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Royal Family News: Meghan Markle’s Second Pregnancy Means More Trouble For Queen Elizabeth

Meghan MarkleRoyal Family news shows Prince Harry and Meghan Markle are expecting their second child together and while this would usually be a very joyous occasion for the royal family, this time around it quite isn’t. Now, that’s not to say that Queen Elizabeth and the rest of the royal family are not excited over the fact that the Duke and Duchess of Sussex are bringing another royal baby into this world, but rather because they might not get much of a chance to see the little tot once he or she is born. Not only that, but there’s more. Here are five reasons why Meghan Markle’s second pregnancy might mean more trouble for Queen Elizabeth.

A Royal Baby Born On The Other Side Of The World

This is going to be the first great-grandchild of Queen Elizabeth’s that will be born on the other side of the world, and most likely in California. None of the members of the royal family will even be there for the birth, especially given all of the travel restrictions in place right now.

Royal Protocol Thrown Out The Window

In the past, royal birth announcements were made on the official royal easel in front of Buckingham Palace. Seeing how Harry and Meghan have one foot in the door and one foot out, it will be interesting to see if their child will get this royal treatment.

Royal Family News: Harry And Meghan Control The Narrative

When it comes to the royal family, everything is about tradition. The traditional first reveal of the baby, the christening, the royal portraits and so on. But now that Harry and Meghan are in control of their own lives, Queen Elizabeth won’t have much of a say when it comes to Sussex Baby No. 2.

Tradition Thrown Out The Window

Speaking of tradition, there’s a good chance that Prince Harry and Meghan Markle will continue to raise their family their way, and not the royal way. While Prince George, Princess Charlotte and Prince Louis will get to enjoy royal traditions like Christmas at Sandringham House or their first grousing experience with Prince Charles, their California cousins will most likely not.

A New Kind Of Royal

With all of the above said, it’s without a doubt that both Archie Harrison and his future little brother or sister will be part of a new generation of royals. Sure, they’ve got that royal blood in their veins, but they will have L.A. accents, with dress like they are from L.A. and will carry themselves like they are in L.A. It will surely be fun when Prince George comes over for a visit.

Be sure to catch up on everything happening with the British Royal Family right now. Come back here often for all the latest British Royal Family spoilers, news, and updates.

1 Comment
  1. Jezz says

    Keep it simple, remove the entire family from the line of succession. There are enough working Royals who don't bring constant drama and complications. If they were living and serving in a Commonwealth country it would be a different matter. With Mr and Mrs Harry Markel's fondness for family feuds and antagonistic behavior, do the UK and Commonwealth need a potentially toxic family of 4 causing even more royal issues. Don't get me wrong the children might grow into lovely people but the risk isn't worth it when there are already so many other grandchildren of senior working Royals. Let's face it, if something happened to William and his entire family would the UK really want Hollywood Harry on the throne? Do the people even want to see him influencing Williams children? I don't think so. Better they are cut loose now and then the children can grow up in Hollywood without this looming drama and confusion. The children aren't going to grow up in a normal life in Hollywood as Harry likes to think but don't confuse them more than necessary with them growing up as plastic royalty.

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