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The Young And The Restless Spoilers: Mariah’s PTSD And Postpartum Issues Lead To Her Kidnapping Dominic

The Young And The Restless: Mariah Copeland (Camryn Grimes)The Young and the Restless (Y&R) spoilers tease that Abby Newman (Melissa Ordway) owes Mariah Copeland (Camryn Grimes) big time. Not only did she carry her baby as a surrogate, she was kidnapped by Abby’s psycho ex and endured an incredible ordeal before giving birth in a dingy 70’s inspired closet room.

What will Abby do to repay Mariah’s kindness? So far it doesn’t look like Abby has a clue about Mariah’s PTSD state of mind. She is in possession of the child she always wanted and Mariah is on the outside looking in. Oh wait, ditzy Naked Heiress Abby named the baby Dominic after Mariah ….

The Young And The Restless Spoilers – Mariah Copeland Is The Odd Mom Out

It looks like Mariah will need to take matters into her own hands if she is going to have a place in baby Dominic’s life. All was going swimmingly when Mariah was a free woman, eager to help out Abby achieve another dream in her privileged life. Never mind that both Mariah and sperm donor Devon Hamilton (Bryton James) are childless themselves, Abby determined them to be great surrogates and now both of them are looking at Abby getting all the compliments over her new present and feeling left out.

Y&R Spoilers – Mariah Copelnd Is Left Out In The Cold

Mariah has Tessa Porter (Cait Fairbanks) but let’s be honest, no one person can be another person’s end all and be all. Tessa will try to support Mariah but she can’t take the place of a baby nor soothe away Mariah’s maternal angst.

Plus, Tessa could be called upon to hit the road at any minute, and as she has in the past, Mariah would urge her to go do her thing.

The Young And The Restless Spoilers – What Happens Next In Genoa City, Wisconsin?

The writing is on the wall for Mariah to take drastic measures in her current situation. She has made no bones about living in fear of Ben “Stitch” Rayburn (Sean Carrigan) doing harm to her and the baby again. It’s clear that she has PTSD and this could be combined with postpartum issues. If so, Mariah kidnapping Dominic and going on the run to keep them safe would make all the sense in the world. Will Abby see the light before tragedy strikes her charmed life again or is Mariah about to pull a runner?

Be sure to catch up on everything happening with Y&R right now. Come back here often for The Young and the Restless spoilers, news, and updates.

  1. Guest says

    Please not another kidnapping so soon! I don't think I can take another round of Abby sniveling. What happened to writing some feel good stories, with everything that's going on in the world it would be nice to have some happiness on the show. And I mean happy stories, not silly stuff with Kevin and Chloe.

  2. Guest says

    it would be nice to have a period of laughs

  3. Guest says

    Please no more kidnapping, and hasn't Mariah learnt anything at all, while
    she was kidnapped by Stitch, if she runs with Abby's baby boy Dominic it will
    be reported into the cops and they'll be out looking for her like she is a criminal.
    Abby won't trust her ever again.

  4. Guest says

    How stupid do these wry think we are?? Mariah is in a lot of pain from this kidnapping. Her mom and everyone around her should be making her see a doctor to help. But no one is suggesting this. Just like when she went missing all of warnings were there something is wrong, yet no one did anything.. Ray the great detective what a useless person. This was so out of character and no one did anything. Now we have a kidnapping. Give me a break! Another stupid storyline.

  5. Willie Mae McGee says

    Let's give Mariah a break and have Stitch kidnap the baby and Mariah. I would not be happy to see Mariah becoming another person Young and Restless with mental issues. Don't we have enough mental people on this show? We have Chloe and Chelsea who tried to kill Rey and they are out walking around making demands on what they want. We also have Billy Boy Abbott having his little fling with Summer that no one has exposed to the right people yet, Phyllis and Lily are the only two that knows. We have Rey with all his trust issues that he blame Adam for everything that goes wrong in his life because he thinks Adam is going to take his wife. Let just put Rey and Chelsea together, that should be exciting. LOL Chloe and Kevin have mental issues and they can still stay with her children. Jail Birds (Chelsea and Chloe) out on freedom. Adam finally getting his life on track and the Y&R writers don't know how to write his storyline to show his change. Abby about to lose it, Y&R Writers gave her a baby and she don't know what to do with it, still pinning over not having Chance at home. Will he ever return, we need to get over him and move on. The whole Y&R has become a REAL MESS. HELP IS NEEDED IN THE WRITING DEPARTMENT.

  6. Willie Mae McGee says

    Dinah, the don't arrest criminals on Young and Restless. They have the best lines.

  7. Willie Mae McGee says

    Thank you Dg, I am so over Young and Restless and these stupid storylines.

  8. Guest says


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