Alec Baldwin Calls King Charles ‘A Hero’ For This Reason
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This is probably the royal and Hollywood connection that Meghan Markle was always looking for but didn’t really seem to get. Actor Alec Baldwin is making it no secret that he’s a huge fan of King Charles and that’s because of all the work
Alec Baldwin – Calls King Charles ‘A Hero’ For This Reason
Baldwin took to his Instagram account to share a touching tribute to King Charles and for the way that he’s worked to bring a change to the way people farm along with his views on industrial agriculture and climate change.
Baldwin says that despite being ridiculed for years, the King of England has “endured a remarkable amount of personal criticism to use his inherited privilege on behalf of the greater good.”
Baldwin has even said that he’s spent a lot of time with Charles over the years and is in awe of his wisdom, his compassion and his dedication in making the world a better place.
He said, “His pioneering work on regenerative agriculture and True Cost Accounting (that we need to start factoring in the true value and true cost of food in policies, investments, business practices as well as our consumer choices) are now catalyzing action everywhere, including at EAT. For example, the true potential that regenerative agriculture can play in sequestering carbon and restoring biodiversity, are now being assessed in the next iteration of the EAT-Lancet Commission, EAT-Lancet 2.0, which will be published in late 2024 or early 2025.”
Alec Baldwin – Has Nothing But Praise For The King
Baldwin added, “And together with a broad range of actors across the world, we are now working towards a Paris Moment for Food Systems by the next Climate COP in November, taking many of his ideas into action.
So, does this mean that Baldwin is looking to score an invite to the Coronation in May? Maybe. Watch this space.
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Editorial credit: Al Teich /
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