Prince Harry Gives Meghan Markle Hollywood Ultimatum
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Prince Harry turned his back on his entire family and left his home country to come slum it in Los Angeles with Meghan Markle.
But, even Prince Harry reportedly has his limits. Could Meghan Markle lose her husband if she returns to Hollywood? Rumor has it that Harry is fuming over reports that his wife is in negotiations to return to Suits, keep reading for all the details.
Suits Is Returning To TV
Suits: LA has been confirmed, NBC is moving forward with the legal drama reboot. But, anyone who watched Suits in the past knows the only reason the series is even being resurrected is because of the fact Meghan Markle played Rachel Zane for seven seasons on USA.
It doesn’t take rocket science to know if the series wants to be successful, they are going to need to show old Meghan Markle flashbacks, get her to join the reboot, or at least help them promote it and co-sign it.
Prince Harry’s wife is sitting pretty right now. Express confirmed last month that NBC and the Suits reboot showrunners are already “in talks” with Meghan Markle’s agents.
The insider went on to say that TPTB in Hollywood are desperate to get the Duchess on camera and are prepared to pay astonishing amounts of money.
Will Meghan Markle Ditch Harry To Return To Hollywood
Prince Harry gave up everything to live with Meghan Markle in America “for their safety.” The Duke of Sussex is now realizing that he got played like a fiddle and everyone was right, his wife just wants the best of both worlds.
Meghan wants to play her Royal Family card when it’s convenient for her, but still wants to be an actress and star on television. To say Harry is embarrassed is an understatement, and if Meghan returns to Hollywood he will have to eat crow.
If Meghan Markle has to choose between Hollywood and Harry, what will it be? Do you think she will join the Suits reboot despite Prince Harry’s protests?
Let us know what you think in the comments below and keep checking back here for more Meghan Markle news and updates.
Editorial credit: Alan Fraser Images /
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Who cares
Lol her cast members are laughing but one he’s an idiot and damn glad his wife figured these two out bet ya it won’t do well to many people know who she really is so she will only get a select few to watch would if they don’t want show to flop
Evangelist Mary Cole Truesby:The royals should stop throwing their weight around!!! They only want Prince Harry’s marriage to end and He return to them!!! All to get rid of the mix blacks in the family!!! Truth is so plain it’s ridiculous!!! All of this feuding is to break up Prince Harry’s Marriage get rid of that half black wife and children!!! Every move King Charles III and Prince William and Kate Middleton has made has been to destroy this marriage!!! Nothing more!!! The pity party about the King CharlesIII being so miss treated by Prince Harry because he won’t let him see his grand children and Prince William so upset!!! William doesn’t even want his children to play with their half black cousins!!! Please stop putting the weight on Prince Harry and Megan Markle all an excuse to take everything away from them strip them and put them out of the family God,Jesus and The Holy Mother knows the Truth all others that agree with King CharlesIII, Prince Willia, and Princess Catherine/Kate are bigots also!!! Truth is Truth
Such a racist attitude in your perception of this.
Meghan has made her own reputation; ask the people who work closely with her or for her.
Harry has done everything to please her.
The royal family welcomed her and tried to get along with her.
She wants what she wants…and will probably get it, but at what cost.
There are no guarantees in a marriage. So, what if the tables are turned, and Meghan gives up “her” life. “Her” dreams for Harry and his demands, (as he did for her)? Then the marriage still fails for some other reason? She would probably be older, no recent resume’ to obtain a Hollywood contract. Wouldn’t be as popular. Hollywood would replace her and move on. Now what? What about the kids? What is best for them? The royalty world seems like it was brutal to Meghan. People loved Harry. He will always be accepted in some way. Be nice if there could be a compromise between the two. Depends on how much they value their family and marriage. I think Meghan will choose Hollywood. Not that she doesn’t love Harry, but because the royalty family doesn’t love her and choosing Harry would be a large gamble to end up right back where she started from.
Shes a gold digger only out for herself and what she can get.she should never hold any kind of title not worthy…prince harry needs to cut his loses and ho back home..dont worry she’ll find another husband she wont be alone
If Markel has anything to do with suits it will definitely be a flop she makes me sick
Harry should realized now his mistakes about his wifes crazy ideas and should think about the childrens whos gonna be affected in the long run
Sure she will. She left the first husband why did he think he would be any different. The show was better when she wasn’t in the picture. Mike and the other man made the show.
What a bunch of BS this MF evil woman was not the Star of Suits and never will be. Infact, MF was the worst star of suits, and I nvr liked her in it and now with all of her ugly past put out there for the world to know, I can now see why she was given her part, but most definitely the worst star of that show. There are way too many other shows that currently are much better than suits. Plus good shows keep coming out and I’m not a suits lover.
She will go back to Hollywood and I hope he keeps the kids she will be yo busy to take care of them
Are they really Harry’s and Meghan children? Just saying!
PH most certainly made a huge mistake marrying that horrid evil person, but now how does he get out of that ugly marriage. Without KC3, or PW if he becomes King having to pay that evil MF millions. PH has really dug his own grave, relatively speaking and how his whole family tried to warn him, but guess he’s too dense. IMO there’s no lov there, there’s only a wife that wants to use him and make sure that she uses his Title. Stupid as it sounds cus America doesn’t recognize titles and in America she is no Duchess nor Princess nor Queen, instead she’s a basic Nobody that thinks she’s royal in America, and she’s not just an evil MF nobody that’s begging everyone to make her a star. What she doesn’t realize is that she can’t act.
She got the fancy title by marrying Harry. Did not like being 2nd fiddle to beautiful sweet Kate who works very hard there. Megan is out for Megan. That is what matters to her. Sad that Henry fell into her charm . I guess she has them- i have never seen! She is a very selfish person. She lies and does not care who she hurts and how many people it effects.sad he lost his family because of a true gold digger
She will choose Suits. She’s too arrogant and self centered to stand by Harry. Good luck Harry. There’s the old saying, if you lay down with a dog you will get fleas. You have fleas.
Drama Drama Drama
This is for Mary Cole, First of all Harry’s children are only 1/4 black. MEGHAN IS 1/2 Black.
This has really never been an issue with the royal family. They accepted Meghan regardless of her ancestory.. she messed everything up all by herself as well as Harry. They chose to trash Harry’s family for profit so they could live a royal life in the USA. Shame on them.
Meghan does want the best of both worlds and its finally catching up with her. She has done the damage with the Opra interview, convinced her Prince to write his book and point out such nasty things that maybe should have never been published. That woman is trouble from day one and Prince William knew it. Why does Meghan always have to cling onto Harry? It looks like she is afraid she is going to loose him. It looks like she is afraid she he will go another way. I read that one of her conditions if there was a divorce, one od her demands is she can keep her royal total. NOW just what does that tell you?