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Royal Family News: Prince Harry Drops Bomb, Shocking Tell-All Memoir Coming

Royal Family News: Prince Harry Drops Shocking Bomb, Tell-All Memoir ComingBritish royal family news reveals the shocking truth bomb that Prince Harry, “has been secretly working,” on a memoir and keeping his family in the dark about it, according to the Daily Mail.

Hollywood Harry has been busy chicken scratching away for almost a year with a ghost writer on a book to be published by Penguin Random House. Apparently his family found out about his shenanigans the old fashioned way: through the grapevine.

Royal Family News – Prince Harry Has A Memoir

The Fresh Prince of Montecito is spilling his guts to Pulitzer-winning ghostwriter J. R. Moehringer and the first draft of the manuscript, which is not yet titled, is said to be almost completely written and due to be submitted in October.

According to Random House Harry will donate the proceeds, expected to be in the millions, to charity. Experts told that Harry will score at least a $20million (£14.6million) in advance for the tell-all with millions more coming in sales.

Royal Family News – Prince Harry Will Donate Money To Charity

Sources close to his father Prince Charles said that he was “surprised” to hear about the book and had no clue until the news broke today.

According to Prince Harry, “I’m writing this not as the prince I was born but as the man I have become. I’ve worn many hats over the years, both literally and figuratively, and my hope is that in telling my story— the highs and lows, the mistakes, the lessons learned — I can help show that no matter where we come from, we have more in common than we think.”

“I’m deeply grateful for the opportunity to share what I’ve learned over the course of my life so far and excited for people to read a firsthand account of my life that’s accurate and wholly truthful.”

Royal Family News – Prince Harry Has  Tell-All Book Coming Out

The publisher also released a statement: “In an intimate and heartfelt memoir from one of the most fascinating and influential global figures of our time, Prince Harry will share, for the very first time, the definitive account of the experiences, adventures, losses, and life lessons that have helped shape him.”

But wait, there’s more! The published enthused, “Covering his lifetime in the public eye from childhood to the present day, including his dedication to service, the military duty that twice took him to the frontlines of Afghanistan, and the joy he has found in being a husband and father, Prince Harry will offer an honest and captivating personal portrait, on that shows readers that behind everything they think they know lies an inspiring, courageous and uplifting human story.”

Royal Family News – Does Harry Want Privacy?

Prince Harry’s move goes against his constant calls that his privacy is respected.

Royal expert Robert Jobson said of Harry’s latest antics, “But this is bound to cause mayhem amongst the House of Windsor. If Harry, which seems inevitable, goes into detail about mental health issues involving his wife and alleged racism at the heart of the royal family, it will be hugely damaging to the House of Windsor and the Monarchy as an institution.”

“Harry is already hugely rich and famous so apart from damaging his family – which a book like this will inevitably do, I am not sure what he is trying to achieve. Whatever he says will lead to conflict.”

Piers Morgan tweeted, “Ready to tell his story? Prince Privacy hasn’t stopped yapping, whining & trashing his family all bloody year.”

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  1. Loopy Cooney says

    Really? How come there are so many 'tell all' books and interviews that are lies. Can't believe either one of them.

  2. Jezz says

    At the heart of everything Harry has done since leaving his family has been focused on spiteful, vindictive behavior and action, accompanied by many and frequent lies.

    Harry resigned stating his reasons was privacy and not ending up in a dangerous media situation like his mother. Well, clearly that was his first and biggest lie of all because all he has done since leaving is court the sort of media attention that resulted in his mother's death.

    His second massive lie was about his quest for charity, kindness and compassion. He couldn't muster enough to even show any for his dying grandfather and grieving grandmother. How many of us believe someone lecturing on kindness and compassion when they can't even show any to those closest to them.

    Harry is being used as a porn by racist people who hate the monarchy and hate the UK. Well hate is hate and Harry and Megan's behavior is not a good example, it's not teaching us to be better and work for progress and equality like people such as Nelson Mandela have done. Their brand of achieving a better world is fuelling hatred, negativity and setting people back. If there was any truth in this couple's desire to make the world a better place they would have given the Queen notice before quitting, worked with her on a beneficial and positive situation which could have brought much more successful progress to not just them, their relationship with their family but to the UK, Commonwealth and entire world. Harry is a liar.

  3. Guest says

    remove his Dukedom…. he doesn't want or respect what it stands for… Stop any financial support… maybe even require a DNA to prove he really is Charles son…. and if not, disinherit him

  4. Guest says

    Oh! But… But the Charities!
    Notice EVERY dime they make is always "donated to Charity"?
    What do they live on?
    Unless, Meggy made changed him change his surname name to "Charity"

  5. Guest says

    Hey! Jezz. I could not have said that better. That is so "Spot on"

  6. Guest says

    I would not be surprised. Look, I'm going to get a lot of flack for saying this, but Diana was TROUBLE. She was not the Royal Angel that her "public persona" made us all believe.
    I just saw a documentary with her former Voice Coach and I was stunned by her attitude.
    Unbelievable! And she really tried to belittle Charles at every turn. Evidently it worked so well that the entire World automatically jumped to the conclusion that it was CHARLES the made the swipe about "skin tone".
    By the way, Doesn't Beatrice have a 'mixed race' Stepson???

  7. Guest says

    Haha that could be. I'll never understand why he gave up his family for her. I'm sure he will regret that decision some day.

  8. Guest says

    He does not seem to understand that the public generally, and those of us who have grown up loving and respecting the monarchy from King George and Queen Elizabeth (the Queen Mother) to HM THE QUEEN , 70 years selfless devotion to duty, DO NOT WANT TO HEAR HIS OPINIONS ON ANYTHING. He has taken everything from his family and the British people and gone swanning off to USA purportedly to live in privacy, and has not stopped running his family down, together with his one time actress wife, in paid for interviews. NOW A BOOK. he is being paid millions for to sit down with a guy who will write it. All this "Look at Me" in HM THE QUEEN 'S CELEBRATION OF 70 YEARS ON THE THRONE.
    Harry the best thing you could do. Is find that private place you craved, zipp up your mouths. and live your lives as far away as possible from United Kingdom,

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