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The Bold And The Beautiful Spoilers: Thorsten Kaye Says Brooke Is Good In Bed – But Ridge Needs A Soulmate!

The Bold And The Beautiful Spoilers: Thorsten Kaye Says Brooke Is Good In Bed - But Ridge Needs A Soulmate!The Bold and the Beautiful spoilers reveal that the “Brill” kiss isn’t the only thing that ripped “Bridge” apart. Thorsten Kaye chatted about why Ridge Forrester isn’t eager to go back to Brooke Logan Forrester (Katherine Kelly Lang). The actor implied that Ridge needs something more than just passion, which is why he is drawn to Shauna Fulton (Denise Richards).

The Bold and the Beautiful Spoilers – Passion is Everything.. When You’re Young

B&B spoilers reveal that Ridge and Brooke have been called “destiny.” Whenever they split up, fans have gotten used to seeing them eventually get back together. It’s been that way for years, and it’s hard to imagine anything different. However, it might really be over for “Bridge,” but it’s not because of Bill Spencer’s (Don Diamont) kiss.

Kaye spoke to Soap Opera Digest about what is going through Ridge’s mind and heart. He explained that when Ridge and Brooke met, they were in their 20s, and at that age, relationships are all about passion and sex.

B&B Spoilers – Ridge Forrester Needs More Depth

Kaye told the magazine that as Ridge has gotten older, he has hoped for something more in his marriage. Is there anything about Brooke that indicates they are better together than apart? Does she have that special ingredient that holds their marriage together? What if bedroom passion was completely taken out of the equation? Would there be anything left in the relationship?

The actor suggested that Ridge needs more depth in his relationship. This might be the real reason for the split and the “Brill” kiss was Ridge’s excuse to get out.

The Bod and the Beautiful Spoilers – Brooke Logan Forrester Only Good For Sex?

The Bold and the Beautiful spoilers reveal that Ridge is older and needs substance and depth. He realizes that he will never have that with Brooke. To paraphrase, Kaye basically implied that Brooke is good for sex, but offers nothing else.

“… when he and Brooke met, it’s all about the passion and the sex, and as you get older, you get to a certain point when it comes to, ‘What is it that you can give another person to make their life better? How are the two of you better together than you are alone?’ I think maybe Ridge has finally seen that his life with Brooke couldn’t be that…”

B&B Spoilers – Satisfaction Outside The Bedroom

While it is not known if Ridge’s future is with Shauna or if it’s just a brief fling, Thorsten suggested that Shauna offers Ridge something that Brooke can’t. Even before Ridge went to Las Vegas, he was drawn to Shauna and at that point, they hadn’t been intimate. So, there is something about Shauna that pulls RIdge in like a magnet.

If that special something is missing in the “Bridge” relationship, could that suggest that the Vegas vixen is the whole package? We will have to wait and see, but just imagine if Brooke found out that she wasn’t as satisfying as Shauna… and we are not talking about in the bedroom.

“Bridge” might be considered “destiny,” but perhaps he thinks he might have found a different kind of love. Does the dashing designer have a “soul connection” with Shauna?

Be sure to catch up on everything happening with B&B right now. Come back here often for The Bold and the Beautiful spoilers, news, and updates.

  1. Guest says

    No, because Shauna tells him what he wants to hear, where as Brooke tells him the truth. It apparent Ridge can’t handle the truth, not when it’s coming from Brooke. He has tune her out all because he wants to be with Shauna Fulton. Why can’t he be honest with her as she has been with him? Why does he always has to make Brooke feel like she has to beg for his affection, attention, and forgiveness when that should come with out saying in a marriage. Has Ridge ever looked at his marriage honestly and found that he may be lacking in the department of love, that he is not all that himself. Why talk about Brooke, she may have found in Bill Spencer what she could not find in him and thats love without strings attached to it. Maybe he makes her feel as though she is the only woman in the world for him and she makes him feel the same. You say Ridge is at that age where passion isn’t everything, honey you must be dead down yonder because in my book passion is everything. Give it up Ridge you just want to Ho around with Shauna Fulton and you know when you woke in bed with her that she got her crutches in you right then and there that you had lost your marriage to Brooke because of your betrayal not Brooke’s you were the one who went outside the marriage looking for whatever it is you though that you did not have in Brooke. She is all the those things and more but you want what you think you found in Shauna and it didn’t start with Shauna, it started with Quinn, yes Quinn.

