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Prince Harry Blindsided By Shock Work Divorce

He certainly didn’t expect this to happen. There’s a new report that suggests Prince Harry has been left absolutely blindsided by Meghan Markle’s decision to officially “work divorce” her husband in a rather hushed move.

That’s because it seems like the Duchess of Sussex is doing whatever she can to separate herself from not only her husband, but all things royal, as that clearly has not been working out in her favor. Keep reading below for everything you need to know.

Royal Family News – Prince Harry Blindsided By Shock Work Divorce

According to royal expert Daniela Elser, she thinks Meghan is the one who is pulling the plug on her professional relationship with her husband.

Prince Harry Blindsided By Shock Work Divorce

The Duchess of Sussex supposedly thinks it would be a better idea for her and Harry to appear in public separately than together.

She also thinks that they should take on more solo projects and contracts in the future. That’s because their joint efforts have not given them the results that they’ve otherwise wanted to see.

It’s an observation that a lot of royalists have seen, including Elser. She writes in her latest column, The last week has seen both Harry and Meghan make big announcements, with a new business deal in the bag and a big new TV interview beamed around the world. However, where these latest developments differ is that each only included one half of the formerly inseparable professional twosome.”

Royal Family News – What’s Next For Prince Harry And Meghan Markle?

What’s more, Elser also noted that Meghan had joined Lemonda Media withot Prince Harry. It seems like she wants to see how this solo project will work out for the future. She then added, “Mark the time, note the date. Harry and Meghan Inc. is officially kaput.”

So far both Prince Harry and Meghan Markle have not made any comments about the matter. But it’s safe to say that there certainly is a shift going on in their relationship, both professionally and personally.

Tell us, what do you think of this story? Drop us a line in our comments section below with your thoughts. Also, watch this space as we have a feeling there is so much more juicy drama to come.

Also, don’t forget to come back right here for all the latest news and gossip about all of your favorite British royals, We’ve got you covered.

  1. Diane Almeter says

    The sooner Harry parts withMegan the better. She is the one who has caused/created all this mess. He needs Togo back to his family and get back in good graces. William needs to come down off of his high horse and make amends with Harry. I truly hink all this is possible.

    1. Just123 says

      Harry will forever be a thorn in William’s side. Harry and MM have caused so much hurt and pain that runs deep. It’s extremely difficult to put such a deep betrayal behind you. On top of that Harry and MM are not to be trusted and likely never will be trusted.

  2. R. Truchan says

    Harry should go back to the U.K. He has been used by Meghan. Leaving his children will be very difficult but she refuses to return to G. B. She is to blame for the turmoil. Just my opinion.

  3. Betty says

    Looks,like,it may be divorce from work for Megan, then divorce from the man especially if he decides to take solo trips to the UK. But either way with their popularity in the gutter. I just din t see how,either one of them will be successful in 2024.

  4. Sally says

    Harry needs to grab up those kids and go back to the UK. Beg for forgiveness from this father and this brother and stay in the UK for the rest of his life. Say good bye to Meghan and the US

  5. britlynn says

    Harry needs to wake up! Get your kiddos and go back to the UK. He should not have to leave his kiddos behind. I think that Meghan has shown enough that a judge can figure out that she was warned about the commitment, that her children would be British subjects and she chose to have children with him. He tried everything to salvage the relationship, even turning on his family. If anything is Kaput it is Meghan!

  6. Larry B. says

    Meghan has always been a “me first” individual and has used her marriage to Harry hoping his global status would elevate hers. It’s little surprise that once she felt her status “peaked as them” she would branch out and attempt to capitalize on he so called “New found global status”.

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