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The Bold and the Beautiful POLL: Is Thomas Forrester Dead, Or Disfigured?

The Bold and the Beautiful POLL: Is Thomas Forrester Dead, Or Disfigured?Thomas Forrester (Matthew Atkinson) surely isn’t steady on his feet on ‘The Bold and the Beautiful’. For the second time in recent months, he’s taken a great fall.

Now, instead of being pushed, accidentally, over the cliff in the backyard of his sister’s, Steffy Forrester (Jacqueline MacInnes Wood), home, Thomas fell into a vat of hydrofluoric acid that was recently and telling placed inside Forrester Creations. As to his fate, well that will temporarily remain unknown.

Bold And The Beautiful Spoilers – At Least Adoption Papers Were Signed

Hope Logan (Annika Noelle) got she wanted, right?

Playing up to Thomas in recent weeks, Hope was playing a game in hopes of securing shared custody of Douglas Forrester (Henry Joseph Samiri). She wanted her recently annulled husband to believe that she’d put the past behind them and was ready to work together for Douglas’ sake.

In reality, Hope was playing coy. She’d spoken with an attorney who advised her that she could seek shared custody of Douglas, with Thomas retaining his parental rights. Hope saw this angle as the first step in a process where she would eventually seek to gain full, legal control of the son Thomas had with the late Caroline Spencer (Linsey Godfrey).

Thomas wanted to believe that Hope’s turnabout also meant they could continue what was a romantic relationship in his mind, so he appeared to sign the adoption papers just prior to this latest climax.

His assessment may prove to be more than misguided. It’s possible that his fall will prove deadly, or has caused major physical disfigurement.

Bold And The Beautiful Spoilers – Cliff Fall Was Dress Rehearsal

Suspending disbelief allows B&B viewers to discount the improbability that Thomas would fall approximately one hundred feet onto the hard sand and not only survive, but barely be hurt. The same fantasy concept is being fully applied now, as the above proved to be a dress rehearsal cliffhanger.

Just as Hope’s mother, Brooke Logan Forrester (Katherine Kelly Lang), was involved in Thomas’ fall from the cliff, so too is her daughter involved in Thomas’ plunge into the vat.

The sight of Thomas floating in the acid was another fitting climax as the soap’s resident bad guy got his again. This time Hope inadvertently caused the fall, but didn’t initially realize she’d done so as she was trying to escape a kiss, or what she presumed was more, from Thomas.

Bold And The Beautiful Spoilers – Thomas Forrester’s Fate Considered

Without calling for a scientific review, fans are left to wonder if Thomas’ body will be fully eaten by the chemical he fell into? If so, then this is the end of Atkinson’s character.

However, it’s possible that Thomas will simply be disfigured and need extensive surgery during recovery. Then again, maybe he’ll miraculously suffer no permanent consequences.

Fans of ‘The Bold and the Beautiful’ rightfully express their opinions on a regular basis. So, is Thomas Forrester dead, or will he live and be disfigured? Please vote in our poll below!

This site is a leading source for everything linked to ‘The Bold and the Beautiful’.

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