Prince Andrew Criticized For Ruining Eugenie And Beatrice’s Royal Lives
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It looks like Prince Andrew might be the reason why Princess Beatrice and Princess Eugenie don’t have a place in the royal family.
That’s because their father has made it hard for them to get anywhere thanks to his sex scandal and connection to dead but also disgraced financier Jeffrey Epstein. Keep reading below for everything you need to know.
Royal Family News – Prince Andrew Criticized For Ruining Eugenie And Beatrice’s Royal Lives
According to GB News, royal expert and author Richard Fitzwilliams says that there is a very slim chance that Princess Beatrice and Princess Eugenie will ever become full-time working royals.
And that’s not just because King Charles wants a slim-downed monarchy, but also because of their father, Prince Andrew, and his very sketchy reputation.
In his interview, Fitzwilliams put it this way, “[Princess Beatrice and Princess Eugenie] are happy the way they are at the moment in the sense that they’re happily married, they’ve got careers, and they’ve got families. But on the other hand, they would probably like to increase the amount of work they do.”
Fitzwilliams also added that at this point, it’s very unlikely that the public would want to see more of Princess Eugenie and Princess Beatrice at royal engagements and public appearances anyway.
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The royal expert continued, “If they did become working royals, and they do occasional work which is fine. But the problem is of course the link with Prince Andrew and certainly for the moment, it’s unlikely that they would be asked to do more. It’s simply a matter of gauging public opinion.”
So far Kensington Palace has not made any comments about the matter. Now, whether or not King Charles does change his mind and make Eugenie and Beatrice full-time working royals remains to be seen.
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Editorial credit: Mick Atkins /
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Andrew’s children shouldn’t be punished for their fathers actions. I would worry about the girls spilling monarchy secrets to Harry and Meghan. Only the family can decide this.
Here is the classic example of the sins of the parents being visited upon their children as spoken of in the book of NUMBERS chapter 14 verse 18.
“The LORD is slow to anger, abounding in love and forgiving sin and rebellion. Yet he does not leave the guilty unpunished; he punishes the children for the sin of the parents to the third and fourth generation.’’
I would say Prince Andrew DEFINITELY wasn’t thinking of his own girls when he committed this heinous act with a minor. No father in his right mind would or could do such a thing. So now while HE pays the price…so do his daughters. Distance between them is the best thing for them now. Eventually it will play itself out and the world will move on just like it had to when Diana was killed. That was a dark day in history as we all loved Di. She WAS the ‘people’s Princess’…but we had to move on. Charles got away with everything he did to her. So he needs to extend some courtesy and grace to his brother. Charles cheated while ‘married’, and Andrew cheated with a ‘minor’. They BOTH screwed up. Charles should remember that the eyes of the world were on him when he did it too. And when Diana tragically died, which was convenient for HIM. We won’t forget what HE did…