  2. Guest says

    Continue: So while you’re looking at Brooke’s flaws what about your flaws Ridges? I don’t want to go back to the past because in marriage no one should be keeping score. But anyway you failed Brooke and you betrayed her not one time but three times, with Quinn your father’s wife, you went behind Brooke’s back and forgave Flo and helped her get out of jail for what she did to Hope. All those months of heart break seeing her crying for her baby and her baby was not dead and you took it upon yourself and for gave and helped her to get out of jail, all without talking to Brooke! This was/is Brooke’s daughter and grandchild and you just for gave Flo like that, all because her mother was begging you too and you wanted to save Thomas. Who is more important here Brooke, Thomas, Flo and Shauna. You had already made up your mind, to hell with Brooke and Hope all you know you’re Ridge Forrester it’s was either your way or the highway and no matter what Hope and Brooke had gone through all you know is that Thomas must not spend another night in jail so you did what you though you had to do and that was to forgive Flo and get her and Thomas out. So you single handed destroyed your marriage right then and there. Man you really need to take a hard look at Ridge and stop talking about what he needs what about Brooke need? You made a promise to her, to love her, to cherish her and forsake all others. You should have been talking to her instead of turning your back on her.

  3. Guest says

    Ridge were kissing on Quinn, so I guess Quinn the physco had something more in depth to offer him at that time.

  4. Sharon Geosits says

    It’s OK for Ridge to sleep with the slut Shawna, but it’s not OK for Brooke to innocently kiss Bill. Ridge’s motto… “Do as I say, not as I do”. Send Ridge back to England!

  5. Kenya Sanders says

    i cant stand his arrogant ass stuckup bastard he did better playing patrick on oltl he stuck on himself fuck him another ridge recast please this one is easy a punk

  6. Kenya Sanders says

    exactly see someone wrote katie gets shauna and quinn back someone sent in katies phone shauna seducing bill thats what i read coming upnot no shauna being pregnant and i still say how they never wet to a hotel a bed they were drunk and why is it he has t drunk to get ready to commit adultry with shauna i think he really doesnt want to because wen he is wth shauna he sees logans face ridge is confused and dumb but yea so the other video katie gets is quinn seducing ridge ridge gets it i his phone is disgusted by shauna and dumps her yes its coming someone wrote it on youtube she also stated bill turns out to be kellys daddy but see this somebody who sa this on a spolier maybe they came up with it their self but i been reading shauna isnt who ridge thinks she is i also read quinn begs her to seduce bil for what these writers make me sick

  7. Kenya Sanders says

    this shit is a big joke ridge and brooke hardly have sex they work alot stay foocused on others kids ok the thing is shauna agrees to everything ridge wants to hear brooke gives him the truth i must say it hurts me that yall are doing this to brooke and ridge shauna pregnant how they didnt have sex all we saw was two folks hugging and kissing iving it up in vegas you stupid ass writers put that shit in th storyline i hope she loses it she to fucking old she is 56 that kid will be speacial needs ridge is old over th hill to why yall keep trying to make her look young the hoe is old as dirt well im done with bold will no longer watch if shauna and ridge get toghter like ridge dont treat bridget nor thoms right why would you idiots put this in the storyline.

  8. Guest says

    Denise Richards is a boring actor. Shauna is an ill fitting character and not by any means Forrester material.

  9. ApplePie2020 says


  10. Guest says

    Time Ridge got rid of Brooke, he should be with Shauna

  11. Guest says

    Ridge is a mis-cast. He is wrinkled deeply….a messy look all the time. He needs to play a gangster not RIDGE. The whole show has become a screwed up Rolodex of sexual partners. Shauna is nauseating with that mushy soft crappy voice. Its time for her to go. Brooke needs a MAN without baggage….to adore her ..respect her..and treat her with love and care that she really deserves. LET THAT SELFISH JERK GO. No body is ever seen working there. The Sally storyline is complete bullshit…as with FLO AND WYATT. Another simply actor. Why do all these men have to fill their beds so quickly after a breakup. The morals of all these people is in the toilet. I see the clips on FB…it makes me want to respond. The next storyline with Zoe will be more bullshit. The writers are a bunch of idiots who have NO talent…all they do is keep revolving the same garbage over and over. In their office…you see NO fabrics…clothes hanging up…designs …telephones ringing….like a normal fashion house should. Katie’s story is finished….Zoe should be too. Eric should be seen more…and directing his people as the head designer. THORSTEN should never have been chosen as RIDGE. The whole show shows more infidelity…sex…lies…conniving. Ugh. I had enough after 30yrs. These writers must be loaded up with Kool Aid and brainless writing. Its time ….I HAVE TURNED B&B OFF.!!!!!

  12. Kenya Sanders says

    yes sally was wrong but she did it ecause flo ass kept at her flo aint no saint a damn kidnapper and felon stole hopes child when she knew it was hopes her mmmy sw dollar signs and told her never tell hope shauna and flo aint shit but crooks oppertunists liars and they have messed bold up im done watching after Sally like get rid of flo and shauna and that bitch quinn

  13. Antoinette Hill says

    Yes I’m glad they finally admitted that Brooke is only good for sex. Yes Ridge needs someone else Shauna or hell Taylor. I would rather see him with Taylor anyway because bold and beautiful did Taylor character soooooooo wrongly

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