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Meghan Markle Looking To Destroy Kate Middleton With One Major Move

It looks like Meghan Markle has more than just a bone to pick with her sister-in-law. There’s a new report that suggests the Duchess of Sussex is looking to destroy Kate Middleton’s image in her upcoming bombshell of a memoir.

Apparently, Meghan won’t be holding back as she is going to expose Kate for being a mean girl who never accepted her into the royal family. Here’s what you need to know.

Royal Family News – Meghan Markle Looking To Destroy Kate Middleton With One Major Move

According to a new report, Meghan Markle is supposedly working on her first tell-all book. Apparently, she wants to bank on it and maybe even make more than what Prince Harry did with his best-selling memoir, Spare.

Meghan Markle Looking To Destroy Kate Middleton With One Major Move

Meghan already knows that the one way to do that is to expose the royal family for who they really are and how they act behind closed doors.

Royal expert and author Phil Dampier, who often has one thing or another to say about the royal family, thinks that Meghan’s number one target in his book will be none other than Kate Middleton.

Kate has managed to get her side of the story out thanks to all the reporting done by the British press, Meghan thinks this is her one and only way to have her voice heard.

Dampier put it this way, It would also be the ideal opportunity for Meghan to convey her perspective on what happened when she met Harry, fell in love, became part of the world’s most famous family, and then decided to leave. She would give her side of what truly transpired between her and Kate in the lead-up to the wedding, when each allegedly made the other cry.”

Royal Family News – What’s Next For The Duchess Of Sussex?

He continued, “Everyone will be captivated to hear Meghan’s take on her relationship with Kate, whether it was rife with hostility or a warm welcome from the start.

She probably thought she should have received equal billing and didn’t seem to appreciate from the start that she and Harry were the ‘B’ team, not on the same level as William and Kate. She will probably discuss the comparisons made in the press between them, potentially conveying a sense of bitterness.”

Meghan Markle herself has not made any comments about the matter.

Tell us, what do you think of this story? Drop us a line in our comments section below with your thoughts.

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Editorial credit: Mr Pics /

  1. Regina Waddell says

    Meghan Mark was so jealous of Kate she actually believes in her own delusion mind that she’s equal to Kate when in fact she is so far below Kate and class and respect that she’s not even worth the stories she’s

    1. Martha Corbin-Taylor says

      Megan Is a want to be not a England citizen. She married in she will never be class act like Kate

  2. Leanne says

    She needs to stop Kate militon will always be the first that’s why Megan wants to do this jealous vibes will get you no where in life. Kate milliton is very smart humble and always a deacted a d living mom and wife
    Why can’t Megan look deep in her heart and see none of this gets you anywhere in life money can be a bad thing if you let it take over your life a d buy everything .

  3. Eljo says

    I understand she saved all her emails between her and Kate. Sounds like she is so jealous from the very beginning Megan had this planned before the marriage to Harry because it was obvious she would never be her equal in the monarchy and Megan has to be #1 or she will try to destroy you. That is her M O. A very sad and disrupt human. G

  4. Peggy Sasser says

    Meghan Markle is a wanna be royal and she does not have what it takes. She will never be as classy as Kate. She needs to give up and stay in Ca. And Harry needs to make amends and move back home. They are not gonna be together that much longer anyway. He will eventually see her for what she is. She only married him for all the popularity anyway. She will get her come uppance pretty soon. Can’t be soon enough for me.

  5. Maryjane says

    Charles needs to take away their Dukeand Dutchess
    Titles. The sooner the better. Megan Markle is all she is.

  6. Gillian says

    Meghan has ideas above her station . I think she expected to waltz into the Royal family with all the privileges. She will never be a Kate! If I was her, I wouldn’t go back to the UK. She is so disliked there and the royals won’t welcome her back. She’s already been booed by a crowd. I imagine it would be a lot worse now!!!!!

  7. Ananda says

    Everyone knows maggot is a liar & a fraud. She has lied about everything including her childhood (she was raised in a poor family, not true), said her & harold where married 3 days before the Royal wedding & a multitude of other things. She was a yacht girl escort & seduced h to get into the RF. Who is going to believe what she says about Princess Catherine or anything else for that matter?! If she does write a book it will only put her even lower on the popularity scale. So go ahead, maggot, write your biggest lie yet but don’t cry when you end up in the gutter where you belong!

  8. Bertha says

    Meaghan made Harry leave because she wanted to be number one over prince William and princess Kate she didn’t really know the protocol of the royal family
    Basically she is man that things in the Hollywood didn’t work out and she should’ve left the UK and regrets it prince Harry is trapped God Bless him he needs to go home reunited with family

  9. Rae says

    Meghan and kate need to sit down and talk. Neither one is better then the other. Living a life of a royal probably sucks, because you have to work and work and very seldom have free time. Harry being the second son means he won’t be king. So why do they have to stay in the royal ways. It’s 2023 let them make their own choices. On top of that they are still working like a royal just not the way the royal family works. Maybe the royal family needs to change and jump into the 21st century.

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