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Kate Middleton Takes A Major Swipe At Meghan Markle

Even though it’s been a very long time since they’ve last been seen in the same room together, it looks like Kate Middleton is still mean-girling Meghan Markle in any way that she can.

Or at least, that’s what some fans seem to believe. There’s a new report that suggests the Princess of Wales has supposedly taken Meghan Markle’s only talent and has made it her own. Here’s what you need to know.

Royal Family News – Kate Middleton Takes A Major Swipe At Meghan Markle

According to royal author and critic Tom Quinn, he says that the Princess of Wales has become a better “actress” than Meghan Markle.

That certainly has to hurt seeing how the Duchess of Sussex has always taken pride in her Hollywood credits.

Kate Middleton Takes A Major Swipe At Meghan Markle

It looks like Kate has managed to adapt to whatever life has thrown at her. Not only that, but Quinn says that Kate’s positive attitude has made her a better actress than Prince Harry’s wife.

In an interview with The Express, Quinn said,Kate is very good at not complaining at adopting. She’s a better actor than Meghan because this is a role she wasn’t born into, but she’s played a blinder. In fact, she stuck to the thing that made Elizabeth the second such a remarkable monarch.”

He also said that Kate’s biggest advantage is the fact that she’s also adopted Queen Elizabeth’s famous mantra of “never complain, never explain.”

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Quinn put it this way, “When she left university, she went straight to work for her parents. She doesn’t want to strike out and do her own thing. In a sense, the fact that the Royal Family is unchanging and has a strict set of rules reflects on a different scale the boundaries that she had as a child. “I don’t think Kate had a problem with the boundaries of the Royal Family, whereas Meghan hated them because she wanted to make her own rules. She’s a rebel, whereas Kate is a conformist.”

Tell us, what do you think of this story? Drop us a line in our comments section below with your thoughts.

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  1. Lucy says

    Megan Markle , is a very mean & jealous person especially of Kate Middleton. She’s out to destroy. Any one of the Royal family,

  2. Ben says

    Megan Markle will is a joke. She doesn’t even care about her own family and doesn’t acknowledge her sister and Father. Remember what she did to her first husband, sent his rings back to him in the mail. She did him the biggest favor of his life. William and Kate are a beautiful couple loved by all, no one cares for Megan & Harry and they did this to their selves. I wouldn’t take Megan to a dog show, you can’t trust a word she says. They had their fun telling all the lies and getting fired from all these big paying gigs which they never completed and now they wonder why no one is interested in them. I suggest you remain in California where you have zero friends.

  3. Carolyn says

    Megan Markle and Harry are a joke. Their is no comparison between her & the Princess of Wales…NONE. Megs is a selfish, controlling, greedy, envious, narcissist. Especially very jealous of The Princess of Wales and her family. Megs needs to stay in Monticito & live her private life as she requested but really didn’t mean. She is a joke!

  4. Lynne says

    So sick of hearing about MEGAN AND HARRY! Don’t you have any other news.. Megan looks like her cloths don’t fit.. she’s small and the cloths wear her instead if she wearing the cloths’!

  5. Janet says

    Megan is dangerous, to anyone, she is a self serving, calculating,conieving person. Her clothes are horrible, why does she always wear her hair parted in the middle and tied in the back, very frumpy. Harry really got suckered into this marriage, he needs to get over or get major therapy re: his mothers death. He’s a fish out of water in the states and needs to go home without M, very unfortunate that they have children. Grow up Harry! Get as far away from her as possible, it’s never to late, you are only a pawn in her game.

  6. Teresa says

    I can’t recall two such insecure people as Harry and Megan since primary school. Makes me wonder what their children will be like as they get older. Really hope they are exposed to some good solid adults in their up bringing. They are a sad little family.

  7. Deena says

    The Ugly MF is a dangerous calculating evil devil woman, and has no place being a Royal cus that doesn’t fit her devil worshipping style and this woman is a DEVIL. What’s sad is how the She/Devil has taken over PH’s BRAIN and ate it up whole. Even if they mv to UK in buying their hm, no Royals will visit them except for the 2 daughters of their Pedophile Father PA. Yeah, 2 mentally sx dangerous Psychos.

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