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Harry Goes Off On Humanity’s Exploitation Of Nature In Wild Letter

Prince Harry

Apparently, Prince Harry is going off the rails and echoing the wild, hysterical claims of American socialist, Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (also known as AOC). Like AOC, Prince Harry has now suggested that “On the extinction crisis the science is clear: we have perhaps a decade to course-correct before we lock in our fate.” Those in America have heard all this before. USA Today reported in January 2019 that AOC said, “the world is going to end in 12 years if we don’t address climate change.”

Although it’s clear that both Prince Harry and AOC apparently love animals, nature, and (maybe) people … where do their ideas that the world is on the brink come from? Scientific American magazine disputes Prince Harry and AOC’s hysterical claims in the most forceful manner possible, writing that “No, climate change will not end the world in 12 years (or less). Stoking panic and fear (in the manner of Prince Harry and AOC) creates a false narrative that can overwhelm readers, leading to inaction and hopelessness.”

Some believe that the Duke of Sussex’s reckless comments may come from a place of deep-seated fear. After all, Harry has left everything he has ever known in order to be with his wife, Meghan Markle in America. Isn’t it just possible that Harry has left off reason and has taken to listening to his emotions above all? Isn’t it just a bit plausible that Prince Harry has been reading too much hype and hasn’t really been looking into evidence-based data?

Consider, for a moment that Harry probably didn’t read what else Scientific American had to say when it wrote that, “Arbitrary ‘time left to apocalypse’ predictions are not evidence-based and the story of climate change doesn’t fit neatly into brief bullet points competing for your attention in today’s saturated media environment.”
Yet, here we have Harry putting out his own soundbites, which are then picked up by tabloids everywhere, using his words as proclamations of doom as if Harry were, himself, some kind of scientist! All that, when Harry has never even been to the university and has no job skills to speak of outside of those he learned in the British military. What expertise does Harry have in climate change?

Some fans of the British royal family feel that Harry’s apparent tendency to speak without thinking first opens him up for criticism by those who actually have studied these topics in depth. Furthermore, it lumps Prince Harry in with all of Hollywood’s talking heads who seem regularly to opine as if they were authorities on subjects of great concern to us all.

Oh. But then, Prince Harry did happen to marry a member of the Hollywood jet set, didn’t he? Perhaps the Duke and Duchess of Sussex should consider the maxim that “Even a fool when he keeps silent, is considered wise; When he closes his lips, he is considered prudent.” Otherwise, both Harry and Meghan both run the risk of having others believe they are fools … opening their mouths … and proving it.

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