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Meghan Markle Showing Antipathy Towards Great Britain

You can’t blame her for feeling this way, now can you? There’s a new report that suggests critics think that Meghan Markle is trying to avoid London at all costs because she is showing antipathy towards Britain.

Well, it’s not like those critics are wrong. Here’s what you need to know.

Critics Say Meghan Markle Is Showing Antipathy Towards Great Britain

As many royal fans know, Meghan will not be joining Prince Harry in London next month but instead will skip over the UK entirely and join him in Germany for this year’s Invictus Games instead.

And this move apparently has a lot of people hot and bothered. One critic even told the Daily Mirror,A rare Sussex double act is being saved for Germany where the Duchess will assist Harry with the closing ceremony.

Meghan Markle

On this occasion, I suspect Meghan’s no-show in London says more about her antipathy towards Britain, than the couple’s relationship.

We don’t deserve her, at least so she probably thinks. Also, there’s that outstanding issue regarding the couple’s UK security and who pays for it…”

Needless to say, many royal family fans and critics alike have had a lot to say about the matter on social media. Some have said in the comments section,She was bullied and abused so she left like they wanted and now they are pissed she won’t come back for more. 

They need to learn you can’t have your cake and eat it too,” along with, “They bullied & kicked her out of d RF & Britain, now that she’s standing her ground & refusing to be abused, she’s d problem?

Reality finally hitting them: she’s done! Remember that look on her face getting into the car after QE’s funeral?  Stick a fork in it, she’s done with them.”

Meghan Markle Wants Nothing To Do With Great Britain

Another critic wrote, “She has no reason to be there right now and Britain establishment has made their antipathy and hostility towards her very loud and clear.

Why should she put up with that when they have no home, no security, and no peace over there. Why put herself through that mess?”

So far the Duchess of Sussex hasn’t made any comments about the matter herself although at this point it’s safe to say that she’s not going to even pay attention to what her critics are saying.

Plus, Meghan has also made it clear that she’s not going to travel to Britain unless she absolutely has to, just like when she did for Queen Elizabeth’s funeral last year.

She would rather protect her family and her mental health than ever have to deal with all of those people that made her life miserable again.

Tell us, what do you think of this story?

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  1. Susan says

    She doesn’t command attention in GB anymore, so of course she won’t go back. If they offered her something like a royal recognition on the preverbal balcony or an apology, she might go. Maybe she might go for her kids getting each their own kingdom, don’t look for her to show! Sign me, Sick of her. She must have issues from her childhood.

  2. Betty says

    She says she wants nothing to do with the UK, well there’s a lot of people in the US that wants nothing to do with her. She,needs to disappear to some foreign country and just disappear and as,far as her thinking she’s worthy of an Emmy award. Well there’s a lot of actors that’s far better than she,’ll ever be wanting one too. She’s a no talent laughing stock.

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