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Prince Harry Gulps 6 Bottles Of Beer, Canoodles With Meghan On Birthday

Prince Harry joined 12 of his aides as well as his wife to celebrate his 39th birthday. And the festivities included plenty of beer for the Duke of Sussex.

Find out everything about Harry’s 39th birthday celebration at a restaurant in Germany. And learn what the head waiter at the restaurant revealed. Get all the details below.

Prince Harry Celebrates 39th Birthday

The Duke of Sussex headed to a German brewery for his 39th birthday party with his wife, the Duchess of Sussex.

And together with a dozen of Harry’s aides, the couple enjoyed locally brewed beer and traditional treats at the Schumacher in Düsseldorf, according to Page Six.

Prince Harry Gulps 6 Bottles Of Beer, Canoodles With Meghan On Birthday

Spread out among two tables at the restaurant, Harry and his gang ordered their food from head waiter Frank Wackers. And the head waiter revealed that the Duke of Sussex gulped down six beers. However, Meghan, 42, limited herself to a single beer.

And Wackers also shared that the celebration featured family-style dishes of wiener schnitzel, pork knuckle, sausage, roast and mashed potatoes. But it couldn’t feel like a true birthday celebration without a cake. And the staff provided the white chocolate birthday cake for the occasion.

Harry’s Bodyguard Issues Threat

However, Wacker described the group as “very happy. He is a lovely man,” added the head waiter about Harry. “And they were so nice.” But he then revealed that the Duke of Sussex’s bodyguard issued a joking threat that “he would kill [him] if the beer was bad.”

Meghan and Harry paid the tab and also left a sizable tip. And Harry dressed casually for the occasion, wearing jeans, a gray button-down and matching boat shoes. In contrast, Meghan opted for a red pin-striped blouse, skinny white capris and nude flats.

And the restaurant owner, Thea Ungermann, confessed that she felt “goosebumps” when the Duchess and Duke of Sussex entered her restaurant. Thea described the “lovely” couple as “very relaxed.” And she shared that Harry seemed to enjoy a “very jolly time.”

Prince Harry Indulges In PDA With Meghan

The group lingered until just before midnight to return to their hotel. And there, they sang Happy Birthday to Harry and ate cake.

The Duchess and Duke of Sussex had arrived in Germany to attend the Invictus Games. And the couple indulged in plenty of displays of public affection amid the annual international multi-sport event for wounded, injured and sick soldiers and veterans.

Photos that went viral on social media showed Harry hugging Meghan. And the Duchess of Sussex then took her turn in canoodling with her hubby.

The two also gazed into each other’s eyes repeatedly, focused on each other amid their PDA. And social media fans seemed to approve, with one cheering on Harry for loving “loudly” and another calling him the Duke of Love. 

Tell us what you think. How do you feel about Prince Harry drinking beer and canoodling for his birthday? And after you share your views, check back on our site for more royal family news.

Editorial credit: AU Media /

  1. Deborah says

    They had a good time at a German restaurant… BUT AGAIN they made it all about them. It could have been private & low key, but was all about media & camera coverage.

  2. Sherry says

    Give Harry more *drugs, more booze* and of course he will smile for the camera

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