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The Young And The Restless Spoilers: Someone Rigs Sally’s Paternity Test, Who Did It?

The Young And The Restless spoilers indicate that someone will find out about Sally Spectra’s (Courtney Hope) paternity test and rig the results. Who did it and why?

The Young And The Restless Spoilers – Sally Spectra Has Kept Quiet

The Young and The Restless spoilers reveal that Sally has kept quiet about her pregnancy. Sally certainly said nothing about the paternity test to anyone but Nick Newman (Joshua Morrow) and Chloe Mitchell (Elizabeth Hendrickson). Adam Newman (Mark Grossman) doesn’t even know that Sally is pregnant with a child that could be his.

Of course, Nick suspected right away that Sally was pregnant after her being sick several times. Nick and Sally have been dating for a while, however, when Sally began choosing not to drink with him, he began to wonder. When Nick asked, Sally told him the truth and he has been trying to help her get through since then.

The Young And The Restless: Sally Spectra (Courtney Hope)

Y&R spoilers – A Leak Reveals Sally Spectra’s Test Was Rigged

According to Soap Dirt, a reliable leak reveals that Sally’s test will be tampered with by someone. However, unless Victor Newman (Eric Braeden) has a plant at the DNA lab that Sally called, then limited people could tamper with the test results. Why would Chloe or Nick tamper with Sally’s test when all she wants is the truth?

Sally isn’t likely to mess with the results herself. Sally wanted to tell Adam about the pregnancy and test both of them. Nick knows that he is the most likely father and wants to wait until the results come back.

Nick isn’t likely to mess with the results either since he agreed to see what the results were and then tell Adam if he is the father. This leaves Chloe who wants Adam out of Sally’s life for good.

The Young And The Restless Spoilers – Why Would Chloe Mitchell Rig The Test?

Chloe doesn’t want Adam to be near another child at all. Adam hit Chloe’s daughter Delia Abbott (Sophie Pollono) and killed her. Chloe has tried to kill Adam twice because of this. Will Chloe rig the test before she knows the results? Will Sally end up brokenhearted down the road because Chloe tampered with the test results?

Chloe may believe that she is doing what is best for Sally. However, both Sally and Nick want the truth. Tampering with the test results can only lead to Sally and that baby being hurt. How could Chloe do this to a woman she claims to care about? Does Chloe not know that the truth always comes out in the end and someone is going to get hurt?

Be sure to catch up on everything happening with Y&R right now. Come back here often for The Young And The Restless spoilers, news, and updates.

  1. Pamela says

    You have to have both father’s tested before tampering with it right? Does Chloe even know that Adam isn’t taking the test with Nick because he doesn’t know about the pregnancy yet.

  2. Nieecy says

    Not another test switch what a stupid story. Why can we not have a true result for a change. What a concept honesty.

    1. Csn says

      I honestly will turn it off. I’m done with the whole the daddy story. Over done and overdone. There is nothing interesting on this show anymore. Jack has gone crazy. Nick is with a women his daughters age and just by the way sally like chased nicks daughter out of the country. I had such high hopes for the shows 50th anniversary year. Instead, after 40 plus years I’m seriously considering moving on. So disappointing.

    2. Guest says

      I agree like how many times has the y&r rigged or swapped tests, something like a zillion I’m sick of that storyline. Get with the program writers give us something new or maybe we will just switch the channels.

  3. Elise says

    Victoria could have tampered with paternity results. She would not want Nick to be the father.
    Very odd that results show zero percent chance baby is Nick’s.

  4. Cecep says

    Victoria knew..Nick told her..she did it or told daddy dearest and yet again. Messed dns results! It’s Nick’s 100%

  5. Mar says

    Victoria!! Nick told her and she hates Sally! Or she told her father.

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