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Prince Harry And Meghan Markle’s Reconcilation Plan Revealed

So it looks like they do want to play nice after all. There’s a new report that suggests Prince Harry and Meghan Markle are looking to make up with King Charles and their ‘emotional’ plan for reconciliation has been disclosed. Here’s what you need to know.

Royal Family News – Prince Harry And Meghan Markle’s Reconcilation Plan Revealed

According to a new report, Harry and Meghan aren’t the only wants that want to end their ongoing feud with the King of England and the rest of the royal family.

Apparently, King Charles is also said to be very desperate to meet with the Sussexes and of course, spend time with his two grandchildren, Archie and Lilibet, both of whom he hasn’t seen in a very long time.

Prince Harry And Meghan Markle’s Reconcilation Plan Revealed

While there were earlier reports suggesting Harry and Meghan wanted to travel to the UK to spend Christmas at Sandringham with the royal family, at this point it doesn’t seem like it’s going to happen.

Yet, one source close to the situation said that Harry and Meghan’s new strategy is reconciliation” and that they are willing to do whatever they can to reunite with at least King Charles for the sake of their two children, Archie and Lilibet. After all, they do want their grandfather in their children’s lives.

Royal Family News – Harry And Meghan Just Want Peace

As much as Harry and Meghan want to patch things up though, there’s a very slim chance that it will happen, or at least not right away. That’s because there are two people who are most likely going to stand in their way: Prince William and Kate Middleton.

Both the Prince and Princess of Wales have made it no secret that they want nothing to do with the Sussexes, let alone ever be in the same room with them ever again.

This will make a reconciliation very difficult as there’s a very good chance that William and Kate will skip a royal Christmas if they know that Hary and Meghan will be there.

So far Kensington Palace has made no comments about the matter.

Tell us, what do you think of this story? Drop us a line in our comments section below with your thoughts. Also, don’t forget to come back right here for all the latest news and gossip about all of your favorite British royals,  We’ve got you covered.

Photo credit: Deposit Photo – Authorfiledimage

  1. J Simer says

    How do you force Man to do anything. I can’t believe Harry didn’t stand up to his self centered wife.

  2. Sal says

    Never, there is no trust in either one, they will sell all their family for money
    The royals should remove their title

  3. Jltarbe says

    Now that they’ve squeezed every nickel out of anything and everything they had contact with via the Royal family, they want to say, sorry and everything will be good. Until the next time they trash them for money. She’s a witch that has played her hand and lost. The only way Harry will be allowed back is to lose her nasty ass.

  4. Susie says

    Hello All, King Charles 111 this very concerned about the couple Harry and Meghan and small minded William and Kate which she just made a wonderful step forward, they don’t want to be in the same room with them and so childish. A man can step to another man and open the ideas of another, you don’t always agree but you stand as a man and here them out and a gift may come from that great strength in a open heart and not keeping a hard heart =and closed off heart and mind set. KING CHARLES 111 you see William daily and his children certainly very often compared to your other son HARRY. I KNOW YOU Have reservations and concerns so invite them over with just your self scheduled to block off some time just for them and become there family and FATHER for you ALL. In that time there spirits will tell you many things your heart needs to know. You the LEADER of the family not the QUEEN and THE FATHER OF YOUR CHILDREN. No matter the feelings of others you need your best foot forward in nurturing ALL your children and being there for them as the QUEEN does for her family. Pick a place of privacy as she does for her family and grandchildren to nurture. You have the same rights to nurture your children and families in your life. Some times separation is how to get things healed and understanding changed, don’t let them control you as they know they are doing it. Step up honor your own heart and do what is needed to do in healing your family and being there for them in wonderful times and LOVE together. Some times the others are not needed to grow your own life with all your family members. Life can be complicated in emotions and personality so don’t worry and bow down to it all. It’s your family and only your family and they will be your Heart to them all. A very important relationship as any world leaders you care to nurture for your commonwealth. Your family is your Personal Commonwealth and you need to fight for them all as your great MOTHER THE QUEEN DID FOR HER FAMILY. ITS HARD AND ASK JESUS STRONG INTO YOUR LIFE AND CONCERNS AS HIS BIBLE HAS MORE ANSWERS IN A HIGHER PLACE THAT IS SO IMPORTANT IN OUR THOUGHTS. I WILL PRAY FOR YOUR STRENGTH TO YOUR FAMILY AND PEACE TO YOUR HEART. KING CHARLES 111 YOU ARE A WONDERFUL CARING PERSON SO STAND UP FOR THEM ALL IN YOUR HEART.♥️ FIGHT FOR THEM ALL IN NO MATTER WHAT ANYONE SAYS AND WHEN THEY KNOW YOUR SERIOUS THEY WILL AJUST IF YOU MEAN THE WORLD TO THEM. RESPECTFULLY ALWAYS KING CHARLES 111 ♥️

  5. Shar says

    Time for those involved to put aside their egos and competitiveness and get on with reconciliation. Charles needs both his boys and they need him and each other. If Camilla is contributing to the drama, then she should be be encouraged to bow out.

  6. Ben says

    I don’t blame William and Kate that they don’t want to be in the same room as Harry & Megan. After all the lies they spread regarding all of the Royal Family I would not want to have anything to do with them ever again. Harry & Megan are getting desperate and need money or they will loose their mansion. All their money makers they started have failed because they never finished one project they started in USA. They have zero friends. Her closest friend Mrs Mahoney of Toronto no longer speaks. I hope William & Kate never lower themselves to the low standards of Megan & Harry. She doesn’t speak to any family members other than her Mom that lives with them. I love Karma,

    1. Sherry says

      Yes, I also love that Karma is ready to take huge bites out of their butts for the betrayal of the family, the monarchy and the very people that came to see them at events. NO way should the Wales ever forgive that they did to the family in front of the entire world all for the sake of money..30 pieces of silver is not enough for their empty souls.

  7. Debby says

    I believe they even tried to blackmail Charles using the kids as bait. It shows how low Harry is willing to stoop to get what he wants

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