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Prince Harry And Meghan Had One Job and They Blew It Because Of Paranoia and Impatience

British royal family news shows that Prince Harry and Meghan Markle’s relationship with the media has been contentious at best. Now a royal expert is telling it like he sees it, and it isn’t pretty.

Read on to discover what one BBC royal correspondent thinks of the traitors’ press relationships.

Nicholas Witchell has nearly half a century of reporting under his belt and he called the petty pair too sensitive and not able to take what they dish out.

Royal Family News – Prince Harry And The Press

Witchell thinks the monarchy suffered a loss when Harry and Meghan fled to the US for financial freedom, something pundits are estimating has ended up being more about freedom than money after being dropped by Spotify.

Prince Harry And Meghan Had One Job and They Blew It Because Of Paranoia and Impatience

He always goes on the record to say that if the grifters had been “prepared to try harder” and if Meghan knew the definition of patience “they could have achieved great success working within the royal household.” The world will never know.

Royal Family News – Meghan’s Impatience?

He also rubbished claims that palace aides were against them. The veteran correspondent alleges that palace officials definitely tried to help the Sussexes succeed. Instead, he said there was a “clash of cultures” with Harry not being “psychologically suited” to his role.

Harry has alluded to his lack of royalness, complaining about being second in line behind his brother William who will one day be king, not Harry. The royals even have a vocabulary for this situation, labeling Harry the spare and William the heir.

Royal News – Harry Is The Spare

Overall Witchell has a fair and balanced view of the duke and duchess of excess, admitting that Harry has his share of faced unfair press treatment.

He declared that Harold’s incessant legal battles with the media are “misguided” and “a touch paranoid.”

Royal News – Harry’s “Paranoia?”

But wait, there’s more! He called out the couple as “narrow” and “suffused with paranoia” failing to see the “bigger picture” and their “opportunities.”

Witchell believes that Harry has shown himself to be “obsessed – unhealthily so” with how he has been portrayed in the media. Which is to say he is upset with how he conducts himself, hence the reporting on his behavior.

Be sure to catch up on everything happening with the royal family. Come back here often for royal family news and updates.

Editorial credit: Sarnia /

1 Comment
  1. Missy Bee says

    Harry is a spoiled brat but I feel Meghan encouraged it. Did he not know he would never be king? It’s very shameful that it has become this.

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