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Princess Kate’s Parents Carole And Michael Middleton’s Hospital Absence Sparking Major Concern

Is there something that the royal family is simply not being open about? That’s what a lot of royal fans can’t help but wonder as they’ve noticed that Kate Middleton’s two parents, Carole and Michael Middleton, are nowhere to be seen even though their daughter has remained hospitalized following her reported abdominal surgery.

While usually some post-surgery stays only last about a few days, the Princess of Wales is expected to remain in the hospital for the next two weeks.

This has prompted a lot of people to wonder why the Middleton family is yet to visit her at The London Clinic. Here’s what you need to know.

Royal Family News – Carole And Michael Middleton’s Absence Sparking Major Concern

Carole and Michael Middleton’s absence is sparking major concern from royal fans and critics alike. That’s because they haven’t been seen nor have they been heard from even though their daughter is making international headlines at the moment.

Carole And Michael Middleton’s Hospital Absence Sparking Major Concern

Seeing how she just had a major surgical procedure, you’d think that her parents and her two siblings, Pippa and James Middleton, would have been at The London Clinic by now to visit her.

But they have gone suspiciously quiet, which has prompted a lot of people to wonder what might truly be going on behind closed doors.

Royal Family News – The Middletons Have Been Super Quiet

If that weren’t enough, Prince William has only visited his wife at the hospital once since she’s been admitted, too.

Is Kate Middleton simply not allowed to have any visitors while she’s at the hospital? Or is she just communicating with everyone through Facetime and texts? Fans have lots of questions and they want answers.

So far Kensington Palace has not made any further comments about the matter, but at this point it’s doubtful that anything will be said.

An announcement will probably be made once Kate Middleton is released from the hospital. Watch this space as we have a feeling there is so much more to come.

Tell us, what do you think of this story? Drop us a line in our comments section below with your thoughts.

Also, don’t forget to come back right here for all the latest news and gossip about all of your favorite British royals, We’ve got you covered.

  1. Peggy says

    I think it may be hospital rules at this time of year because of it being flu/covid/other viruses time and they don’t want to take a chance that the Princess could be exposed. As someone that has had abdominal surgery, you certainly don’t want anything that causes cough. My husband spent weeks hospitalized that no one was allowed to visit. Stop the speculation. Princess Kate is probably following doctors advice to protect herself, other patients and staff.

    1. Janet Lazuka says

      I feel that with any type of surgery during flu and covid season, that any and all precautions should be taken. I have had serious abdominal surgery and spent 3 wks in hospital with no visitation to eliminate any chances of infection.
      Please respect the Princess and her family at this very hard time of separation from her children and others. I feel continued well wishes be posted to keep everything at a concerned level but upbeat as well.

  2. Dani says

    If there is visitation restrictions after surgery it only means the patient is vulnerable for any infections. It’s a serious surgery I may think it is. Hopefully it will turn out okey after the days of stays in the recovery room.

  3. Adita says

    Let the Princess rest and dtop looking for trouble!She has enough on her plate.The Wirldcis in chaos and you g focus on her.Really!!

  4. Fran Crawford says

    I think they may all be busy helping the children with their normal routines. If their routines changed , they might be very worried about their Mom. They need to be surrounded by their family now, and kept safe from any and all rumors

  5. Soaper says

    I think they are frauds. Too power hungry.

  6. Giovina says

    I am sure her family is up to date with Kates situation. They are probably helping out with the everything and so William.
    She needs rest anyway

  7. Mary says

    For heavens sake STOP the gossip and speculation! First, children at school at this time can bring home any number of nasty viruses which is the last thing Princess Kate needs. William is busy taking care of their 3 children, alone( no nanny) and FT/Zoom/Skype/Whats App are just a few of the ways family can talk to and see the Princess w/o being in the hospital! The Middletons moved closer to their daughter temporarily to be of help when she leaves hospital!
    Nothing sinister in any of this at all!

  8. Kenneth Crenshaw says

    Let’s just be real, It makes no sense for not visiting your daughter in the hospital, Period.

    You couldn’t keep me away from her for at least a moment. Even if I could only get to the waiting room.

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