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The Royal Family Will Leave London Before Prince Harry’s Anticipated Arrival

It looks like they really don’t want to see him or even dare cross paths with him at all. There’s a new report that suggests the senior members of the royal family – which include King Charles, Camilla Parker Bowles, Prince William and Kate Middleton – will not be in London during the same time Prince Harry is expected to arrive for the WellChild Awards. Here’s what you need to know.

The Royal Family Will Leave London Before Prince Harry’s Anticipated Arrival

While there was some speculation suggesting King Charles was going to sit down and try to iron out his issues with his wayward son, it doesn’t look like that’s going to happen.

Then again, the Duke of Sussex’s trip to the UK is expected to be a brief one, just like when he visited London for his father’s coronation back in May.

The Royal Family: Will Leave London Before Prince Harry’s Anticipated Arrival

Royal expert Jennie Bond put it this way, The WellChild Awards is an event extremely close to his heart, he has been a patron for 15 years and never misses the ceremony if he can help it.

Last year Harry had to cancel because the Queen died and this year it will bring him to London on the eve of the anniversary of her death. Presumably, he will still be in London on the very morning of the anniversary.”

She continued, “But the King will be marking it privately in Scotland and William will be going to Wales to lead tributes. So the chance of any private talks looks extremely remote, even if any of them actually wanted to meet.”

Royal Family News: The British Royals Are Leaving Town

Prince Harry will be in the UK beginning September 7th. He will then travel to Germany for the 2023 Invictus Awards, where his wife Meghan Markle will join him.

So far Prince Harry has not made any comments about his upcoming trip or whether or not he plans to see or speak to any of his royal family members. Watch this space as we have a feeling there is so much more juicy royal drama to come.

Tell us, what do you think of this story? Drop us a line in our comments section below with your thoughts.

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  1. Joyce says

    The Royals always seem to leave town when Harry comes.

  2. Donna says

    William and Kate are acting like entitled spoiled brats that are jealous of Harry and Megan who always worked harder than them..Charles should also make a greater effort to help the family betogether,as he is also thier father. Kudos to Harry for telling his truths,eventhough other family members don’t like it. The firmhas accepted Andrew ‐what about the Sussex family?

  3. Giovina says

    “They “ mm and hw get all they deserve no one wants to speak to them for fear of “hurt” and lies
    Such a shame for the family royal
    What goes around comes around. Don’t they know that. I so wish they will loose all royal connections and inheritance and titles that would seem petty but very deserving for what they have done. I hope she won’t put her foot on uk soil if a death happens and what shall happen if the children go to the uk with Harry if if she allows it. Wonder what truth they willb told when they are if an understanding age
    It’s such a sad situation. Harry made a big mistake and is so selfish of his favoured royal life
    He should b ashamed of himself trying to help others and continue to persecute his own family

    1. Sherry says

      Absolutely agree with you 100%, he should be very ashamed of the way he treated his grandparents ,

  4. Ananda says

    Well, I guess that let’s him know in no uncertain terms how they feel about him! And why should they want to try to “work anything out” with that loser anyway. He’s going to betray them again anyway. He’s so dull on his own that he has to throw in Princess Diana’s death just so someone will read his drivel. The hashtag #shutupharry” is trending on X which if he weren’t so thick he’d realize that everyone is done with him!

    1. Sherry says

      Great comment! You said it like it is……perfect.

  5. Deborah says

    HARRY won’t try & talk to anyone, unless it’s Eugene or Beatrice. He can’t let his 12 yr old mind apologize for all he’s done to his family or country.

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