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Royal Family News: Meghan Markle’s Mouthpiece Repeats Accusations Against Her In-laws

Meghan Markle British royal family news shows that Meghan Markle, Duchess of Sussex’s friend Omid Scobie accused the Royal Family today of talking about her child Archie before his birth, and reiterated her and husband Harry’s accusations of neglect toward them.

And Scobie Doo said that Meghan Thee Duchess of Sussex may fly to the UK for the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee in 2021.

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According to the Daily Mail, the man is the couple’s, “preferred royal reporter.” He spoke his truth, “at an event at the Foreign Press Association in London where he made more incendiary comments about the Queen and Prince William including racism and ‘unconscious bias’ against Meghan in the family.”

Why today? It probably has nothing to do with the fact that royal rival Kate Middleton had a magnificent day in the sun by unveiling a significant social project involving early childhood education. The headlines applauded her effort and success. Meanwhile the headlines for Harry and Meghan depended on Scobie’s accusations on their behalf.

Royal Family News – Kate Middleton Has Launched A Successful Childhood Initiative

Prince Harry and Meghan, “have been accused of causing a rift with the Windsors after dropping a series of damaging transatlantic ‘truth bombs’ about royal life,” including whining to Oprah Winfrey that Harry’s dad cut off their allowance.

According to those present today when Scobie nattered on about the couple, he revisited their complaints about his family.

Scobie’s “revelations” come on the same day that Kate met with a panel of experts at The London School of Economics to present the inaugural report of her new Royal Foundation Centre for Early Childhood.

Royal Family News – The Royal Family Is Making Waves

In regard to the couple’s first sit-down with talk show hostess Oprah Winfrey, the Queen responded by saying the issues were taken “very seriously” but that “some recollections may vary.” Afterward many of the couple’s rants were discredited and several other complaints called into question.

For instance, Meghan’s boast that the Archbishop of Canterbury married them in secret in the backyard was denounced without hesitation by the Archbishop. To have done so would have been against his oath yet the couple had no qualm about throwing inaccurate shade against him.

It makes one wonder what else they have made up, and against whom.

Be sure to catch up on everything happening with the royal family. Come back here often for royal family news and updates.

  1. Guest says

    Get a grip, of coarse there was curious discussion about what and who their child would genetically favor after birth! Any family awaiting for the birth of a mixed race baby absolutely talk about (in our different times delightfully) the potentially different racial features the baby could be born with! It’s a natural, fun discussion to have! A friends daughter is half Caucasian and half Chinese (she’s beautiful) married a guy half black and half Hispanic (beautiful too) and now have five young sons and we all would wonder in loving curiosity when she would be pregnant not only what biological gender but would it be blonde, blue eyed like grandma, or look Chinese, or look Hispanic or mostly black and it was a natural, loving conversation each time, not one thing racist about it! Needless to say their five little boys range from blonde, blue eyed to totally just Chinese to just black to just Hispanic and beautifully mixed! All are amazing and wanted and loved!

  2. M. Payton says

    That is one beautiful and outstanding comment…..your friends are very well blessed in life. We never have a choice of what we will turn out to be like when born,that is up to our higher power whomever that might be, yet being given life is a blessing and to be treasured here on earth while we can, sad that the only thing Harry and Meghan focus on is lies and hate and chaos when they have so much in life to be very thankful for. Someday they will learn and then it will be to darn late to make amends to all those they hurt and lied about.

  3. Jezz says

    It's very sad. I believe the Queen had embraced this wonderful opportunity for a more diverse family. I got the impression she had high hopes that finally her family could now more fully represent the UK and Commonwealth. By their own accusations Harry and Megan have done more harm than good both for their children and diversity in general. As others have rightly commented here, people do naturally wonder about the impending baby, it's part of the excitement and anticipation. Most parents who suffer from pale skin would probably love for their child to have some colour, fake tan and sunbathing isn't popular because we all love being so white! Part of the reason Harry and Megan make me so angry is because I feel their selfish, spiteful and vindictive behavior is amongst other things setting cultural issues back not forwards. Why did they wait to address these issues, why didn't they meet privately with family and have positive conversations instead of all these public accusations which achieve nothing other than slandering Harry's families reputation, which appears to be the entire point because IF Harry and Megan genuinely wanted a happy family and healthy relationship they would have discussed matters in private, not thrown spurious accusations out to media sensationalized interviews. As for Scobie, he's a pathetic, childish mouthpiece, why doesn't he just move to Hollywood, if he hates the Royals and loves Harry and Megan so much.

  4. Guest says

    Don’t get it are both lie about most things, I do believe she is a pathological lier. HE lies Too, but she just seems to drag him along by the ear. Wish someone would make a list of all the proven untruths. Ophra should be ashamed of herself for even airing that living mess . She’s looks like such a fool, made the big statement, that she did her own investigation & fact checking. WEll not so much, because lie after lie ?
    Proven with fact after fact.
    She’s just can’t leave it alone, here he is in the UK to shot their statue of Diana, And here comes Ole Meghan and having to be front & center. He’s with his family & friends (I hope trying). To gain a little elf respect, & here she comes 4 thousand miles away and she still has to get her digs in. WHY can’t she just shut up!

  5. DJ Brown says

    Who can take your writing seriously when you can’t get his name right. Scobie Doo? How childish.

  6. Deborah Fry says

    That Obay Scubbie-doo shut there mouths. Everything they open them they lose more & more respect from both sides. They're getting paid to talk about "unsubstantiated" claims, so all in all since most of the claims have been debunked & there's no.proff of others they're making themselves look STUPID piped pipers.

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