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King Charles Wants Answers From Prince Harry About Nigeria

King Charles Wants Answers From Prince Harry About NigeriaHe sure isn’t appreciating any of this royal family cosplay on his end. There’s a new report that suggests King Charles is fuming over the fact that Prince Harry and Meghan Markle went on a tour of Nigeria.

And while the Duke and Duchess of Sussex are free to travel to Nigeria or any country they want for that matter, the King of England simply just doens’t want any of their trips to look like they are state visits.

That’s exactly what happened when Harry and Meghan went to Nigeria. Keep reading below for everything you need to know. Answers From Prince Harry About Nigeria

Royal Family News – King Charles Wants Answers From Prince Harry About Nigeria

Apparently, King Charles wants answers from Answers From Prince Harry About Nigeria Prince Harry about Nigeria. While King Charles knows that he can’t stop Harry and Meghan from traveling anywhere around the world, he just doesn’t want them to act like they are still full-time working members of the royal family.

One source close to the situation said that after King Charles found out about the Nigerian tour, he looked angrier than anyone has ever seen him,” while Prince William is “absolutely furious and determined to find a way to stop this happening in future.”

The tipster continued, “What’s really upset the applecart is the fact that the Nigerians treated Meghan and Harry as if they too thought this was an official tour – all the signs were there as the couple were greeted with dances, receptions, visits to schools and charities.”

Royal Family News – What’s Next For The Duke And Duchess Of Sussex?

Both Prince Harry and Meghan Markle haven’t made any comments about the matter, but at this point it’s doubtful that they will.

If there’s anything that the world has learned about the Sussexes over the years, it’s that they operate the way that they want to, regardless of what anyone has to say about it.

Now, whether or not King Charles or Prince William will be able to stop Harry and Meghan from going on such trips in the future remains to be seen as well.

Tell us, what do you think about this story? Leave us your thoughts in our comments section below.

Also, watch this space for all of the latest breaking news. Come back to Celebrating the Soaps for everything you need to know about the British Royal Family and the hottest celebs.

Editorial credit: Heide Pinkall /

  1. Peggy says

    Prince H went to Nigeria for the promotion of the Invictus Games…how the Nigerians chose to showcase their willingness to join the charity was not of PH’s doing…they knew he was not representing the Firm or his family…so the King, the Firm or the UK need not point the finger at H…this Charity is part of H’s heart and it has been from the start….he wasn’t showboating or trying to steal the limelight he was giving of himself in what he believes in ….so tell KC, Cami & Willy to stop crying in their corner… start acting like adults and stop being so conceited, self indulgent, self centered, egotistical snobs…they only thing that family is good for is to cut ribbons at grocery stores & give themselves new names of entitlement to each other ….their attitudes and
    pomp & circumstance platitudes are archaic…they can’t vote…the do not enact laws…they can’t make rules…they don’t run the country…they are useless…nothing more than window dressing…and even that fades with time.

  2. Marie says

    Their touring will die out. Not many countries will want them. For what reason? They can’t do anything for other countries. They have no influence with the RF. And countries will not want to spend the money it costs to support them.

  3. Deborah says

    All the king has to do I think is taking away their titles, the Duke & duchess and prince. Their children too. I truly feel Harry and Meghan miss represented them self on the trip.

  4. Wendy Martin says

    Prince Harry was promoting The Invictus Games to Nigeria. He & Megan Markle were not “ working as part of or on behalf of The Royal Family”. Every country knows that Prince Harry & Megan stepped back as working Royals. It is not their fault how Nigeria decided to welcome them. Prince William & King Charles need to pull up their big boy pants & mind their own business. Those two are always looking for ways to degrade Prince Harry & his wife. I don’t think they like Prince Harry succeeding in anything he tries to do. They are still ticked off that they left as working Royals to live their own way of life.

  5. Debby says

    He doesn’t have to listen to you. He can do what he wants until you do what needs to be done.

  6. Maryjane says

    Take away the titles. All if them and the King needs to make it abundantly clear, M and H are royals. He needs to treat them the way Edward was treated when he abdicated for a divorce woman.

  7. Hassan says

    Tell the not crying like a child be a king

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