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British Public Rejoices Meghan Markle Won’t Attend King Charles’ Coronation

Royal family news reveals that Meghan Markle won’t attend King Charles’ coronation. However, her husband Prince Harry will travel from California to Britain for the May 6 event. And the British public reportedly feels delighted that Meghan will skip the festivities.

Find out what a royal expert shared about Markle’s absence. And learn who the palace snubbed in sending out the invitations to King Charles’ coronation. Get all the details below.

Brits Joyful That Meghan Markle Declines Coronation Invite

A time to rejoice for Britain has arrived… and the coronation festivities have not even begun! However, Meghan Markle’s refusal of the invitation to King Charles III’s upcoming coronation gave Brits a chance to cheer early.

The news about Meghan’s snub spread rapidly, thanks to a palace spokesperson’s confirmation.

Although her hubby Prince Harry will make his presence known at the May 6 event, Markle will hide out in their luxurious California mansion with the kids. She reportedly snubbed the coronation invite because of her son.

British Public Rejoices Meghan Markle Won't Attend King Charles' Coronation

The coronation will take place on the same day as Archie’s fourth birthday, noted the NY Post. But royal expert Sophie Elsworth threw shade at Meghan.

And Elsworth claimed that Markle seems “obsessed with being in the media” and “dominating headlines.” As a result, the royal expert felt shocked “that woman is not going. Because she’s obsessed with herself,” added Elsworth. But the royal expert also weighed in on how the nation reacted. And she claimed that Brits have started “rejoicing” that Meghan will remain home. Therefore, Elsworth feels Markle made a “good decision” to snub the coronation. And she revealed that the public in London “despised” both Meghan and Harry at the Queen’s Jubilee last year.

Royal Family Disinterested In Dishing With Prince Harry

However, Elsworth also sounded off on Harry. And she slammed the Duke of Sussex for penning his memoir in a way that hurt the royal family. As a result, Elsworth believes that Harry did “immense damage to the royal family and makes a fortune out of doing it. So shame on him,” added the royal expert. “But hopefully he behaves himself at the coronation.”

And Harry may not even get a chance to review his memoir with his royal relatives. Sources allege that the royal family has expressed zero interest in talking with Harry at the coronation. However, insiders also shared that Kate Middleton would feel awkward if Meghan attended.

Tom Bower, a royal biographer, echoed those claims. And Bower alleged that Middleton would not want Meghan at the coronation “under any circumstances.” However, some described Meghan as a “martyr” for staying home. And King Charles reportedly feels sad that his daughter-in-law will not attend. For instance, one source described the monarch as “very disappointed that he won’t see Meghan or his grandchildren.” But King Charles “understands the situation,” added the insider. 

Palace Snubs Duchess Of York In Coronation Invites

And the palace statement made the situation clear. “Buckingham Palace is pleased to confirm that the Duke of Sussex will attend the coronation service at Westminster Abbey on May 6. The Duchess of Sussex will remain in California with Prince Archie and Princess Lilibet,” said the spokesperson.

However, Sarah Ferguson, Duchess of York and ex-wife of Prince Andrew, never even received an invitation. And instead, the Duchess of York planned to enjoy “a little tea room and coronation chicken sandwich.” Elsworth felt sad about that situation. And she pointed out that the 63-year-old author has earned a reputation as “a bit of a character of the royal family.” As a result, Elsworth opined that the public “would much rather her get an invite than Meghan Markle.” But the public doesn’t decide who receives an invitation. And the Duchess of York did not qualify as “on the list,” she added.

Tell us what you think. Do you see Meghan Markle’s absence from the coronation as a reason to rejoice? And after you share your views, check back on our site for more royal family news.

Editorial credit: Liverpix /

1 Comment
  1. Brenda says

    In my opinion, neither Charles or Camilla deserve their titles. As heads of the Church. Their ADULTEROUS affair kind of blemishes it, doesn’t it? Harry and Meagain have bashed the royals so much I don’t know why they’re even invited to the coronation!!! Time to quit kissing up to them and fire back. Enough of their whining and groaning!°

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