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Coronation Street Spoilers: Gary Windass Plot Twist Will Shock Fans

Coronation Street: Gary Windass (Mikey North)Coronation Street spoilers tease that bad guy Gary Windass (Mikey North) may be leaving the soap in the near future but could he only have himself to blame?

Coronation Street Spoilers – Will villain Gary Windass Be Behind His Own Downfall?

Fans have been rooting for Gary to get his comeuppance. Recently his love rival Adam Barlow (Sam Robertson), as well as Imran Habeeb (Charlie De Melo), have gotten suspicious to the point that they began investigating him.

In turn, Gary has tried whatever he can to keep his secrets but little by little he is losing the battle. His fiendish plot has gone on over a year and it seems clear that he will have to face the music sooner rather than later.

Coronation Street Soap Spoilers – Is Gary Windass Soon To Leave The Cobbles?

Gary fiddled with the Underworld Factory roof which lead to the death of Rana Habeeb (Bhavna Limbachia) and led to a downward spiral for Carla Connor (Alison King) who blamed herself for the disaster.

Then, as things went south for Gary he took money from loan shark Rick Neelan (Greg Wood). Falling in deeper in debt, he solved his problem by killing Rick!

In time Derek Milligan (Craige Els) and Robert Preston (Tristan Gemmill) also met their makers.

ITV Coronation Street spoilers – Will Gary Do The Right Thing For Once?

Gary’s troubles are rising and he thinks that Kelly Neelan (Millie Gibson) and Laura Neelan (Kel Allen) could connect him to Rick’s murder.

With the likelihood that Rick’s body will be discovered, will Gary do something rash and take action that causes his downfall?

Coronation Street Spoilers – Hints Have Been Dropped That Gary  Windass Will Get What’s Coming To Him

According to Executive Producer Iain MacLeod, Gary is not all bad! He recently said, “Gary, obviously he’s done some dastardly things in his time, but I think at the bottom of it all, he still has a good heart.”

“So when this kind of troubled teenage girl turns up when he realizes it’s Rick’s daughter, and also that her mother is somewhat feckless and absent, he feels a bit like, ‘You know, I’ve caused this I’ve, I’ve essentially ruined this kid’s life.”

What will Gary do to appease his conscience? You may not believe it!

MacLeod further remarks, “And, you know, his selfless gene kicks back in again and he tries to help her out in whatever way he can.”

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