Yellowstone: Season 4 Episode 6 Preview, ‘I Want to Be Him’
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What We Might Expect From Yellowstone, Season 4 Episode 6, ‘I Want to Be Him’
Are you ready for season 4 episode 6 of Yellowstone? If you’re not yet sure, perhaps we can help spark your interest. Keep reading and we’ll discuss the possibilities.
Firstly, what could the title mean? “I want to be him” speaks of envy. Perhaps Jamie Dutton wants to be John Dutton. Most of what he has ever done has been to gain approval from him. Or maybe this is about Garrett Randall wanting to be John Dutton. Either way, it has become clear this season that both Garrett and Jamie have a coveting problem when it comes to the Dutton Ranch and. Clearly, their actions are motivated by it.
‘You Build Something Worth Having, Someone’s Gonna Try and Take It’
Overall, however, the plight of Yellowstone, and the cowboys that operate it, has centered around the jealousy, greed, and covetousness of those who would wish to take it from them. John Dutton once described his position as the owner of the Yellowstone-Dutton Ranch, saying, “Leverage is knowing that if someone had all the money in the world, this [the Dutton land] is what they’d buy.”
He also once described his plight in holding onto the land he inherited from his forefathers, saying, “It’s the one constant in life. You build something worth having, someone’s gonna try to take it.” And try they do, perpetually.
Episode 6 Could Start Drama To Last Into Season 5
We’re now at the halfway mark for the season so, what happens in episode 6, and with whom, could very well be a conflict that will carry Yellowstone right into season 5. And though a new season for the beloved modern western has not yet been announced and we’re not even certain there will be, judging from the show’s popularity, the odds are pretty solid that we’re going to see more of the Duttons and their sprawling Montana ranch.
Yellowstone Season 4 Spoilers: Jamie Bonded With Garrett Randall – Is He The Bad Guy?
— SOS/CTS/HH (@SoapOperaSpy) November 24, 2021
With the show’s ratings soaring, and two spinoffs already on the assembly line, it’s pretty obvious that fans can get ready for plenty more conflict, chaos, and carnage involving the Dutton family and their sprawling Yellowstone-Dutton Ranch.
One thing is certain to us, Yellowstone is never short of suspense and excitement so be sure and gather your friends and tune in to the Paramount Network on Sunday, December 5 at 7 PM Central for some more Yellowstone drama. Come back here often for more spoilers, news, and updates
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