UK and Princess Lilibet was born in 2021, the same year that the Sussexes went on a royal rampage against the monarchy in that infamous Oprah interview.

When King Charles’ coronation was held in 2023, Prince William and Princess Catherine’s kids were center stage. Prince George, Prince Louis, and Princess Charlotte were adorable as they attended the ceremony, but the Sussex kids were noticeably absent.

According The Daily Beast, Archie and Lilibet weren’t invited out of fear that bad press would have soured the king’s big day. Others claimed that Meghan decided to keep Archie and Lilibet away.

Royal pundit Christopher Andersen noted “This doesn’t mean Archie and Lilibet won’t be welcomed into the royal fold at some future date … The king must feel a connection to Harry and Meghan’s children. But first all parties have to find a way to mend the torn relationship between the Sussexes and the rest of the clan.”

Royal News – Archie And Lilibet Do Not Have HRH Designations

The Sussex kids are royals by birth and “ought to have been eligible for HRH designations at the discretion of the reigning monarch, as well as being referred to as prince and princess” according to The List.

King Charles ascended the throne in 2022 and eventually granted the California kids prince and princess titles. But before this they were known by the more modest monikers “master” and “miss.”

An insider told The Sun that despite these appellations, the Markles are furious that Archie and Lilibet have not been given the HRH honorific.

The Sussex Kids Not At Balmoral

Sources told Page Six that the Sussexes were not on the guestlist for the late Queen Elizabeth’s famous Balmoral vacations. If true this is a major snub as most of the royals spent time there with the monarch during the summer months.

Royal Family News – Lilibet Not Added To Line Of Succession

Following Lilibet’s 2021 birth “the line of succession on the royal family website wasn’t immediately updated to include the princess. In fact, at the time, the website didn’t include a single mention of Lilibet.”

Royal expert Chris Ship told “The Royal Rota” podcast that the snub was unforgivable: “is this them being a little petulant? Is it them saying, ‘Well, we’ll get round to it when we’re ready?’ But it does, to me, feel like … maybe they’re making a point.”

Eventually the website was updated to include Lilibet in the line of succession but not before the royals were dragged for their slowness.

Tell us royal fans, can you think of a good reason for Harry and Meghan’s children to be excluded from royal life?

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