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Meghan Markle Doesn’t Want To Be Second Fiddle To The Royal Family

It seems like there’s a good reason as to why Meghan Markle doesn’t want to attend the coronation. That’s because she doesn’t want to be a supporting act or play second fiddle to the royals.

Despite the fact that this is going to be King Charles’ big day, the Duchess of Sussex was hoping to have a place in the limelight with the other members of the royal family. She decided to stay home the moment she found out that was not going to happen.

Meghan Markle – Doesn’t Want To Be Second Fiddle To The Royal Family

Tom Bower, who often has something or another to say about Prince Harry and Meghan Markle, said in an interview with GB news that Meghan never wanted to be a member of the royal family to begin with.

That, and she apparently had no interest to attend the coronation. He said, “Her presence I never thought was likely. She doesn’t want to be in Britain. She doesn’t want to be part of the royal family. She’s a Californian.”

Meghan Markle Doesn’t Want To Be Second Fiddle To The Royal Family

And because Meghan Markle wasn’t promised a spot in the royal spotlight, she decided that she didn’t want to play second fiddle to other members of the royal family. At least, that’s what Bower thinks.

Royal Family News – What’s Next For Meghan Markle?

He continued, “So I think altogether for her it was unless she was going to be prominent, she wasn’t going to take the part. She’s milked the royal family for everything they can give her. She’s got global recognition which she didn’t have before.”

Just last week Tom Bower suggested that it was Kate Middleton who stopped Meghan from flying to London for the coronation. That’s because she wants nothing to do with the Duchess of Sussex, let alone stand in the same room as her. He said, “I think it’s an ugly compromise. We must all be grateful that Kate in the end prevented Meghan from coming, saying she ‘wouldn’t have her there under any circumstances’. She said that if she does come, she will have to sit at the back.”

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  1. Marquita says

    Should the statement previously mentioned be true, that the Duchess of Sussex, Megan Markle attend King Charles coronation, she would have to sit in the back really sounds down right racist. (YES I said it and meant everyword) Yes, it proves that she was demeaned by the firm and many UK citizens just as she stated. I am overjoyed she placed her sanity and her children before everything and everybody. The UK does not want and American in the royal highlight, you got it now leave her alone. Allow her to love her husband and children without all this negative Firm environment.

    1. Delores says

      Amen to that. That sitting in the back crap stopped over 50 years ago in the US.

      These brits complained for months that they didn’t want her at the coronation, she wasn’t welcome and they were going to boo her (sounds like a bunch of 1st graders) if she came. Now the complaints are she shouldn’t do this to Charles, Archie & Lili. That she’s being selfish, that she doesn’t want to get booed, etc. These people need to get a life. Megs is enjoying hers in sunny California and not having to deal with this daily nonsense.

  2. Patty Alexander says

    I’m surprised that Harry’s going,there’s got to be a reason
    After everything they have said to hurt the Royals or tried. Harry is a man and father living in the United States making his own life it’s time he grew up

    1. Mary says

      Maybe they promised to show up at the coronation, they are getting low in funds, so maybe??…..

  3. Delores says

    Maybe Harry is going to the coronation in support of his father. No matter how many brits don’t want him there, his father does and that’s all that counts.

    As to money, I’m quite sure Harry and Meg are doing quite fine now. At least he no longer has to wait for Charles to hand him money as I understand Charles’ siblings and William do because the queen left everything (including every dime) to Charles.

  4. Nancy says

    Meghan and Harry have ruined the Royal family. She wants it all for herself.
    Neither Harry or Meghan should NOT have titles. They walked away from the Royal
    family..wanted nothing to do with them
    I believe Harry is only going back to the UK for the reading of the will.
    He is —– whipped by Meghan.
    When William takes the throne, I hope he takes EVERYTHING away from those two.
    They do not deserve ANYTHING from the ROYAL family.
    They both walked away for not let them back in. They made their choice….
    Meghan loves to be in news and making waves…..she needs to live the life of a non-royal ..Harry too.

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