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Meghan Markle Addicted To Attention, Says Body Language Expert

Meghan Markle Addicted To Attention, Says Body Language ExpertWell, color us surprised with this one. According to one body language expert, Meghan Markle is addicted to all of the attention that she gets whenever she’s out and about. Who would have thought, right? Keep reading below for everything you need to know.

Royal Family News – Meghan Markle Addicted To Attention, Says Body Language Expert

The Duchess of Sussex loves to be in the spotlight, no matter where she is, or who she happens to be with.

Meghan and Prince Harry recently toured Nigeria and it looked like the former Hollywood actress was in her element while in the African country. In other words, she loved being the center of attention.

One body language expert by the name of Darren Stanton said that while in Nigeria, Meghan Markle was absolutely loving all the attention that she was getting from the locals there. The Duchess of Sussex was often seen taking center stage while talking about her own Nigerian roots.

Stanton further pointed out that the Duchess of Sussex took to all of the attention like a duck to water while her husband Prince Harry looked a little distant and even worried at times. But that wasn’t the case with Meghan at all.

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Stanton put it this way, They often display different emotions when they’re carrying out visits or engagements together as a team. But In Nigeria, we saw Harry looking slightly worried and not quite himself from time to time.”

He continued, “We could see his eyebrows angling down, and a few of his facial expressions and smiles weren’t the most genuine from him. This can suggest Harry was feeling apprehensive and a bit nervous.”

So far both Prince Harry and Meghan Markle have not made any comments about the matter but other reports suggest the Sussexes are looking to return to Africa to tour even more countries in the future.

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