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Meghan Markle Is Feeling Nervous About Prince Harry’s Behavior

Royal Family News suggests that Meghan Markle has every reason to feel very nervous about Prince Harry’s behavior lately. That’s because she has no idea what he is going to do at any given time. Keep reading below for everything you need to know.

Meghan Markle Is Feeling Nervous About Prince Harry’s Behavior

According to a new report, Meghan is worried that Prince Harry might do something that will ultimately embarrass both of them to the point of no return. He’s already thrown his entire royal family under the bus in his tell-all book, Spare, and he aired out everyone’s dirty secrets in his multiple interviews with the press.

Well, it seems like Prince Harry is willing to share even more. But for Meghan, this is very worrying. She has no idea what he’s planning to do next and is worried that without her guidance, he might end up making a very huge mistake that will ruin their reputation and their Sussex brand once and for all.

Meghan Markle Is Feeling Nervous About Prince Harry’s Behavior

One insider close to the situation told Heat magazine, “Harry is so restless these days, and seems to thrive on doing his own thing.

It’s making Meghan very nervous. She’s barely let Harry out of her sight recently, tagging along to as many of his appointments as he’ll let her, and organizing trips, date nights, meditation sessions and get-togethers that involve both of them.”

What’s Next For Prince Harry and Meghan Markle?

Despite everything that they have gone through this past year, it seems like the Duchess of Sussex feels like she needs her husband now more than ever before.

She doesn’t want to let go of her husband but at the same time she doesn’t want him to ruin their lives, either. The tipster added, “She’s not going to let this turn into a drifting-apart situation.”

Of course, Meghan Markle herself has not made any comments about the matter and at this point, it’s doubtful that anything will be said. As far as what will happen next for Prince Harry and Meghan Markle remains to be seen. Watch this space.

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  1. Gail says

    The old saying, love is blind. She sure seems like a smuser. If his mother was still here I don’t think this would have happened. Hind sight.

  2. Martha says

    Harry needs to go back to his family. Meghan needs to stay in the USA and do whatever she does best. You know…spreading her lies, spreading her legs, arranging playmates with the invisible children. Harry needs to get alot of therapy to help him understand his life. But the monarchy must be careful. Harry can never be trusted. William will always be in danger around Harry.

    1. G. says

      Martha,you are right. She’s worried about Harry ruining their brand,she has ruined it and I think she’s now worried about Harry’s actions she’s getting ready for divorce

  3. VLJ says

    Meghan created this situation by exploiting her husband’s mental issues. She has no talent, no real reputation ( except being a difficult diva) without him shes vack to being nothing….serves her right. Harry should go back to England, Meghan back to hell and the Royal Family needs to keep him at arms distance. They will always hsve to look over tgrir shoulder with him around. He needs therapy and deprigraming from the Markle cult.

  4. Robyn says

    Meghan should start looking into the mirror! She’s the one that’s the cause for all the trouble in the Royal Family!
    She made Harry into someone that none of his own family knows anymore! It’s always someone else’s fault never hers!
    She KILLED her own family and wanted to do the same to Harry’s. He can still be a father to his 2 children and not be with her! Maybe he is starting to wake up to the mess they both caused!
    Meghan really thought people would see her as the next Diana!
    It will never happen Meghan is nothing more then a WANT TO BE! SHE FAILED!!!!

  5. Debby says

    HARRY HAS DONE ALL THE TRASHING???? Megan STARTED it all with Oprah. The narcissistic witch blaming her husband??? Now she’s throwing him under the bus. She’s ever the victum. Disgusting!!

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