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Royal Family News: Prince Harry Called A ‘Privileged Prat’ For Demanding Everyone Go Green

Prince Harry British royal family news shows that once again the world thinks Prince Harry, Duke of Sussex has put his privileged foot in his elitist mouth. This time he’s not prattling on about American politics or overhauling social media and how we’re allowed to use it. This time he’s back on another of his favorite causes, and once again telling us to do one thing while his advantaged self does the opposite.

Harry just gave another mini-lecture about climate change and told businesses around the world what they’re doing wrong. He has never run a business nor apparently conducted any busines, besides one stupefying podcast, in the past year.

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Predictably his airy fairy comments met with laughs immediately after he closed his mouth. The Fresh Prince of Montecito demanded that the world, “reset and reimagine,” a greener future. He probably would have traveled by private jet to deliver this message, but you know, corona.

In his shallow wisdom he spouted off, “We know that to not to travel again is not an option. Right before us, there is an opportunity to do things differently, to do things better. Travel and tourism are no exception. As the industry re-emerges from crisis, there is an urgent need to reset and reimagine.”

How he expects to do that was not explained, maybe he leaves pesky details to the minions.

Royal Family News – Prince Harry Has Been Called A Prat

Social media took Harry’s ignorant ramblings as an invitation to call him out. It wasn’t long before someone asked, “Will Prince Harry stop travelling by private jet then?”

Someone else called the royal prince a, “privileged prat,” who doesn’t live in the real world.

And that is exactly right. He lives in a $14 million dollar mansion in a neighborhood Mr. Joe Anybody cannot drive in, and has collected millions of dollars from Netflix and Spotify who have let him off the hook and demanded nothing in return apparently.

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Another user asked, “But why go buy the kind of house that they did buy? Could have gone down the eco is just words…plus the huge guzzlers they go around in! Change your lifestyle then come to the masses..that goes for the whole fam including Charles William etc!”

Summing up Harry’s predicament in trying to be a green spokesperson one user wrote, “Private jets, unfriendly fuel chugging cars, huge mansion to keep warm and cool & 16 bathrooms for the three of them. Grounds to keep watered etc. Give us a break lol.”

Yep Harry, it’s not easy being green just ask Kermit.

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  1. Guest says

    He is just as bad as MM, it's rubbng off.

  2. Guest says

    Poor Harry just hasn't a clue!!! She may have sent him out with that ridiculous speech, (which sounds very much like she wrote it), to test the waters..trying a new approach…if the speech bombs and Harry makes a fool of himself, she won't go the same route. She is a sneaky witch!

  3. Gloria Trelles says

    From day one of Megxit he's doing all wrong. Poor Harry he's trapped by Meghans thoughts.

  4. Jezz says

    Megan's keeping very quiet, perhaps she thinks she can eventually have a political career after she's done with her dancing monkey! Oh my dear, you are so nieve..his family will always love him and perhaps forgive, but then, that's beyond your comprehension.

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