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Royal Family News: Prince William & Kate Livid Over Eugenie Spying For Prince Harry?

Prince William and Kate Middleton.British royal family news shows that one media outlet has speculated that Meghan Markle has set a weasel loose to spy on Prince William and Kate Middleton. Is there really a rat amid the Cambridge camp? Here is the latest dish about the cold war between the Cambridge’s and the Sussex’s.

Royal Family News – Is Someone Spying On Kate Middleton?

According to New Idea, the whole rigamarole began when Prince Harry and his cousin Princess Eugenie popped up at the Super Bowl in LA, without their spouses. Who knew Eugenie crossed the Atlantic to visit Hollywood Harry, and why were they at the Super Bowl? Apparently the Cambridge’s wanted answers, too. Sources allegedly said that the outing, “especially shocked Kate Middleton.”

Royal Family News – Why Was Eugenie At The Super Bowl?

The source said, “Kate and Eugenie were never especially close when they were younger, but Kate made a point of checking in on her when baby August was born. Kate, who lives across the way from Eugenie in Kensington Palace in August’s first months, was a great help to her as she adjusted to new motherhood. During those bonding moments, Kate poured her heart out about a lot of personal things, including how she felt about Meghan and Harry ditching then dissing the family.”

But now, Kate is, “feeling incredibly stressed about taking Eugenie into her confidences, given she’s made it clear she’s on team Sussex,” according to the source.

Royal Family News – Is Eugenie A Spy?

The source added, Kate Middleton didn’t know there was such a warm friendship between Eugenie and the Sussexes, and she expects everything she’s ever said to Eugenie has gotten right back to Harry and Meghan.” Ruh-roh.

What is truth and what is reality in this scenario? It’s hard to know without one of the parties involved going on the record to set it straight. And that does not seem likely to happen. Let’s face it, when it comes to the royal family they are tabloid fodder. Their every move is scrutinized and dissected, and open to interpretation. The reality is that two cousins enjoyed a day out on a Sunday in sunny LA. Was there anything more behind their movements? Maybe Harry will tell us in his memoir, due this autumn.

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  1. Guest says

    The Apple doesn't fall far from the tree. Epstein came to sisters birthday party- family close friend

  2. Park Avenue says

    There is no need to stir up "conspiracy theories" right about now.
    Who was ther to hear Catherine 'spill out her emotions' to Eugenie?
    Yeah. That is what I thought.
    Stop the nonsense. Bad enough they have The Gruesome Twosome to deal with.

  3. Guest says


  4. Guest says

    Perhaps Eugenie is just trying to help her grandmother and her family heal. In our own families if there is a falling out between relatives/cousins often a neutral family member will try to breach the gap helping to heal and bring family together again. I would think the royals are happy Eugenie is trying helping. Lets face it this event is much better handled than the previous one before Harry and Meghans resignation from being working royals. Those unhappy articles in the news were very stressful for not just the family but the fans of all the people involved. I think its been a success the future kings have both performed their duties for the Queen and the people and country they obviously love. Harry has got to come and visit his grandmother and she has gotten to spend time with her US grandchildren. I would say the Queen and the future kings have done a great job of handling this situation. Of course there is no guarantee if Harry has felt disappointed he hasn't gotten enough attention he won't go home a make another fake interview with Oprah but there is only so much the Queen and her family can do with someone obviously so troubled as Harry.

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